All Chapters of A Man Already At The Top: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
33 chapters
Chapter 1
“Do you want more chicken, Aria? Here, take mine.”"This tastes nice. Here, eat this. It tastes nice to you too, doesn't it?""Do you like it, Aria?"“Mhm, it's tasty like you said. I like it.” Clank!In the modest dining room of the Miller family, the direct two lines of the family sat around the table having dinner.At the head of the table was an elderly woman in her late 60s, and by her left and right side were her sons and their families.Upon hearing the man’s voice for the nth time thatevening, Stella Owen, who became the matriarch of the Miller family after the passing of her husband five years ago, angrily threw her spoon on her plate, making everyone halt.Seeing the furious look on her face, the petite girl who was decked in luxury goods from head to toe sitting on her right hand side immediately pointed her spoon at the girl sitting across from her, saying self-righteously, “Hey, Aria Miller, shut the mouth of that darn dog of yours!”“Why would you even bring him to din
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Chapter 2
The dining room fell silent and Aria clenched her jaw tightly as she apologized with her eyes lowered to the table, "My apologies, grandmother."Stella ignored her and glanced at the butler who was standing a few meters away from them.Upon being glanced at, the butler strutted towards Aria and placed an enclosed piece of document in front of her.“I came up with a plan to move our family forward and you will do it whether you like it or not.” Stella said without looking at Aria even though she was talking to her. “Mother-in-law, Aria will be delighted to follow whatever plans you have made for her!” Emma Mitchell, Aria's mother, leaned towards the table and smiled forcefully as she tried to butter up to her mother-in-law.However, Stella didn’t bother to glance at her direction and just kept her eyes straight.Emma’s face and that of Dean twitched in embarrassment, while Ryan and Mia laughed secretly.Stella cleared her throat noisily and continued sternly, “I paid heavily to get so
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Chapter 3
“Hey! If you’re still alive, get off the floor and go do the dishes!” Instead of helping him up from the floor, Emma Mitchell walked around him and kept stubbing him with her foot.“Hurry up and get up, will you? You spilled milk everywhere and broke the glass. It almost cut me just now. Get up and clean it up!” Dean frowned as he tiptoed closer to his mother.Aria walked out of her room to see what fell and quickened her pace when she saw Leon sprawled on the floor.“What are you doing on the floor? Why is he lying on the floor? Did he fall? Did you push him, Dean?”Dean dropped the still full glass of milk on the table and harrumphed angrily, “Hmph, why would I push him? Do you only think the worst of me?”Emma immediately shot her a stern look, “How could you accuse your brother of doing something so vile? Even if he did push him, I’m sure it wasn’t his intention to do so. Can you be a little more on your brother’s side and see the good in him too?”“He may be an idiot, but I’ve ne
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Chapter 4
The next morning, Aria opened her eyes to an empty bed. Leon had kept her morning coffee on her bedside table as usual before leaving.She drank it and got ready for work. When she got down to the living room, she sucked in a deep breath when she saw a certain person mopping the floors while her mother and brother were lying on the cushion with their legs on the glass table as they watched their early morning soap opera.“Mother, why is Leon cleaning when the housekeeper will be here any minute?”Emma scoffed without glancing towards her direction.“Do you not see how dirty the house is? Dean ate a lot of snacks last night and littered the place as he watched his favorite show, and we might get a visitor any moment.”“Who knows when the cleaning lady would get here to clear out this mess. And why wait for her and do nothing when there’s someone around to start cleaning while she makes it here?”Aria’s gaze flickered between her mother and Leon, who had stopped mopping and was now star
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Chapter 5
In the hotel lounge, Grant Wyatt was speaking with the owner of the hotel when he noticed some keys on the floor.He picked them up and stared at them for a moment before recalling he had seen them dangling from Leon's waist earlier.“Do you remember who has the highest amount of shares in your hotel? The person who supported you when no one else believed in turning your tiny pub into a big hotel?”“That person was you, Mr. Wyatt,” the manager nodded and took the keys he was stretching towards her.“Me?” Grant Wyatt laughed and slipped his hands into his pockets, “Up until six years ago, I was nothing but a disgraced manager who couldn’t provide properly for his family.”“All I did was take over the company that was handed to me by the owner as he wanted to stay out of the limelight. And all I did was invest in the businesses he asked me to. I’m nothing but a mere company guardian.”Venice Carter stared at him in confusion before a bold thought popped into her head and her hands tremb
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Chapter 6
Mia was stunned at his words at first, but when she gave it a second thought, she nodded in agreement. Aria always tried to protect her idiotic husband by every means possible as she believed an embarrassment to him was also an embarrassment to her.If Leon really licked off the dirt on Simon's shoe with his tongue, Mia would really feel superior and use it against her in the future. In fact, everyone in the city would know her husband licked off dirt from someone's shoes."What are you doing still standing there? Hurry up and go down on your knees and lick off the dirt. Or do you plan on calling Aria?""Hmph, she'd run helter-skelter trying to raise money to compensate him and still won't come up with enough money to do so. That's how expensive his shoes are."Leon said nothing to them and instead stared down at Simon's shoes for several seconds."I didn't damage the shoes, neither is there any dirt on them. But even if there was, why do I have to lick it off with my tongue?"Mia qu
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Chapter 7
“What? Relieve me of my membership and blacklist the rest of the Mayfair family? Did I hear wrong?” Simon half-shouted while she was still talking. Venice got off her phone and stared at him blankly.“No, you didn’t. Since being in a hotel with ordinary people makes your skin crawl, I thought it best to sever your relationship with the hotel. I also severed every connection I have with the Mayfair family.”Simon couldn't believe his ears and burst out in rage, “Hmph! Have you gotten arrogant because of the few successful hotels you run?""Have you forgotten who helped you build those hotels up to where they are today? Who helped build you up from a church rat to who you are today?”Venice didn’t respond to him in an arrogant tone as well. Instead, she smiled faintly. “I haven’t forgotten.”“Then what do you think you’re doing?”She dropped her hand to the side and scoffed slightly, “It’s because of everything your father did for me that I’m doing this and not letting you ruin your fu
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Chapter 8
Simon Mayfair shamefully called his father in the presence of everyone then scurried away once Venice confirmed the payment. Now that they couldn’t upload the videos or publish any articles about what happened, the people around naturally turned their attention to the person he had been on a date with. Mia Miller lowered her face to the floor and covered her face with her palms as she rushed out of their presence, but the crowd went in pursuit of her. Now, the only people left behind were Venice and Leon. Because it was only natural for the owner of a hotel to defend its name, Leon didn’t think too much about why she helped him, but he did plan to thank her for doing so before leaving. However, she suddenly ran to his front and went down on her knees in front of him. “Mr. Bartlett, it’s an honor to meet you!” He halted and glanced around to make sure there was no one around. Thankfully, there was a car behind him which shielded them from the sight of anyone coming behind them.
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Chapter 9
“What? Did you say something?” Aria was a little startled by him suddenly raising his head that she didn't pay attention to what he said. The man froze for a moment, realizing he almost blew his cover. After being silent for some seconds, he smiled innocently and asked cluelessly, “Have one of what?”Aria ruffled his hair again and laughed faintly knowing his simple mind would never understand no matter how she explained it. But after a brief thinking, she came up with a way to break it down to his understanding and parted her lips to reply when a familiar shrill voice came up from behind her.“What do you think you’re doing? Your date is just an hour away, and you’re still here wasting time with this foolish husband of yours?”“I still have a whole hour, mother..” Aria pressed her lips together and retorted, the smile leaving her eyes.“Your grandmother said to dress and doll yourself up when you go to your dates. If you pet his hair even for a minute more, when do you intend to d
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Chapter 10
A pompous-looking scion in a red tuxedo with undone buttons and vibrant, brown spiky hair walked into the lobby of Rosewater Guesthouse dragging a half-conscious woman with him.Although Aria Miller’s head was fuzzy and there was no strength in her arms, she knew she had to fight this person who drugged her during her date with him. So she mustard up every ounce of strength she has and slapped him across the face.Naturally, he instantly released his grip on her to massage his stinging cheek, and she took the opportunity to race towards the door they had just walked through.However, the man turned around the next second and yanked her backward by her hair. She screamed at the top of her lungs, attracting the attention of the few customers and the staff in the lobby.One of the young men in the lobby saw this and was about to rush towards her, but was held back by his friend.“Don’t do it. That’s Kevin Larol.”“Kevin Larol?”“Mhm, the Larol family owns this guesthouse. They are influ
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