All Chapters of THE COME BACK OF AN ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 chapters
Frank was a bit confused and surprised at the same time. Why would Emilia want him to convince Janelle and for what?"Emilia babe, am kinda confused right now what did you say I should do?" Frank asked just to be sure he heard her right."I need you to convince Janelle." Emilia repeated. "Whatever about? You know she hates me now don't you?" Frank asked. "Regardless, I don't care how you do it I just want you to ask her to come to my father's party tonight so I can put her in her place." Emilia said coldly. "I'll do my best, but seriously Emilia is it really necessary? If your mom couldn't convince her whatever made you think I would be able to convince her?" Frank asked. "At one point in time she loved you." Emilia replied. "Am glad you used the term loved because am sure she hates me now. And what makes you think she would even answer my calls?" Frank asked with a sigh."You better do as I ask daddy." Emilia purred. "I know you like it when I call you daddy. If you successfull
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"Send me that stupid address. Am on my way." Theodore yelled disconnecting the call. He rushed up the stairs to change his clothes.He wondered what Janelle was thinking that made her go to that party. She knew they all didn't like her so what was she trying to prove by going there? ~ At The Dawson's Mansion ~Janelle walked into her step father's house, it's been a while since she's been here. And her memories of this house weren't so pleasing. She heard elegant music play and she knew the party must have started. She walked in dressed in the most beautiful dress she has ever had. It was a gift from Theodore, something from Karina's collection. Everyone's head turned when they saw Janelle walking in. Emilia who had her arms around Frank was talking to someone when she noticed the person was no longer listening but instead was looking at another direction.Her eyes nearly popped out when she saw Janelle's dress, it was a million times prettier than hers. And this made her angry
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"I know, we've been friends for a while." Hugh nodded."Exactly, and if you know me you'd know am a man of my principal and I although I like discipline and order that doesn't mean I'll force my ideals down someone else's throat I hope you understand?" Charles asked with a smile. "Yes I do." Hugh nodded. "Theodore and I haven't really had that father and son bond. I wasn't always a part of his life, so now I don't want to be the one to decide who he wants to spend the rest of his life with." Charles said. "I understand." "I'll see you around Hugh. Like I said I have another engagement. I hope you find a suitable husband for your daughter." Charles said getting up to leave. ~ Back at the party ~ Emilia was so angry Janelle called Frank trash, indirectly she was insulting her saying she was trashy. "You little..." Emilia cursed."What? I was only telling the truth and your boyfriend knows it too." Janelle said coldly. "Janelle can we talk in private for a minute?" Vanessa asked
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Theodore dragged Janelle into his room and he glared at her. "What the hell were you thinking going to your step father's house? Are you trying to get yourself raped?" Theodore asked his anger evident."I... It was Frank, he called and said Emilia wanted me... There and... And I got so pissed and so I... I decided to attend..." Janelle stuttered. Theodore observed Janelle and saw her cheeks were flushed red. He frowned and touched her forehead."Janelle are you okay?" Theodore asked. "It's so hot." Janelle said using her hands to fan herself. "Hey, you're burning up do you have a fever?" Theodore asked with concern his anger completely forgotten."No, I just feel... I just feel..." Janelle stuttered. She walked closer to Theodore and before he knew it she kissed him forcefully.Theodore was surprised at the complete change of character but he figured she was drugged. As much as he would love to continue he had to stop.He pulled away from Janelle."Hey come with me." Theodore said
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"No, you're right I acted like an idiot." Janelle sighed. "I didn't mean to yell, I was just a bit pissed. What if I hadn't found out you weren't home? I came to check on you yesterday. I wanted to take you out..." Theodore stopped and sighed. "Am sorry." "No, it's fine. I know you're an adult. And maybe you're right I shouldn't impose rules on you. You're old enough to make your own decisions. You know it took me great restraint not to take you last night." Theodore said with a sigh. "And I just got a bit jealous and upset thinking what if you were at someone else's mercy last night. I didn't want to think about it at all." Theodore said."You were jealous?" Janelle asked surprised. "Forget that, get changed. It's time for breakfast. But promise you wouldn't go to your step father's place without my permission." Theodore glared. "I won't I promise.""I want to go to my room." Janelle said. "Go ahead." Theodore replied with a sigh.He couldn't believe he just said that, what wa
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After Charles and Earl discussed what they wanted Theodore saw someone that caught his attention. A woman, her face was covered but he could swear he recognizes the woman's eyes. 'Who is she? She looks so familiar.' Theodore thought. But where? He wanted to say something but she was gone. "Theodore, our business is finished here we better get going." Charles said. "Okay." Theodore nodded but his attention was still at the place where the girl disappeared to. He left with Charles non the less when he decided to check his phone. Then he remembered the footage from the bar. "Are you okay son?" Charles asked as he noticed Theodore's divided attention."Yeah dad am fine." Theodore nodded. He was wondering what the girl was doing there? Was he wrong or was it just someone with the same facial similarities as the one from the bar. His mind was clouded but he couldn't tell his dad about it. ~ The Next Day ~ Theodore was busy with his work as usual. When someone's image flashed thro
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Janelle was surprised Theodore kissed her, she kissed him back this time not holding back her feelings. After her fall out with Frank her feelings for him began to grow. She didn't want to admit it to herself but who was she kidding? She has feelings for him. Maybe even the first time she saw him. There was something intriguing about him. "I'll see you at the office tomorrow." Theodore said as he stopped kissing her. "Please, wait!" Janelle said stopping him. "What?" Theodore asked. "Listen I know I shouldn't have said that. And you're right but, don't try to hurt Mark. Mom would only take it out on me. And I would take my revenge someday, maybe." Janelle said and Theodore nodded. Karina was about to get into her car when someone stopped her. Karina frowned when she saw who it was. Two guards where about to stop the man from coming any closer."Karina please let's talk." Robert said."There's nothing to talk about dad." Karina replied coldly. "Please Rina." Robert begged. "D
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Karina forced a smile and hugged Theodore again. "No, am fine." She said. "Is uncle home?" Karina asked trying to change the topic. "Yeah, I think he is in his study. But Karina I don't believe you. What's going on?" Theodore asked. "Nothing, it's just... Dad came to see me today." Karina finally said. "You mean Robert?" Theodore asked. "Yes, of course him." Karina replied rolling her eyes."What the hell does he want? Did he hurt you?" Theodore asked. "No, am fine. It's... We just talked.""What did he say to you? Did he threaten you?" Theodore asked."No, quite the opposite actually. He wanted me to beg you." Karina replied. "I can't listen to this, we were just about to have dinner. Join us." Theodore said."No I don't think...""It wasn't a request." Theodore said coldly. And Karina sighed.She didn't want to upset Theodore more than he already was so she decided to follow him.Charles walked down the stairs and smiled when he saw Karina. "Hi dear." "Hello Uncle." Karina
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Charles was eavesdropping, when Karina and Theodore were discussing he immediately dialed a number. "Hey, I thought you weren't supposed to be calling?""Kendra we need to talk." Charles said cutting her. "Charles whatever about?" Kendra asked. "The kids.""Charles we discussed this." Kendra said with a sigh. "You need to come home. You need to show yourself I can't keep letting them live with some guilt about how their mother died and what they should have done when you were alive." Charles said. "Let's meet tomorrow and have a better discussion am not comfortable talking on the phone." Kendra said."Fine, good night." Charles said."Good night." Kendra replied disconnecting the call. Charles sighed he needed Kendra to tell her kids at least he didn't want them to keep thinking and blaming themselves for what they didn't do.~ The Next Day ~ Charles left early after having breakfast with Theodore and Karina. He arrived at his manor and walked in. Kendra knew he would be comi
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"Janelle, I promise we'll talk about everything when I get back." Theodore said. "But why do I feel that's not true? Why do I feel that you're not going to come back to me?" Janelle said. "I'll come back to you I promise." Theodore said. "Janelle am sorry I haven't talked about the kiss. I was just..." Theodore sighed."Sir.." Leo called out. "What is it Leo?" Theodore asked. Leo walked towards his desk and whispered something into his ears."Janelle, just go home I promise I'll see you tomorrow." Theodore said calmly. "Theodore wait." Janelle called out but he was already walked out the door. Janelle stood there transfixed wondering what Theodore was up to. Theodore arrived at the building Zoe wanted them to meet. "Hello." He called out."Hello, is anyone here?" He asked. "Well hello." Zoe said from behind him walking towards him with a couple of guards and the man that was kidnapped his hands tied up tightly. "Wow, you." Zoe smiled taking off her mask. "I knew you were t
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