All Chapters of A Man Already At The Top: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 chapters
Chapter 11
Leon left the hotel immediately in Aria’s car. He sped all the way to Rosewater Gueshouse without stopping. Along the way, his driving speed caught the attention of patrol officers who immediately went in pursuit of him.However, he lost them before he got to the guesthouse.“You can’t just tell us to leave in the middle of the night without telling us your reason!” “It’s too late to look for another guesthouse to spend the night in. If you were going to do this, you should’ve told me three hours ago!” “Do you think i care about being refunded in full? Every guesthouse and hotel around this area are all fully booked. I have nowhere to stay for the night besides here!” “Hey, where are you going? Don’t ignore me!”As he walked into the building, he noticed there was a clamoring crowd in the guesthouse's lobby, but he paid no attention to them and just walked towards an elevator.However, before he could get in, someone grabbed him by the arm and roughly shoved him back."If you have
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Chapter 12
A four-versus-one fight usually ends with the lone party getting beaten to a pulp. Furthermore, Leon was lanky and looked weak. Hence, the four bulky men were quite confident they would beat him up.They cracked their fingers, flexed their muscles again, and then acted on the manager’s words by rushing towards Leon simultaneously.The customers watching from behind chairs and tables in the lobby immediately whipped out their phones in excitement to record what was going on, while a few others shook their heads in pity."Who's that retard? Is he eager to die?""Who cares? This is good entertainment. I've been lacking something to post on my social media page these past few days. This will definitely get lots of views!""Still, it's such a gruesome sight to watch. That young man is about to get beaten to death. He looks so young.""That is none of our business. If he wanted to live longer, then he shouldn't have provoked people stronger than him in the first place.""Stop talking and le
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Chapter 13
Kevin Larol gritted his teeth in pain and annoyance as he felt his broken nose. “I was just going to break a few of your bones, but now it looks like I’m going to have to kill you!”Leon moved closer to him and slammed his foot hard into his abdomen, causing him to vomit blood.He rolled over on his side, continuing to spit up blood. Leon stomped on him numerous times until he was lying on his back again, then pressed his foot against Kevin’s chest.Kevin clenched his jaw tightly and glared angrily at Leon. “I’m going to kill you once this is over, you crazy bastard!”Leon tilted his head to the side and chuckled calmly. “Do you know why I’m not bending over to beat you up? It’s because you’re trash. You’re not even worthy of a duel.”“Stomping you to death is another option, but you don’t even deserve to be stomped to death by me.”“But getting stomped to death will be too easy. A trash’s life is too worthless to be taken by me. So that leaves me with no choice but to condescend so l
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Chapter 14
The following day was weekend which meant there was no going to work for Aria. She opened her eyes around 4pm and found no one in her room. She remained down on her bed for several seconds before ahe sat up and glanced around her room in confusion.The last thing she remembered was being at a date with Kevin Larol. Why was the rest of her memory of the evening missing? Why didn’t she remember when she got back? She lowered her eyes to the bed and shut her eyes, trying to recall what really happened, but flinched and opened her eyes again when someone opened rhe door and banged it against the wall. She raised her eyes to see Dean standing at the door with his eyes lowered onto his phone. After five seconds, he glanced up at her, doing nothing to hide the anger in them. “Grandmother called a family meeting. We’re all to be in the family house in the next twenty minutes.” He huffed and turned around to leave, but stopped and glared at her. “Seriously, If you were drunk why did you h
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Chapter 15
Aria froze for a moment. She parted her lips to say something, but slowly closed it again. She repeated this action for two more times before Ryan sniggered.“Do you know what the time is? Grandmother may have other things to say to us, and even if she doesn’t, she needs to go to sleep early every night. Hurry up and answer the question!” “Are you being silent because you have nothing to tell us? Have you even be going to any of those dates or did you let grandmother’s good intention go to waste?” Mia butted in with a scoff. “Aria has been diligently doing as grandmother asked her to by going to the dates arranged for her. Don’t you dare accuse her of being disobedient!” Dean glared hostilely at them. Ryan leisurely leaned back on his seat, the corners of his lips curling up into a smug smile. “Is that so? Then why is she so quiet? Mia didn’t hesitate to tell everyone how her dates were going.” “Only a guilty person will remain quiet when they are asked to report and they don’t ha
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Chapter 16
The drive back to the house was silent except for Dean’s constant cussing from the backseat as he played an online shooting game on his phone. Leon drove and Aria sat at the front passenger seat while Dean sat at the backseat of the car with Emma. “Hey, are you an idiot? Didn’t you see a sniper on the roof!” “Goodness, did I get paired with an amateur? Can't you aim properly? You play like an old woman!” “Are you stupid? If you keep stepping out of your cover, the sniper on the roof will take you out! If you don't know what to do, just stay hidden then delete your player account after this game!” The car came to a stop in front of their house and Leon got out of the car. Before he could walk around the car to open the door for Aria, she had already gotten out. So he got into the car again to park properly while they walked into the house.Aria dragged her feet against the ground as she walked into the house. “Hey, isn’t it enough that you don’t work, what do you think you’re doi
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Chapter 17
In the Larol Family Residence, Kevin Larol was pushed into the living room in a wheelchair by one of their maids then she left immediately. Kevin was putting on a blue hospital gown and had a big bandage around his head. There were three plasters on his face that covered up the cuts which appeared when Leon stubbed his face with his foot. Both of his fingers down to his wrist were covered with bandaged and his eyes were bloodshot from the throbbing pain from his fingers whenever he moved. In the living room were two men. One was an elderly man who was in his late 60s while the other was a young man who was just a few years older than Kevin. “One man did this to you? What were you doing while he did?” The young man huffed spitefully. Kevin clenched his jaw tightly and glared at him fiercely. “Jeff Larol, how many times do you want me to tell you he attacked me from behind?!” It was simply shamefully for Kevin to admit he was really beaten by a fellow man. Worse still, by a lowl
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Chapter 18
The bus stopped for five seconds before speeding off again. Leon was no longer there. In his place was the grocery bag he had been holding which had fallen on the ground with half of the things inside spilled out. The bus drove into an alley and Leon was roughly pushed out of it blindfolded, then two men alighted from it and pushed him down to the floor, his back against a wall. They had tied his hands behind him inside the van so he wouldn’t struggle so much with them. While he could’ve easily escaped from them, he didn’t want to get into a fight in the middle of the road. Furthermore, he had decided that Kevin Larol wasn’t worth keeping around. For some reason, Aria couldn’t recall what happened on her date last night. She was so worried about it that she couldn’t sleep the whole night. Then she woke up and went to work as soon as day broke even though the day was Sunday, just because of how troubled she was. If she bumped into him one of these days, it was very likely that her
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Chapter 19
It wasn’t that he couldn’t just yank it off, but he didn’t want to risk getting a mark on his hands. That’d only make Aria worried as she would think her family bullied him again. Kevin’s first reaction on seeing his hands were free was to instinctively retreat behind the bulky men he hired as an emergency warning instantly went off in his head that he was in danger. Now this was the terrific voice of the man who had broken his fingers and trampled down at him at the guesthouse.His body also reacted, trembling on its own as Leon raised his cold eyes to look at him.However, Kevin suddenly burst into a mocking laughter. He laughed like a maniac for several seconds to his heart’s content before he stopped and sniggered, “Hey, do you take me to be a fool?” “I knew the talks about you being an idiot was a lie, so I refused to believe them and hired these guys. Yes, look at them very well.” “They are not as weak as the other guys from the guesthouse. In fact, one of them can take down
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Chapter 20
Kevin's eyes shook in horror and he subconsciously stepped backward. Leon had his fingers wrapped around the throats of the bulky men as he squeezed the life out of them. From where he stood, Kevin saw the men wheezing as they desperately slapped Leon's hand to get him to release his grip on them all to no avail. "H-how is that possible?" Kevin stuttered fearfully. Leon's dark eyes on him paralyzed his entire body with fear causing him to forget how to move. Leon shifted his eyes to them and spat out icily, "Professionals? Yes. But you can never compare to someone who was trained to defend himself from the young age of 2 up until when he was casted out. Think about that in your next life if you get any. Now, get lost!" Krack!He applied pressure on their throats and crushed their windpipes, instantly killing them before he tossed their limp body aside. People like them who would hurt the less privileged just because they were paid to do it didn't deserve to stay alive. And fro
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