Chapter 28

Wentworth woke up the next day to news of Gavin Larol’s murder. The fact that he died on the same day as his younger son sparked some uproar in the city.

Chronic gossipers began spreading their version of the story and why such a thing happened to such a big family.

Leon walked downstairs to the aroma of food and Emma arranging food on the dining table.

She sent him off to the end of the street to get her coffee as soon as she saw him.

As soon as he walked into the coffee shop and placed his order, he overheard the conversation of the customers sitting on the table next to him.

“Gavin and Kevin Larol died the same day. That’s too unfortunate for the Larol family.”

“Isn’t there something suspicious about their deaths? How could they die the same day?”

“I think it’s karma for how they’ve been treating Jeff Larol.”

“What do you mean? Isn’t Jeff Larol Gavin Larol’s son and Kevin Larol’s brother?”

“I always thought there was something off about how Jeff Larol worked his arse off ev
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