All Chapters of A Man Already At The Top: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
99 chapters
Chapter 31
Ryan glared the person in annoyance. “Hey, are you mad?” The person shook his head and shakily lowered his eyes to the floor apologetically. “I-I’m sorry. It’s just I saw the tag on the suit of Mr. Humphrey and decided to search up the brand online only to find out this exact suit he’s putting on was made five years ago and there’s only three of it in the world.” Ryan’s eyes trembled in shock and he sputtered out shock, “Wh-what? Only three of it was made? Doesn’t that mean it’d be crazy expensive?” The family member nodded grimly as he showed everyone the screen of his phone. The people closest to him gasped and covered their mouths with their palms in disbelief. “Te-ten million dollars? That’s crazy expensive!” “Hold on, it says here that the suit, the white worn inside and the suit pant are sold separately and are sold for the same amount.” “Doesn’t that mean Mr. Humphrey’s clothing is worth not ten but thirty million?” “If we add the amount of the expensive wristwatch on
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Chapter 32
The spoon fell to the floor making a loud sound. As a result, everyone turned their attention towards her. Including Theo. When he saw Aria, he paused. Who was this beautiful lady? She was a hundred times prettier than Mia. And he got together with Mia only because everyone he asked said she was the second most beautiful female in Wentworth. Since he couldn’t get his hand on the most beautiful woman in the city, it was only right that he went for the second most beautiful before someone else got to her before him. At first, he worried she’d give him a tough time like the most beautiful woman did. However, he was glad to see that she was someone who was easily impressed. As soon as he told her he was from a wealthy family, she clung onto him like a second skin. Sleeping with her was an achievement which would do his ego a lot of good once he got back to his city and told his friends. So he decided to play along with everything, even promising her marriage just so
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Chapter 33
Leon halted and slowly brought down his leg. The man on the floor sat up immediately and crawled backward. Everyone else who were talking about Aria also scurried to the back to avoid meeting the same fate as him. Leon lowered his face to the floor and sluggishly dragged his feet across the floor to where Aria stood. As an idiot who was unpredictable, he could do whatever he wanted and it’d be blamed on his brain accident. Their words really annoyed him, and he merely acted on impulse. However, he quickly forgot Aria would be blamed for his actions. Hence, the reason he had his head lowered to the floor guiltily. Not because he was sorry for slapping the relative. Joseph got on his feet immediately and pointed a shaky finger at Aria, his entire body trembling in rage. “This is grandfather’s memorial, how could you let your dog beat up one of your relatives on such an important day?” “How could you do this in front of grandmother? Not only is it an insult to grandfather, it’s a
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Chapter 34
The dinner ended two hours later. After Mia saw Theo out, she returned back to find everyone silent and Stella gazing at a tablet. "What is wrong?" Ryan looked up at her and responded, "Kings Technology Group made a post on their social media handle a three hours ago about the location of the yearly investment program changing." "It'll no longer be held here in Wentworth but in South Ville." Mia frowned in confusion as she took her seat. "Isn't the investment program starting tomorrow? Why would the change it the night before?"Before Ryan could respond, Stella breathed out loudly and cleared her throat noisily."The date was shifted to the day after tomorrow. So we have a day to adjust our schedule and get ready to go over to South Ville." "South Ville is three hours drive away from here, so I won't be able to go with you. However, Miller Group needs as many hands as possible over there." "So the two main branch of our Miller family will be attending the investment program."
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Chapter 35
After shouting at her, Dean turned his head to look at Leon and hissed gloomily, “Hey, let go of my mother if you don’t wish to die!” Leon slowly released his grip on Emma and the woman stomped up to her room with Dean, boiling in rage as she massaged her red wrist. Aria went up to her room with Leon trailing behind her a a minute Jared.Aria dropped her bag on the table and began taking off her clothes. “Leon, do something for me.” Leon felt a tightness in his throat as she stripped down to her innerwears. However, he still replied in a clear voice, “Leon will do anything for Aria.” Aria tilted her head to the side, looking at him from above her shoulders as she sighed, “From now on, don’t do anything I don’t ask you to. Be quiet and don’t act out whenever we’re in public or with the Miller family, do you understand me?” “But Aria, Leon doesn’t feel happy when they say bad things about you.” “Leon shouldn’t worry about what they say about me. He should focus on being a good bo
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Chapter 36
The two men noisily walked around the store looking for things to take. By the time they were done, both of their trolleys were filled to the brim. “I’m only letting you off this time because you’re giving these to us for free. Now pack it up for us.” “O-okay.” The woman nodded and tried to pick up the checkout bags beside her, but they kept slipping out through her fingers. “Hey, do you think we have all the time in the world to spend here?” “I-I’m sorry.” She finally stabilized herself enough to pick a checkout bag and packed everything they had in their trolleys into different bags before handing it over to them. They dropped the bags in the trolleys and we’re about to wheel it out when one of them caught sight of the cash spilling out from the cash register. “You have money here. Were you just going to let us walk out of here empty handed?” “W-what?” The woman blinked her eyes, consciously shielding the money from their sight with her body. The thug sighed and turned to
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Chapter 37
“Are you looking down on me because you’re taller? I’ll kill you!” The one who was shoved back by Leon screamed and rushed towards him with his knife in hand. Leon flexed the rope of the earpiece as he waited for him to get closer. As soon as he an arm reach away, he reached out and put the ropes around his neck then tightened it to suffocate him. The thug tried to stab him on the abdomen by moving his hand backward, but Leon slanted his body backward, slammed his elbow into his shoulder and swept his legs off the floor then placed his foot on his chest once he was on the floor. Then he bent over and forced out the knife which the thug was clutching tightly. He straightened up again and glanced at the second thug who was still standing at the spot with a shocked look on his face. “You’re not coming to help your friend. Didn’t you say friends help each other out?” The first thug frantically struggled to get Leon’s foot off him all no avail before he looked towards his friend for
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Chapter 38
Calvin Heinz walked into Rust District a few minutes after the thug had led Leon away to meet Rex Mercer. When he saw the first opened store in the district, he was surprised and walked inside. However, instead of seeing a sales attendant, he saw ten thugs groaning painfully on the floor. He walked to one of them, turned him over with his foot and deadpanned, “What happened here?” “He’s a monster! That man is a monster!” The thug grabbed his leg and repeated in a trembling voice, his eyes widened in horror. Calvin stared at him blankly for a moment before a thought occurred to him. He shook the man’s hands off his leg and demonstrated with his hands as he asked, “This monster you’re talking about, is he this tall and is he lanky and looks like he has no strength in his arms?” Hearing him describe Leon heightened the man’s horror. He quickly scurried away from Calvin and hid his face away in fear. His reaction confirmed Calvin’s suspicion. He had been looking for Leon all over t
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Chapter 39
The day was still bright, so even though the club was open, it only had a few people partying and drinking in it. Leon caught the attention of some people when he walked in because of his height and how good he looked, but none of them approached him. He stopped one of the people walking around the club and asked, “Can you point me towards the direction of Rex Mercer?” The person nodded and pointed a corridor at the right side of the room. Leon thanked him and walked towards it. Rex Mercer didn’t bother to put guards at his door as he knew he had the entire district in his control. Furthermore, his men swarmed every corner of the club like bees. Hence, he felt he was safe and no one could come to harm him without the knowledge of his men.There was only one room in the corridor pointed out to Leon. He walked to the door and kicked the door out of its hinges after trying to unlock it but found out it was locked. The door flew across the room before it slammed on a chair and f
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Chapter 40
Rex was greatly provoked by Calvin’s words.This was his district, everyone here listened to whatever he said. He wasn’t about to have some losers speak to him however they wanted. “Don’t just stand there, hack these disrespectful idiots to pieces!” He clenched his fists tightly and turned towards his boys, hollering at them loudly. They nodded and immediately began walking towards the two men. However, Leon and Calvin didn’t react to them. Calvin massaged his jaw with his palm as a pondering look settled in his eyes, his eyes pinned on Leon. “Why won’t you say anything? Are you looking down on me because you won against me the other day? I accept, you’re stronger than me. Which is why I’m here to become your disciple.” Leon didn’t give any thought to what he said as he outrightly refused, “No.” Calvin lowered his hand and thought for a moment. “How about this then? Take me under your wings and I’ll deal with troublesome people like these for you. Order me to do whatever you w
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