All Chapters of THE COME BACK OF AN ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
85 chapters
Albert immediately headed home. His mom needed him and he knows it. He had a feeling his dad hurt his mom again. That's one of the reasons she always cry's these days. He arrived home and headed straight to her room."Mom. Mom!" He rushed to his mom who was seating on the floor with a sad expression. Her tears had stopped flowing. "Mom are you okay?" Albert asked. "Yes, am fine." Dalia forced a smile. "Mom, you're not fine. You're not fine. What happened?" Albert asked. "It's your dad, it's your dad." Dalia sobbed breaking down. Albert hugged his mom tightly. "You know... I thought being in Kendra's shoes I wouldn't be so hurt when he continues frolicking with other women but... Today, today I just felt betrayed and like I didn't matter to him at all. I felt sad." Dalia sobbed."Mom, you need to start paying less attention to dad and maybe move on." Albert said sternly."What do you mean move on? I love your dad and we're a family now." Dalia said. "But he doesn't love you."
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Nathalie knew this was going to happen, her boss was not easy to please and he always wanted something in return for every favor you ask. Had it not been her dad who called she wouldn't even dream of trying to ask the devil a favor."Um sir... I just wanted to ask for a leave just for tomorrow." Nathalie finally found the courage to I speak. "Why are you sick? You know I love productivity and I hate it when people don't take their jobs seriously." Miles her boss said without sparing her a glance. "I understand sir, and no am not sick I just... There's a family emergency." Nathalie said. "Is that so?" Miles asked. "Yes, I promise I would be back to work first thing Friday morning." Nathalie said. "So what do I get in return you still haven't given me an answer?" Miles asked. "What do you want sir?" Nathalie asked. "What I want might not be easy to give. So what can you offer?" Miles asked."I promise to be more diligent." Nathalie said forcing a smile."That's pathetic. But you
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Janelle bit her lower lips she wasn't ready to go down a memory lane. "I...""I thought we were friends. But it's obvious you're just pretending to be nice." Theodore said coldly. "Am not okay, and we are friends." Janelle said. "Yeah right." Theodore scoffed. "Am sorry if I made things difficult for you." Janelle said. "Am not affected at all, since you came to apologize and since you've done that, I suggest you leave Miss Ryder I'm busy." Theodore said. "But you haven't let go of your anger just yet am I wrong?" Janelle asked."See you can't even look me in the eye." Theodore said. "There's no such thing Janelle and I forgive you. Good night." Theodore said looking straight into her amber eyes. "Good night Theodore." Janelle uttered walking out of Theodore's room and Theodore focused back on what he was doing on his computer. ~ The next day ~ Nathalie got into her car and headed to her father's mansion which was very far from her condo. She was in deep thoughts as she kep
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Mrs Spencer and Nathalie sat eagerly waiting to hear what Mr Arnold Spencer has to say."Dad, why did you call me yesterday? You sounded angry and you got me so worried." Nathalie asked with concern laced on her voice. "That's because I was angry, and I still am. Am so angry Nathalie." Arnold said."Why?" Nathalie asked."You know why? You're the..." Harold chipped in but Nathalie cut him."Harold, I am talking to dad and not you." Nathalie glared."Nathalie, how have you been living your life?" Arnold asked. "My life? I don't understand what you mean?" Nathalie asked. "Why did you break up with Theodore?" Arnold asked. "Oh, so you heard?" Nathalie asked. "My question is simple, why?" Arnold asked. "Honey, it's inevitable for two people to break up." Mrs Spencer tried to defend her daughter. "Honey stay out of it, this doesn't concern you and Nathalie understands what am saying." Arnold said. "Dad I..." "Just admit it, you cheated on the guy then he broke up with you." Harold
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Theodore wanted to test how well the people in the company respected him and also what the reaction of the board members would be. He told Charles of his plans though and Charles was more than pleased. He also wanted to see how everyone would treat Theodore so he asked Oliver to make sure the CCTV cameras of the conference room was ready. He wanted to watch and hear everything. At least then no one would be able to deny his or her actions at the conference room cause everything would be clear for all to see. The meeting was in two days and Theodore was working really hard with Ivan and Derrick to find other loopholes. "Mr Wyatt someone is here to see you." Janelle reported. "Who is it?" Theodore asked. "She said her name is Bridget Hugh." Janelle replied and Theodore frowned. Theodore scoffed in his heart and wondered why Nathalie's best friend was coming to see him. Theodore thought about sending her away but he decided against it. He wanted to hear what she had to say and
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Everyone couldn't hold themselves from murmuring this time and Theodore let them."Mr Wyatt, what do you mean by we would no longer have anything to do with WKM?" Brad asked with a frown. "Exactly as it sounds or do you need me to say it in a lay man's term? Although am pretty sure that was clear." Theodore said. "But Mr Wyatt, telling us that we no longer have anything to do with this empire is absurd. We've worked our ass off just so this..." Brad was explaining when Theodore cut. "You mean you've been stealing from the company, am I right?" Theodore asked. "And oh, if you don't believe me I have evidence of your guilt." Theodore nodded and Ivan began passing a document around to everyone. "See for yourself how you've worked your ass off for this empire." Theodore said coldly. "Mr Wyatt, please forgive us." One of them begged. "This isn't time to preach forgiveness, and it's most certainly not the time to apologize for your crimes. I meant what I said, your shares and your em
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Of course, the name Kendra is familiar and just as you guessed she was Theodore's mother. And she was very much alive. She wasn't dead like everyone thought she was. ~ Three Years Ago ~ Weeks Leading to Kendra's Death. Kendra was in a restaurant waiting for her son. Theodore called to cancel at the last minute saying he would make it up to her. Kendra knew her son would never stand her up unless what he was doing was really really important. She was about to leave when a handsome man sat across her. "Am sorry sir, you're in the wrong table." Kendra said. She knew she was just about leaving but that didn't mean someone else could come chill in her space does it? "I don't believe I am, Mrs Brantley." Charles said. "How did you know my name? Do you work with my husband?" Kendra asked with a frown. "No, and I see you don't recognize me." Charles said taking off his glasses. Kendra panicked when she recognized the man a bit. Although he was much more older now, she still reco
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"Sir, Kendra just stepped out of the house." Oliver reported. "Okay, let's go out to meet her." Charles ordered. "Sir are you sure...?" Oliver asked. "Now." Charles ordered. "Yes sir." Oliver replied getting the car ready. Kendra asked the driver to take her to a bar. She just wanted to forget her sorrows. To drink away her misery. But before she could comprehend or think of what you do next a car hit theirs from the other side. A big truck to be precise. Making the car turn upside down. Charles who was on Kendra's tail saw the incident.He panicked and didn't know exactly what to do. He didn't want Kendra to die, as a matter of fact he loved her. Yes ever since that night he couldn't stop thinking about her. And now seeing the car she was on turned upside down it got him worried. He immediately rushed towards the side Kendra was on and she was still breathing but she was bleeding from her head. He immediately helped her out of the car. And took her to a military hospital.
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Soon Karina and Chloe arrived. Chloe wore sunglasses and a veil to cover her face. She didn't want to be recognized so fans wouldn't rush up to her. She just wanted to be alone with her friends. Ivan saw Chloe from a far and immediately rushed after her. "Hey, am so glad you could make it." Ivan said with a smile."But of course." Chloe smiled back. "Guys welcome, am so glad you could all make it." Theodore was saying when he noticed someone was missing."Wait where's Jasper?" Theodore asked."Well, we're not sure." Ivan said. "I'll text him you guys can go on and have fun first." Theodore said about to get up. "Right brother, Mary wouldn't make it, she said she has something going on and she has to fix something for my big day." Karina said. "Right your grand opening is in two weeks right?" Theodore asked. "Yeah.""I'll be going on a business trip Tuesday. But I'll be back for your big party I promise." Theodore assured. "Okay." Karina nodded. "Let's party." Chloe yelled.
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Theodore got back into the car. He smiled at Janelle and she smiled back."Are you ready to go home?" Theodore asked. "Yeah, although..." Janelle hesitated."What?" Theodore asked. "It's nothing let's just go." Janelle said. "They're not moving this car unless you tell me what's on your mind." Theodore said. "It's nothing I promise.""Janelle, we talked about this. What's on your mind?" Theodore asked knowing she was lying. "I want to go to the park." Janelle said."Now?" Theodore asked surprised about Janelle's request. "Yes." Janelle nodded. Theodore knew the park might have closed off it's late already. He wondered why Janelle wanted to go so bad. He decided to voice out what he was thinking. "But the park might have closed off. It's late." Theodore reminded. "Still I want to go." "Okay." Theodore nodded. "Would you excuse me for a minute I just have to ask Jasper something before we go." Theodore said walking away. Soon he came back and asked the driver to head to the
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