All Chapters of A Man Already At The Top: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
99 chapters
Chapter 21
Leon went back to the grocery store to get another set of groceries. Because Aria would get notified if he bought the same thing with the card she gave him, he paid with the allowance she gave him every month to get whatever he wanted.Then he walked out of the store, hailed a taxi and got in. When he got home, he found the door ajar. Dean was in the living room with two of his friends as they played an online shooting game with the TV. “I didn’t know you had a brother, Dean.” One of his friends murmured seeing Leon walk in. Dean briefly tore his eyes away from his game to see who he was talking about and snorted. “I don’t have a brother. That’s my sister’s husband. He looks normal, but he’s an idiot who thinks like a child.” “How is it I’ve never seen him before?” The second boy asked, pausing his game to look at Leon as well. “He’s always up in their room or working around the house. Besides, my mother banned him from loitering around the living room when we have visitors.” Dea
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Chapter 22
Grant gathered every member of the family into the living room of the Larol residence. He sat in the middle of the room while the rest of the family surrounded him.There was a pin-drop silence in the room as no one wanted to do anything that’d offend him. But after a while, someone voiced out cautiously, with carefully chosen words, “Family head, I hear it was a lowlife who dealt us this tragic blow. We shouldn’t take this lightiy!” “Kevin was your beloved son, are we just going to sit on our hands while that lowlife makes fun of the Larol family?” Another person chipped in. “No, we shouldn’t. The other families are already getting informed of what happened to us. Once they find out we were humiliated by a lowlife and are doing nothing about it, we’ll become a laughingstock to the people of Wentworth.” The third person butted in as well. Gavin Larol clenched his hand into a fist and raised his bloodshot eyes to glare at them, “I’m trying to think here, shut your damn mouths!” O
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Chapter 23
After Leon got off the phone with Grant, a breaking news came into his phone. He was going to discard it as always when he sighted a familiar name on it. He frowned slightly seeing it said Kevin Larol was dead. Did the thugs go after him? No, they wouldn’t dare. They were ready to beat him to a pulp just to get on the Larol family’s good side. If it wasn’t them, then who was it? A thought suddenly struck Leon and he frowned slightly. The last person the Larol family knew Kevin was with was him. In that case, that means they’d definitely pin his death on him. The thought had just occurred to him when a call came into his phone. It was Wentworth’s country code and not a restricted number. He didn’t need to answer it to know who it was. But he answered it just to be clear. As soon as he did, the caller threatened, “Leon Bartlett, if you do not want to die a miserable death, get into a taxi and bring yourself to the Larol family residence in the next five minutes. Failure to do so
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Chapter 24
Everyone's eyes immediately shifted to Jeff, while Gavin's pupils dilated a little. However, Jeff didn't seem flustered at Leon’s words like a guilty person would. He knew better than to control his emotions. His eyes darkened, and he snickered in response, "Do you think pointing fingers at me and accusing me of killing my brother will work in your favor?" "Yes, Kevin and I were at odds with each other all his life, and I hated him sometimes, but I never wished him death." "So stop trying to paint me in a bad light in front of the rest of the Larol family!" Some member of the Larol family turned to Gavin and voiced out impatiently. "Family head, this lowlife keeps saying disrespectful things about our family. Someone like him doesn’t deserve to be in your presence!” “Yes, he shouldn't even have the privilege of meeting a member of our family, let alone exchange words with us!" "Where are the men Jeff hired? We should have them rip out this lowlife’s foolish tongue before anyth
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Chapter 25
Leon stared down at rhem with icy eyes and the men, who were still unconscious, trembled in fright and tried to crawl backward, but there was no strength left in their arm to do so. “We are merely hired fighters. We were just acting on orders!” They quickly cried out when Leon began walking towards them. Leon, who had no intention of doing anything else to them, looked away from them and settled it on Gavin. “What part of, I didn’t kill your son, do you not understand?” “You were the last person my son was with and you have every reason to kill him. Do you take me as a fool?” Gavin gritted his teeth in annoyance and anger. Leon looked away from him and turned around to leave, but paused and shrugged without glancing back at him, “Whether you believe me or not is none of my business.” “I came here to make that clear. Furthermore, since Kevin is now dead, it is no longer my intention to go ahead with the bet I made with him.” Then he continued on his way out. Everyone quickly tu
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Chapter 26
The scene startled everyone. They couldn’t believe their eyes and neither could Calvin Heinz who was bent over on the floor. Gavin immediately shot up from his seat, his body trembling all over in rage and pointed a shaky finger at Calvin, “Wh-what is this? Did you fool us by saying you’re a three times black belt champion?!” It took a while for the other members of the Larol family to recover from the shock. When they did, they turned to Jeff and lashed out at him. “Most importantly, how could you be fooled by him, Jeff?” “Could you have made the same mistake by overestimating the men you hired for Kevin? Did your lousy mistake cost Kevin his life?” “Hey, this is not a time for you to keep silent. Did you or did you verify their qualifications!” Jeff remained silent, but clenched his jaw tightly and raised his eyes towards Calvin Heinz’s direction. Gavin narrowed his eyes and pondered their questions. In the end, he turned his attention to Jeff and demanded loudly, “Answer the
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Chapter 27
While this was going on, the Larol family residence was unusually quiet for a few hours as they all thought long and hard about their current situation. “I heard of this company who specializes in literally everything. I believe we would be able to get people a hundred times stronger than Calvin Heinz if we go to them for help.” “Are you talking about the Bartlett Group?” “Yes, the Bartlett Group.” “Do you know how much it costs to have an audience with them? We’d spend all the money we have just to get to speak with one of their representatives.” “Still, isn’t it worth it? Our Larol family was humiliated like this by those two lowlifes and we even lost Kevin to them. If we just sit on our hands and do nothing, the other families will think we are pushovers.” “When you put it like that, I can’t help but agree with you. But we’ll have to ask the family head and hear what he says.” Jeff was sitting by a corner, massaging his aching neck while seething from the humiliation Falvin
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Chapter 28
Wentworth woke up the next day to news of Gavin Larol’s murder. The fact that he died on the same day as his younger son sparked some uproar in the city. Chronic gossipers began spreading their version of the story and why such a thing happened to such a big family.Leon walked downstairs to the aroma of food and Emma arranging food on the dining table. She sent him off to the end of the street to get her coffee as soon as she saw him. As soon as he walked into the coffee shop and placed his order, he overheard the conversation of the customers sitting on the table next to him. “Gavin and Kevin Larol died the same day. That’s too unfortunate for the Larol family.” “Isn’t there something suspicious about their deaths? How could they die the same day?” “I think it’s karma for how they’ve been treating Jeff Larol.” “What do you mean? Isn’t Jeff Larol Gavin Larol’s son and Kevin Larol’s brother?” “I always thought there was something off about how Jeff Larol worked his arse off ev
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Chapter 29
“Wh-what?” Aria blinked in surprise. “But no matter how strong Leon is, he’s still an idiot. What can he do if his employer is in danger?” Jeff got up on his feet and turned to look at her with a small smile hovering around his face, “That’s what makes him the perfect person to protect me, Ms. Miller.” “He’s an idiot. Meaning he’d obey every word I say without thinking twice. I hear he listens to everything you say.” “So as long as you ask him to protect me, he’d have no choice but to do as you please.” Aria looked away from him and shook her head hesitantly, “Still, Leon has the IQ of a 5-year-old, he’s not mentally…” “Isn’t the Miller Group owing the bank?” Jeff abruptly shut her off, and turned away from her to look at Joseph. Joseph’s face flushed in embarrassment but he nodded, and asked curiously, “Yes, we are. Not to sound disrespectful, but how do you know that, Mr. Larol?” Jeff slipped his hands into his pocket and pretended to be nonchalant about the question. “Famil
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Chapter 30
More chairs had been arranged in the dining room as the entire Miller family usually had dinner together after the memorial. Mia led the man she came with to the two empty seats beside her father. She was about to pull out a chair for herself when the man hurriedly walked past her and did it instead. Some of her female relatives instantly turned green with envy seeing this while Joseph beamed proudly. “Theo, this is my grandmother, my father and my elder brother.” Mia introduced as soon as they got seated, totally ignoring Aria and her family. “Mia has told me a lot about all of you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” The young man nodded politely. Joseph had quietly vetted everything he was putting on as soon as he walked into the house. Mia had told him earlier the man she was bringing wasn’t from a regular family like theirs. He had expected her to bring someone just a little richer than their family, but seeing how expensive the suit he was putting on seemed, he realized this
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