Chapter 22

Grant gathered every member of the family into the living room of the Larol residence.

He sat in the middle of the room while the rest of the family surrounded him.

There was a pin-drop silence in the room as no one wanted to do anything that’d offend him.

But after a while, someone voiced out cautiously, with carefully chosen words, “Family head, I hear it was a lowlife who dealt us this tragic blow. We shouldn’t take this lightiy!”

“Kevin was your beloved son, are we just going to sit on our hands while that lowlife makes fun of the Larol family?” Another person chipped in.

“No, we shouldn’t. The other families are already getting informed of what happened to us. Once they find out we were humiliated by a lowlife and are doing nothing about it, we’ll become a laughingstock to the people of Wentworth.” The third person butted in as well.

Gavin Larol clenched his hand into a fist and raised his bloodshot eyes to glare at them, “I’m trying to think here, shut your damn mouths!”

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