All Chapters of THE COME BACK OF AN ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
85 chapters
Janelle didn't have a lot of friends or rather they were all superficial. They tried sticking close to her because of her relationship with Charles Wyatt. When she was younger she didn't have a lot of friends, and besides she moved away and so the only people that might have been true friends lived many miles away.No one knew about Theodore's existence so, Janelle being treated like a daughter made them think she would take Charles place.Besides she was smart and Charles trained her.Janelle realizing people were sticking close to her because of her relationship with Charles decided to avoid most of her friends. All but the one guy she believes would be there for her, Frank. Unlike everyone else Frank was her friend way before she knew Charles and he was one of the nicest persons she knew so when he asked her to be his girlfriend she didn't think twice before saying yes. She arrived at his home and saw his car was there. Which means he didn't go out. She walked into his house
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"Why? Did something happen? And why are you here at the bar? You should go home and rest. If you're feeling sick." Theodore said. "I'm fine Mr Wyatt don't worry about me and just leave." Janelle said coldly. Theodore decided to join Jasper. He didn't want to spend more time with the rude Janelle who didn't want to talk or at least take his advice. "Who was that? Your girl?" Jasper asked."Ew no, she's just my secretary." Theodore said with a frown. "Right, you did tell me you're running a big company now. But wait don't tell me you have such a hot secretary and you haven't..." "Jasper enough with the jokes and besides I'm not interested in women and stuffs like that right now, am through with love." Theodore said taking a sip of his juice. "Hey, simply because Nathalie broke your heart doesn't mean you should shut it to everybody." Jasper said. "Yes, yes it does." Theodore said with a straight face."You know what I don't want talk about it anymore." Theodore added and Jasper g
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Janelle didn't know why but she wanted to tell Theodore about herself. Or at least what happened, she had always shied away from people but she just thought maybe Theodore could be that friend. All her life she had kept most things that are really bothering her deep within but she just felt like telling him about what happened. "The real reason I left the office quite early was because I wanted to see my boyfriend." Janelle said and Theodore just listened. "I just needed someone to talk to you know, actually I lied about my arm being bruised by the kitchen isle what really happened was my mom." "She grabbed me forcefully and in the struggle and I got hurt." Janelle sighed."Am so sorry to hear that." Theodore said. "That's not really why I went to drink. I called my boyfriend's office and I was told he wasn't there. Which was strange, he was a workaholic and he would have informed me he wasn't going to work or at least the reason for it." Janelle said. "But this time he didn't a
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Dalia hadn't really discussed seducing the girl everyone believed was Charles' heir. But she planned on doing that tonight and she couldn't be more pleased. All Dalia wants was to be respected by her peers and those who used to look down on her would regret it. If her son was successful with getting Charles' heir on their side it would be a jackpot to her. Well she was done caring about her husband all she had to do was make herself happy. And that might also include trying to get on Charles' good side. If she plays her cards right she might even become his wife. But she loves Robert, that was one of the reason's she bore a child for him. She couldn't just quit now, she finally got what she wanted she was Robert's wife. But everything felt wrong. Although Robert married her a few months after Kendra died it wasn't enough. She wanted her husband's complete attention, she wanted to be the only woman in his life."Mom, you wanted to see me?" Albert asked snapping Dalia out of her tr
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Karina walked into the banquet halls and all eyes were on her. Karina was always in beautiful clothes and this sometimes irritates Dalia because Karina had a great taste just like her mother Kendra. "Why is she here?" Dalia asked Albert. "How should I know? I guess she was also invited besides she is a fashion store owner or was." Albert said. "Karina why are you here?" Robert asked. "Oh please dad don't act like you know me." Karina said coldly. "Karina, why are you being so cold and heartless." Robert asked. "That doesn't matter to you does it? Listen dad, just enjoy the party cause I intend to do the same." Karina forced a smile before leaving Robert. But Dalia blocked her path. "Are we playing a game here Dalia?" Karina asked with a light chuckle. "Why are you here?" Dalia asked. "Oh, I got my own invitation in case you were wondering how I got here, besides am not the main surprise." Karina said with a smile plastered on her face. "What are you talking about?" Dalia as
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"Dad what are we going to do about this? I know you're very well aware that was a threat from him right?" Albert asked with a frown."I know okay? But we can't deal with this right now." Robert said. Dalia was quiet and didn't say a word. She was upset and angry at the moment."Hey man." "Hey Jasper." Theodore smiled at his friend. "How did your family take your introduction?" Jasper asked. "Who knows and who cares? They better be ready for my wrath. It's my turn to play dirty." Theodore said with an innocent smile. "Whoa, am liking the new you, so can you introduce me to your father?" Jasper asked with excitement in his eyes."Fine." Theodore said rolling his eyes.Theodore made sure most of the guests weren't talking to Charles when he walked up to him. "Father, this is my best friend Jasper." Theodore introduced. "Hello Mr Wyatt." Jasper greeted. "Nice to meet you Jasper, I see you're Peter's boy." Charles said. "Yes sir." Jasper replied immediately with a smile. He could
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Theodore walked into the house and saw a familiar figure. "Why is she here?" Theodore muttered to no one in particular. "Ah, Theodore you're here." Charles said with a smile. "Yes, dad why is Janelle here?" Theodore asked as he couldn't hold his curiosity. "You should ask how your secretary is feeling first." Charles glared."Right, but..." "She would be staying with us for the mean time." Charles uttered. "Uncle, please I don't want to stay here." Janelle protested. "And why not? Are you uncomfortable because Theodore is here?" Charles asked. "What? No, I mean... I just want to go back my condo." Janelle said. "Absolutely not, I let you stay there and yet you keep going back to meet that witch. You're staying with us till you get better." Charles said. "Uncle am fine, believe me." Janelle tried to persuade further."You're fine, when I say you are. Stay for a month then you're free to go." Charles said. "A month?" Janelle asked with a frown. "Yes one month." "Uncle, I ha
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"To visit a friend." Charles replied. Theodore felt like something was off, who as this friend his father keeps talking about. He really wanted to know. Well he didn't know why but he was really curious. But he decided to act normal. "Okay, if you say so. Janelle get dressed, call me when you're ready to go." Theodore reminded. "Okay." Janelle nodded."Well dad I'll see you at dinner." Theodore said with a smile on his face. After a while he heard a knock on his door. He was wearing casual clothes but he looked really dignified. He opened the door and found Janelle in front of his room. "Ready I suppose?" Theodore asked. "Yeah, although I wonder why your dad wants me to go shopping." Janell said rolling her eyes. She just had a crazy feeling about the day. "You didn't want him to get your things." Theodore reminded."I didn't want to stay." Janelle complained. She just wanted to find a way to return home. But she knew Charles personality. "I can't argue right now, let's jus
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"Your boyfriend?" Frank asked this time jealous. He wondered how Janelle could leave him in less than a week and find herself a boyfriend so soon. Shouldn't she be sad they broke up? Besides Janelle loved him so much. "Yes, why?" Janelle asked. "I told you she was a slut, first you seduce Mr Charles Wyatt into taking you as his daughter. But in reality you're just his whore." Emilia said. "I could throw you in jail for saying that, because Charles Wyatt is my father." Theodore glared."How...?" "Why? You don't believe me?" Theodore asked. "How is it that Charles Wyatt's son... Whom he announced yesterday is your boyfriend?" Emilia asked jealousy written all over her face. "Does that mean you were cheating on me?" Frank asked.Janelle didn't know what to say but surprisingly Theodore gave him a reply. "I asked Janelle out but she said she had a boyfriend. I did wonder who it was that made her turn me down but seeing you. You don't deserve her really. So yes she's my girlfriend
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Theodore and Janelle arrived at Karina's house. Nanny Helen walked up to Theodore and he hugged her. "Hi nanny." He smiled brightly. "I missed you a lot my dear." Helen said. "Yeah, I feel your absence too. Where Rina?" Theodore asked. "She's in her room should I call her?" Helen asked. "No, I'll go upstairs and see her." Theodore said. "Who is she?" Helen asked."Oh nanny this is Janelle Ryder my secretary. Janelle this is nanny Helen she's like a mother to me." Theodore introduced. "It's nice to meet you Miss." Helen said. "Thank you ma'am, it's nice to meet you too." Janelle said with a smile. Theodore asked Janelle to wait down stairs and he would be there soon. He knocked on Karina's door and she asked him to come in. "Hey Rina." "You're here." Karina smiled getting up. She didn't think he would be here earlier than he said he would. "Yeah... But am not here alone." Theodore said unsure of what to say next. "What? Right you said you were with someone who was it?" Ka
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