Chapter 23

After Leon got off the phone with Grant, a breaking news came into his phone. He was going to discard it as always when he sighted a familiar name on it.

He frowned slightly seeing it said Kevin Larol was dead. Did the thugs go after him? No, they wouldn’t dare.

They were ready to beat him to a pulp just to get on the Larol family’s good side. If it wasn’t them, then who was it?

A thought suddenly struck Leon and he frowned slightly. The last person the Larol family knew Kevin was with was him. In that case, that means they’d definitely pin his death on him.

The thought had just occurred to him when a call came into his phone. It was Wentworth’s country code and not a restricted number.

He didn’t need to answer it to know who it was. But he answered it just to be clear.

As soon as he did, the caller threatened, “Leon Bartlett, if you do not want to die a miserable death, get into a taxi and bring yourself to the Larol family residence in the next five minutes. Failure to do so
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