Chapter 24

Everyone's eyes immediately shifted to Jeff, while Gavin's pupils dilated a little.

However, Jeff didn't seem flustered at Leon’s words like a guilty person would. He knew better than to control his emotions.

His eyes darkened, and he snickered in response, "Do you think pointing fingers at me and accusing me of killing my brother will work in your favor?"

"Yes, Kevin and I were at odds with each other all his life, and I hated him sometimes, but I never wished him death."

"So stop trying to paint me in a bad light in front of the rest of the Larol family!"

Some member of the Larol family turned to Gavin and voiced out impatiently.

"Family head, this lowlife keeps saying disrespectful things about our family. Someone like him doesn’t deserve to be in your presence!”

“Yes, he shouldn't even have the privilege of meeting a member of our family, let alone exchange words with us!"

"Where are the men Jeff hired? We should have them rip out this lowlife’s foolish tongue before anyth
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