Chapter 27

While this was going on, the Larol family residence was unusually quiet for a few hours as they all thought long and hard about their current situation.

“I heard of this company who specializes in literally everything. I believe we would be able to get people a hundred times stronger than Calvin Heinz if we go to them for help.”

“Are you talking about the Bartlett Group?”

“Yes, the Bartlett Group.”

“Do you know how much it costs to have an audience with them? We’d spend all the money we have just to get to speak with one of their representatives.”

“Still, isn’t it worth it? Our Larol family was humiliated like this by those two lowlifes and we even lost Kevin to them. If we just sit on our hands and do nothing, the other families will think we are pushovers.”

“When you put it like that, I can’t help but agree with you. But we’ll have to ask the family head and hear what he says.”

Jeff was sitting by a corner, massaging his aching neck while seething from the humiliation Falvin
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