All Chapters of THE COME BACK OF AN ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
85 chapters
Theodore rushed into the hospital and saw Helen sitting outside the ICU with a worried face. "Nanny is she okay?" He asked."I don't know she's still in the ICU." Helen said and Theodore clenched his fists. "Nanny what happened who did this?" Theodore asked. "I don't know." Helen replied. Earlier. Karina was in her room when she felt thirsty and she ordered a maid to get her a drink.The maid went into the kitchen and was about to return to Karina when Dalia called her. "Hey you." "Yes madam." She answered. "Go upstairs and get my bag I'm going out." Dalia ordered. "Ma'am, can you send someone else Miss Karina asked me to..." "Are you nuts? Do you want to lose your job?" Dalia asked pissed about the maids attitude. "No ma'am." She said immediately."Then get me my bag now." Dalia yelled and she scurried up the stairs. She could explain to Karina because she was a lot better than Dalia who was temperamental. She didn't want to lose her job. She returned with Dalia's bag. "
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Robert arrived at the mansion and heard that Karina was poisoned he immediately headed to the hospital that Karina was rushed to but she wasn't there. And no one was willing to give him information about Karina's whereabouts. He decided to call Theodore because he was the only one he could think of. But Theodore's cold voice made him shudder."Robert what do you want?" Theodore asked. "Where is Karina?" Robert asked."Why do you want to know?" "If you know where she is I need you to tell me right now? Where is my daughter?" Robert asked. "Oh now she's your daughter? How pathetic you are Robert, wasn't she under your care in your mansion? Now she's dying and you act like you care about her..." "Of course, I care about her." Robert retorted. "I'm sure you do. Well don't bother me I have urgent business to take care of." Theodore said about to disconnect the call. "Theodore, you would not hang up on me without telling me where Karina is." Robert yelled. "Or what?" Theodore scoff
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Albert arrived home and he saw Robert in the living room making a phone call, and even smiling Albert couldn't help but feel disgusted. His daughter was missing and here he was calling some chick?"Dad where's mom?" Albert asked loudly startling Robert. "Oh, she isn't home yet." Robert managed to say. "Well where is she?" Albert asked. "I'm not sure son, I'm sure she would turn up soon." Robert said going up the stairs. Albert took his phone from his pants pocket and dialed Dalia's number, but she was on another call. Albert decided to wait he went up the stairs to freshen up, Dalia would surely call when she's done with whomever it is she was talking to. "Dad I have a request to make." "What is it?" Charles asked. "I want my friends to be working with me at the company." Theodore said. "Okay, as long as they are worthy of the position you want to place them. And they better have something to offer. Else I'll fire them myself." Charles said. "I understand and they're really
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Theodore could see how scared Becky was he was busy observing her facial expression. "Wait." Theodore ordered and the guard stopped. "Please sir, I promise I didn't do it." Becky begged again. Theodore dialed Derrick's number. "If you're calling about Karina's stolen money, I haven't cracked it yet." Derrick said. "I've got another job for you and I need a reply within five minutes else I'll torture her." Theodore said."Torture who?" Derrick asked confused. "The maid who's picture you sent earlier." "Oh, what do you want me to find?" He asked. "Check every single detail about her. Especially if any money was wired to her account. Or anyone close to her." Theodore said. "On it." Derrick replied.After a while Derrick called back. "Well there's no such thing, and she lives with her mother and... Oh she has a daughter as well. No money was wired in her account or her mother's so... I don't think she's the one you're looking for." Derrick said and Theodore sighed. "Talk to you
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Dalia began thinking of the past. She was once the other woman in Robert's life and now she was in Kendra's place. Kendra must have hated her to a fault even in her next life she wouldn't be surprised if Kendra would be her nemesis and take everything good away from her. She stole Robert from her and even had a child for him. Now she knew how Kendra felt all those years and maybe Kendra felt a lot worse, d"Mom." Albert called out. "Albert?" Dalia called out trying hard to hold back her tears but she couldn't. Albert hugged her and she sobbed in his arms. All these made Albert want revenge on Robert regardless of the fact that he was his father. ****The next day. Helen finally called Theodore. "Nanny how is she?" Theodore asked. He was just waking up from his sleep. She slept late due to the situation with Becky but Helen's call woke him. "She's awake now." "I'm on my way nanny." Theodore said rushing into the bathroom. Karina was all he had left. He couldn't protect his
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Theodore arrived at the company's building with Janelle. Janelle being a high official at the company was bowed at by the workers. And she just acknowledged them with a nod. Most people think Charles would give the company to Janelle. Because he was fond of her. But seeing Janelle with a handsome young man that looked familiar left them curious about who he was. Janelle arrived at the last floor of the building. And walked past Charles' office. "This is your father's office and this is your office." Janelle said. "Oh..." Theodore was actually surprised he had an office of his own already. "If there's anything you don't like you can let me know so I'd make the changes." Janelle said."I will." Theodore replied although he doesn't really see anything he doesn't like.Everything was to his preference actually. To which he was surprised Charles knew so much about him even though they met a few days ago barely a week. It was almost like someone that knew him well told Charles about
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Theodore's car was waiting outside the hospital for Karina who would be discharged. Karina was a bit upset when Theodore said he would send his car to pick her up. She thought he would come in person. He even asked Helen to leave her now she has to leave the hospital alone without both of them. Theodore's guards opened the door for her and Karina was surprised to see Theodore seating in the car. "Brother." She called out hugging him."Hey you." Theodore smiled. "Did I surprise you?" He asked. "Yeah. I... Thought..." "I had to make sure my beautiful baby sister arrived home safely." Theodore said pecking her forehead. "Let's go." Theodore ordered and they drove towards the house Theodore bought for Karina. "Theodore why don't you take me home... I mean to dad's house." Karina chipped in."You're not staying there Karina, besides I warned you about staying there for long. And hey if you try to argue I'll keep you confined." Theodore said sternly and Karina gave up. She knows
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The next day Theodore woke up pretty early. He had been learning about the company and had progress a lot faster than his father expected. Today he would be introduced as Charles heir, well unlike his birthday party where he was ditched he was pretty sure this time he would be the one to take Charles place. But he was a bit nervous, wouldn't people look at him like an illegitimate son? Wouldn't they say he wasn't fit to be the public eye everyone was expecting to see. Or he isn't fit to represent the company?"Penny for your thoughts?" Charles asked."Good morning father." Theodore said with a smile."Morning son, are you nervous?" Charles asked. "Yeah, I mean what if they don't accept me?" Theodore asked. "Is that what concerns you?" Charles asked. "Yes, I mean with my identity people might just look down on me." Theodore said. "No one on earth has the right to look down on a Wyatt, don't worry. You'll do great." Charles said with a confident smile. "As a matter of fact you do
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Janelle began eating her lunch while Frank just played with his food. He was feeling a bit guilty about all he had been doing behind Janelle's back and he felt it wasn't right. "Frank, is everything okay?" Janelle asked noticing his frown and change of expression. "Yes. Just work related issues." Frank lied. "You can tell me if you're having a hard time, I can put in a good word with my boss..." Janelle was explaining while Frank cut her. "No, no, I wouldn't want to put you in a difficult situation. Besides am a really important part of the team so no one can oust me without my knowledge. I just want everything to be perfect. So don't worry about me." Frank smiled. "Come on, you know I would do anything for you." Janelle smiled. "I know, it's just... Don't worry about it. My boss is just keeping everyone on their toes. He wants the presentation to be perfect." Frank said."I know you'll do great. And thank you for making time to have lunch with me, even though you were busy. Am
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Theodore left that evening after making sure that Karina was fine. He wondered where his father was and why he didn't call him about having dinner.It has been a routine ever since Charles decided to reveal himself to Theodore but for the first time he didn't call or text about anything. Which wasn't like him. Theodore arrived at Charles Villa. "Where's my dad?" Theodore asked the Butler. "Oh, he isn't home yet." Butler Fern replied."But where is he?" Theodore asked. "I'm not so sure Sir." Fern replied. Theodore dialed Charles' number and after a few rings he answered the call."Son what is it?" Charles asked. "Where are you?" Theodore asked. "I'll be home soon, don't worry." Was all Charles said as he disconnected the call. He couldn't possibly tell Theodore where he was really. In fact only Oliver knew where he was and who he was going to meet. "I have to go." Charles said kissing a woman's lips. "Thank you for staying." She said. "Of course anything for you." Charles sa
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