All Chapters of the mysterious Morris family: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 chapters
031. i still love my life
Immediately after the wedding, Shawn received a notification on her phone."I'm wishing you a happy married life, dear aunt. I hope to hear good news soon. Thank you for bringing honor to the Morris family."Roger and Grandpa Morris were having a brief talk. Due to the Morris family tradition, Shawn was not supposed to follow Roger on the same day as the wedding. She was supposed to perform certain rituals as per their customs and traditions.But Roger refused instantly. He had seen enough, and due to the nature of his business, there were many operations that required his approval before being carried out.The ritual was not a long process, but Graham wanted to use that opportunity to spend time with his only daughter, who was now married against her will. This wasn't the life he had wanted for her. Not being able to stop the wedding, which had already taken place, made his heart bitter.Once again, he had failed his wife. Up to now, he did not know the whereabouts of his first son
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036. the accident
The driver obeyed Shawn's command immediately; he slowed down the car. Shawn pretended to lean toward Roger. She opened the door and pushed Roger out of the car. Then she told the driver to jump out of the car that's now driving slowly."Jump out of the car now! It looks like someone planted a bomb in this car," she said. "As I said earlier, if you don't believe me, then you're free to stay inside." Shawn jumped out of the car. The driver refused to jump out and decided to stop the car. As soon as he stopped, the car exploded.Roger fell into the grass along the side of the road. His injuries weren't that severe. Immediately after the car exploded, Roger looked at himself and then at the car. If not for Shawn, he would have died now.Roger walked toward Shawn, who had bruises all over her body."Are you okay?" Shawn asked Roger. She was already married to him, and she couldn't change that even if she wanted to." em" That was all,Roger replied nodding his head, as he made a call. He w
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033. this is my boyfriend house
When Brian and Chloe walked on the road, their closeness is often mistaken for that of lovers or couples.Since Brian dated Mabel, he took all her family members in as his own. Ever since then, a strong bond has been built between her family and him that's very hard to break. Despite him and Mabel no longer being together, he can't break the bond that he and her family members share, especially with Chloe.After sending her some money that would be more than enough for her transport and to help with some of her bills, Brian felt relaxed knowing that someone would be looking after Mabel for him.After texting her his home address and everything, Claire suggested, "Are you not going to change your things or maybe take a little nap since you are tired?""Have you eaten?" Brian asked."Not yet," Claire replied as she operated her smartphone."Why haven't you eaten since morning?" Brian asked."You are talking as if you don't know what happened yesterday and today. Have you seen the news?
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034. Ruby angers
At the Michaels residence, Ruby could no longer contain her anger. The moment she entered her room, she began unleashing it on everything in sight.*How did I spill that stuff out of anger? What if Brian starts suspecting me? I need to do something fast before he catches on,* Ruby thought.*Mabel, Mabel... after the breakup, why are your family members still close to Brian? Haven't you suffered enough because of him? Until I kill one of you, you won’t leave Brian for me,* Ruby seethed inwardly.Ruby glanced at the pictures of Brian that she had secretly taken. *I won’t stop until I make sure you are mine and mine alone. If I have to kill, I will,* she vowed.*I thought I had finally won you over, Brian. It turns out I was just delusional. I hate you, Mabel. I hate you!* Ruby shouted, tears streaming down her face.Just then, her phone rang. Ruby locked her door before answering.“Hello, boss. It’s month-end payment, and that woman is so stubborn. We don’t know what to do with her,” a
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035. the fight
---Ruby walked into the dining room. "Brian, you know I’ve been thinking about something. How about I start staying with you guys? My parents are out of town, and—"Claire cut Ruby short as she entered. "Stella has gone back to the tournament. We know that, Ruby. You have every right to stay; after all, Brian is your boyfriend. We can't change that, can we?" Chloe added."You’re a hundred percent right, sis," Claire replied. "That’s what I told her in the kitchen," Chloe said as she served Claire her portion of food."I'm off to school, Brian. See you later," Ruby informed him as she left Brian's residence quietly.At breakfast, Chloe followed Brian to the hospital to visit her sister, Mabel. "Brian, will my sister ever wake up?" Chloe cried upon seeing Mabel's condition. Mabel was the only person her family relied on, and if she was in this state, what would happen to them? "Why is all this happening to our family?" Chloe sobbed. First, they didn’t know where their mother was. Th
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036. an attempt to kill
After leaving the school premises, Ruby drove straight to the hospital where Mabel was admitted, determined to end her life. She was confident that no one was watching over Mabel, and this was her chance to eliminate her rival. Once Mabel was gone, she planned to send Chloe far away from Brian. Nothing would stand in her way—not even her own family.Ruby walked directly to Mabel’s ward. As she entered, her suspicions were confirmed; Mabel was indeed alone. This was the perfect time for Ruby to act.Noticing that Mabel was not on oxygen and appeared to be in a deep sleep, Ruby decided to use the pillow beside Mabel to strangle her. But as soon as she touched the pillow, Mabel’s hand moved, causing Ruby to drop it.Ruby glanced at Mabel, who still showed no signs of waking up. Just as she contemplated grabbing the pillow again, the nurse in charge of Mabel entered the ward.Ruby, who despised nurses, knew that the nurse wouldn’t suspect her. She chose to remain silent and left the ward
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037 Mabel is pregnant
Krayon looked at his mother, his smile growing wider as he could no longer contain his joy."Are you pregnant, Mabel? You don't know how happy you've made me just now! I can't believe we're having a baby together!" Krayon exclaimed, raising Chloe off the ground in a bridal style.Brian, witnessing Krayon's happiness, found it impossible to continue lying to him. "That's Chloe, not Mabel," he said, and as soon as the words left his mouth, Krayon dropped his arms, causing Chloe to fall. He looked at Brian, who was now laughing at him."Careful with me before I break your leg, young man!" Chloe said as she stood up, but Krayon ignored her."Then if she's not Mabel, where is Mabel?" he asked, the loneliness he had felt since yesterday creeping back."That's what I've been asking Brian since I got here, and no one seems to know her whereabouts," Chloe lied."You’re looking for Mabel, right? Follow me," Brian said, leading them to the ward where Mabel was admitted."Look at her. Are you ha
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