Chapter 21

Leon went back to the grocery store to get another set of groceries. Because Aria would get notified if he bought the same thing with the card she gave him, he paid with the allowance she gave him every month to get whatever he wanted.

Then he walked out of the store, hailed a taxi and got in. When he got home, he found the door ajar.

Dean was in the living room with two of his friends as they played an online shooting game with the TV.

“I didn’t know you had a brother, Dean.” One of his friends murmured seeing Leon walk in.

Dean briefly tore his eyes away from his game to see who he was talking about and snorted. “I don’t have a brother. That’s my sister’s husband. He looks normal, but he’s an idiot who thinks like a child.”

“How is it I’ve never seen him before?” The second boy asked, pausing his game to look at Leon as well.

“He’s always up in their room or working around the house. Besides, my mother banned him from loitering around the living room when we have visitors.” Dea
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