All Chapters of A Man Already At The Top: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 chapters
Chapter 91
The second bulky man refused to believe his comrade was out cold and called out to him like he usually did. “Hey, man, what are you still doing on the floor? Get up, we need to leave.” Ten seconds went by without him getting a response. That was when he realized Leon had really knocked his comrade out. He tossed aside the two children he was holding and cracked his fingers in rage.The third man grabbed the children roughly and probed the bulky man anxiously, “I don’t know what’s going on here, but hurry up and take care of them, the clients are waiting for us already!”“Like you need to tell me.” The bulky man scoffed and continued advancing towards Leon. After seeing Leon take care of the first man, Anthony no longer worried about him. So he got into the car again and watched from inside. Leon suddenly frowned as the bulky man got closer and took a step backward. “Don’t come any closer, that face of your is hideous.” The bulky man snorted and continued advancing towards him. T
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Chapter 92
Thanks to the tempered glass, Robert Weathers could see the people inside the restaurant. His eyes flickered across the place for a moment before he turned to the van again and dragged out a severely bartered woman. Her eyes and cheeks were swollen and her lips were bled from all sides. The state of her face almost made it impossible for Anthony and Leon to recognize her. After a few seconds, Leon recognized her to be the mother of the boy they had rescued from Robert and taken back to the rescue home. .His eyes dimmed slightly and he pointed it out to Anthony, “Father-in-law, it’s the woman from the rescue home.” When Anthony recognized her, he panicked and shot out of his seat. He was about to stroll towards the door of the restaurant when he saw a dozen thugs holding axes and daggers climb out of the van to stand behind Robert. Robert pulled the woman by the hair and barked something into her face. Unfortunately, they were outside and far from Leon and Anthony. Hence, they
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Chapter 93
Anthony was speechless and had no idea what to do. This was the first time he was facing something like this. He had been doing this work for the past 25 years and none of the men he rescued children from ever found him. He reasoned since they hadn’t found him for the past 25 years, they would never be able to. So now that it finally happened, he had no plan in mind. He clenched his jaw tightly and glared hard at the restaurant owner, “You can’t do that! Don’t you see the weapons they’re wielding? If you send us out there, there’s no telling what will happen to us!” “To say the least, you and everyone in this restaurant will become an accessory to murder. That’ll be bad for your business, so you should hurry up and call the police!” The restaurant glared back at him and retorted, “You offended Keegan Gyst, he may not be the most dangerous person in Wentworth, but he’s someone you do not want to cross and neither do I.” “Furthermore, he has people in the police. If he finds out I
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Chapter 94
Robert Weathers scoffed seeing Leon maintain his confident stance. He looked away and slipped out his phone from his pocket, opened the camera app and started video recording. “I’ll record you being beaten up so I can watch it when you’re long dead to remind myself someone as stupid as you lived before.” Leon ignores him and slipped his hands into his pockets, sizing up the dozen thugs running towards him with his eyes. They all had their daggers and axes raised high up in the air. Their movements were erratic and uncoordinated. No doubt, these were just average people who were recruited by Keegan Gyst and given weapons. The first thug to get close to Leon charged at with a wild overhead swing of his axe. Leon stepped to the side at that very moment, just in time to save his arm from being hacked off.As the thug stumbled past him, Leon grabbed the his wrist, twisted it, and disarmed him in a single fluid motion. “Arghh!” Before the others could react to their colleague’s pain
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Chapter 95
Leon still didn’t respond. The silence was killing Robert. Every second that went by, the more the back of his shirt got soaked sweat. He peeled his eyes open and swallowed dryly when he saw the blank, unimpressed look on Leon’s face. He couldn’t take it any longer and cried out, “I’ll do anything you want me to. Anything. Just name it!” Leon’s expression finally cracked into a small smile. “Go meet my father-in-law. He’s the one who cares about stuffs like this.” Robert nodded without hesitation before the thugs dragged him to Anthony. Anthony would’ve jumped in fright seeing the thugs and Robert walking towards him had Leon not been with them. As soon as he got to him, Robert pointed at the woman, who was still sprawled on the ground sobbing quietly. “I will return this woman’s child to her and also lead you to Keegan’s next big transaction. I will also tell you whenever he’s about to take another kid. I’ll help you put him out of business.” Anthony stared at him with a susp
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Chapter 96
Robert Weathers sneered and turned on the light switch. The basement illuminated instantly, revealing the dozens of thugs wielding daggers and axes in the room. Leon’s eyes landed on the bulky man sitting in their midst. He had a gruesome knife scar which slanted from his left eyes down to the right side of his lips. Had he whoever gave him the scar slanted his hand a little further and they would’ve damaged his eyes and cut off a side of his lips. “I’ve worked for Mr. Gyst for over 10 years now and I’ve encountered worse scenarios that threatened to end my life, but I never gave up.” “Did you really think a retard like you was capable of making me turn against the man I revere with everything in me?”Leon listened to him with an indifferent look on his face as his eyes roamed the basement. Keegan Gyst stared at Leon intently before he scoffed in disbelief. “So this is the man who beat those bulky men I sent out with you earlier? I expected someone taller and muscular.” “But g
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Chapter 97
Keegan Gyst’s brows perked up slightly when he saw Calvin Heinz. But he only stared at him for a second before he threw his face to the side again.Calvin was bulkier and more muscular than Leon, but there were several of Keegan’s men with the exact same built. “It would take more than one backup to save you from dying today.” Leon stood behind Calvin and slipped a hand out of his pocket to look at the time on his wrist. Then he probed Calvin stoically, “Hurry up, I don’t have all day.” Calvin nodded and began advancing towards the thugs. Robert Weathers saw this and cackled loudly. “Don’t let those muscles in your arms fool you into thinking you can get out of this room alive.” “Instead of running towards the cause of your death, shouldnt you be running out of here? Seems you’re all muscles but no brains.” Calvin’s eyes shifted to him. The coldness in them made Robert flinch in fear and subconsciously huddle closer to Keegan. Calvin snatched the axe from the first thug he got
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Change 98
“Mr. Bartlett, this is not somewhere I can be. Keegan Gyst isn’t someone that I can just cross into his territory.” “He may not be around now, but when he returns and finds out I crossed into his territory, he won’t take it lightly with…” Rex Mercer was saying, fear laced into his voice as he walked into the basement with his boys, but instantly fell silent when he saw the sight in front of him. He didn’t know which was more shocking; the sight of Keegan’s men heaped onto each other as they groaned in pain or the sight of Keegan himself lying helplessly under Leon’s foot. The shock in his eyes disappeared after a few seconds and he rushed towards Leon unable to hide his excitement. He stood above Keegan, his eyes wide open in disbelief. “Y-you defeated him! You defeated him!” “Do you know anyone called Carolyn Jensen?” Leon blankly asked without turning to look at him. Rex Mercer’s happiness dwindled a little and his brows knitted into a small frown. He was silent for a moment b
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Chapter 99
Aria hurriedly closed her eyes to shield the water from getting in. Then, she wiped it off with her palm and slowly opened her eyes to gaze blankly at Ryan.The corners of his lips hooked up into a mocking smile as he dropped his hand and snorted, “What is that scary look for? Is this your way of thanking those who do good deed for you?” Some staffs who were lurking behind him chipped in with a huff, “She can’t even thank you for giving her water.” “How ungrateful. If I were Ryan, I wouldn’t give her anything ever again.” “Look how hard she’s glaring at him after what he went through to bring her that water.” When she kept looking at him without saying a word, he scoffed in contempt, “You still won’t thank you? I just saved you from dying from thirst and you repay me by glaring hard at me?” “Honestly, if I knew you’d be like this, I would’ve saved myself the time and energy of bringing you this water.” “No one even remembered you were standing outside except me. Yet, this is how
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Chapter 100
“Yeah, it’s Aria.” Ryan’s eyes darkened as he said dispiritedly. “Aria, hurry up here. These gentlemen have better things to do than to stay here.” Joseph urged her, forcing on a wide smile. Aria gripped the hand of her bag tighter and swallowed hard when her eyes met the furious look in Stella’s eyes.Nevertheless, she lowered her eyes to the floor and strutted towards the men.“Miss Aria William?” The second man repeated, raising his brows questioningly as she got close to him. She nodded, “Yes, I am.” As soon as the words rolled off her tongue, the one with the invite reached into the pocket of his suit jacket for it. He handed it over to her with a gentle look on his face. “Ms. William, you’ve been invited to Carolyn Jensen’s fundraiser which is being held tonight.” “The venue and time is written in the visitation. Ms. Jensen looks forward to seeing you tonight. Have a nice day.” Then they left immediately. As soon as they walked out of the door, Joseph snatched the invitat
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