All Chapters of THE COME BACK OF AN ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
85 chapters
"Yes, we know. Come on brother loosen up." Chloe said with a frown. "I have something important to do tomorrow, so I can't have my employees on a hangover phase." Theodore said. "Well the boss has spoken, we dare not challenge him." Ivan joked."Don't make me look like the devil. I have a lot on my plate tomorrow and guys you know what." Theodore glared. "Fine, we wouldn't drink alcohol happy?" Ivan asked."Yes, very." Theodore replied. "Okay, if chugging it down isn't our punishment for not answering a question or fulfilling a task what would be the punishment then?" Chloe asked. "Making out?" Jasper suggested. "Don't be absurd Jasper." Theodore glared. "I like the idea." Chloe said. "Guys seriously don't be such a tease and this isn't a joke. You guys should pick a calm punishment." Theodore said. "How about a flick on the head." Derrick suggested. "God Derrick are you trying to have someone killed? My beautiful face and head shouldn't be touched by anyone got it?" Chloe g
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"Huh?" Janelle asked surprised. "Don't worry, I'll explained why I choose them both. My sister of course, her safety matters most to me. And Janelle..." Everyone anticipated why Theodore said he would save Janelle and he finally spoke."My dad might just kill me if he learns I had the opportunity to save two people and I couldn't save Janelle." Theodore replied. Janelle sighed in relief in her heart. Well he only said he would save her not because he likes her or anything. "So does that mean I get to ask a question?" Theodore asked. "Yeah." Chloe nodded. "Okay, Mary Truth or Dare?" Theodore asked. "Truth." Mary replied. "Weren't you the one complaining about why was everyone picking truth?" Theodore asked. "Just this once besides you wouldn't be able to say a nice dare so I'd rather pick truth." Mary said. "Okay, what's the wildest you've ever gotten?" Theodore asked."Sleeping with a stranger in his car, it was a one time fun." Mary replied. "My God, all this time I never
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Theodore was about to head toward the couch but Janelle's words made him stop. He turned to face her but was surprised about how close they were. Janelle lost her footing and in the course of saving her they both fell on the bed with Theodore a top her. The duo kept staring at each other until Janelle got a grip of herself. "Get off of me." She said awkwardly. "Oh my God, am so sorry." Theodore said straightening himself up. "I'll sleep on the couch and that's final." Theodore said. Theodore wondered what had gotten into him and why he stayed in that awkward position with Janelle for more than a minute. But then again, he thought maybe he hadn't been touched by a woman in a while. And that kind of made him lose his focus for a little while. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves but Janelle's next words made his heart skip a beat. "Let's share the bed.""Huh?" Theodore asked with a surprised and confused expression. "Yeah, I mean... Mary had a point, if you don't have anyt
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Karina opened her eyes as she heard what Theodore said. He chuckled when he saw her curious face and pecked both her cheeks."I mean it, throw a grand party for your official come back." Theodore said with a smile. "You really think so?" Karina asked."Mm." He nodded. "Would you be there?" Karina asked. "But of course, I'll be your greatest supporter even if I don't know a thing about women's clothing." Theodore said. "That's not true, I believe you have such great taste." Karina said. "Aw, thanks." Theodore chuckled. "I have to go now, I need to get ready for work." Theodore said. "Wouldn't you have breakfast with me?" Karina asked."I can't am on a clock, I love you." Theodore said pecking her cheeks. He left with Janelle after that. "Good morning guys." Karina greeted with a smile. "Morning, hope you slept well?" Chloe asked. "Yeah, I did." Karina replied. "How about you?" She asked. "Well I slept well, Ivan was just a bit uncomfortable with sleeping on the same bed
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At the Brantley enterprise, Robert kept getting bad news. He was so upset and what ruined his mood more was the fact that a board meeting was immediately called. He was thinking of ways to solve his current predicament and the board of directors just made it worse. "What's the meaning of this?" Robert asked angrily as he walked into the room. "That very question should be directed back to you Robert." One of the board members said fearlessly. "Am very well aware that you know that our stocks are hitting rock bottom right? Or was this just my imagination?" Another asked. "Well it isn't, and I can't put my finger on how either." Robert half yelled. "Yelling at us wouldn't bring a solution, and all this is happening because of that second son of yours." Violet another board member added. "He is not my second son, he is my only son." Robert said."Of course, am not too surprised that that's all you could yield." Violet taunted."Violet!.." Robert yelled. "Yelling at her wouldn't d
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Albert's head was spinning when he heard Robert say they didn't have proof that Theodore was the one attacking their company. "Dad are you really that dense? Trusting Theodore that he wouldn't take down the company?" Albert asked. "Am just saying we have no proof yet. And the person behind this should be your secondary worry. What you should be worried about right now is finding a way of getting us out of our current situation." Robert said."Fine I'll make some calls. And you shouldn't think that Theodore is still your son. Because from his threat at the party... He looks like someone ready to bury us." Albert said walking out of Robert's office. "I can't believe Albert made that deal without my permission and now look what it's costing us." Robert sighed and Dalia helped him sit. "Robert, Albert is right. And if Theodore is really the one trying to ruin us, then... Then there's no telling what he could do. Or how far he would go." Dalia said. "Honey, we need to find a way to so
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Ivan sometimes wonders how Theodore's minds works. The smile on his face made his shudder. Although he was Theodore's friend for a few years now he sometimes doesn't get him. "Ah, also scheduled a meeting with Trey." Theodore said."What?" Ivan asked surprised. "Just do it will you? Tell him it's me and he mustn't see Albert first or the meeting is automatically cancelled." Theodore instructed. "Yes boss."Theodore continued his work till his secretary walked in. "Mr Wyatt." Janelle called out. "Ah, Miss Ryder what is it?" Theodore asked. "It's time to make reservations for lunch... Where..." Janelle was about asking where he wanted to have his dinner when he cut her. "Order something for two and send it to my office. Oh and after the delivery is made come in, I want to have a word." Theodore instructed. "Okay, Mr Wyatt. Ah what should I tell..." "Yes?" Theodore asked. "I mean what should I order?" Janelle asked. "Order according to your preference." Theodore said nonchala
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Trey finally gave Albert a call. "What took you so long? Do you think I was bluffing?" Albert yelled into the phone. "Calm down Albert we're both in a lot of trouble right now. Let's meet." Trey said. "Fine, where are you?" Albert asked. "Am at a restaurant." Trey replied. "Okay, text me the address." Albert arrived at the restaurant and he walked towards Trey. "How do you intend on stopping this scandal?" Albert asked as soon as they were both seated."I don't know." Trey replied honestly. "So you called me even when you have no idea how you're going to resolve this? We're in this mess because of your stupidity!" Albert yelled. "Albert just calm down and let us think of something together." Trey persuade."And what if you're actually the one who offended someone great that got us into this mess." Trey said with a frown. "You know what? You just proved you're unreliable so I'll figure a way to get myself out of this mess." Albert said walking away angrily. He couldn't beli
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"My mother?" Theodore asked surprised. He didn't think that his father would want to talk about his mother. Everyone knew how he was born including him. He was a mistake a one night passion so to speak."Yes, your mother." Charles replied."Why would you want to talk about her?" Theodore asked."Am curious." Charles replied. "Oh, okay." Theodore nodded with a sigh. "What do you want to know?" Theodore asked. "Anything, as a son how do you view your mom?" Charles asked."She's the most amazing thing that happened in my life. I loved her so much. And to be honest I didn't think my mom deserved to be with Robert." Theodore said honestly."Mom, loved to dance. And she made sure Karina followed in her footsteps when she was little. But Karina grew out of it and now she especially hates anyone mentioning it because it reminds her of mom." Theodore sighed."And she loves lilies and roses." Charles said. "How did you know?" Theodore asked surprised. "I did a bit of background check on
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Dalia was really happy her son was able to handle the situation. She couldn't sleep the night before because she was worried. But now she could get her beauty sleep. Well that was what she and her son were good at doing. Playing the victim. And she was glad her son was able to do that perfectly gaining the sympathy of the people. After taking a nap she asked the maids to prepare something delicious. She was going to visit her husband and son at the company. With lunch boxes of their favourite food. After dressing up the maids told her the car was ready and so was the lunch. She asked her guards to take the lunch boxes. She headed towards the company with a bright happy smile on her face. Robert was in his office when his secretary knocked on his door."Come in." He said. "Sir, someone is here to see you." His secretary reported. "Who?" Robert asked with a frown, well he didn't recall having anyone in his schedule by this time of day."She doesn't have an appointment but she
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