All Chapters of THE COME BACK OF AN ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 81 - Chapter 85
85 chapters
Two Weeks Later It was Kendra's memorial. Theodore was very sad but he didn't want to show it. He went to the office like everything was okay and he went on with his work. He was a bit pissed and he yelled at anyone who wasn't doing their job right. Well he had always been encouraging but today just seemed like a bad day."Sir, are you okay?" Janelle asked."Yes, am fine. Just leave me." Theodore said and Janelle nodded. Robert was in his office when someone walked in. "What do you want?" Robert asked. "Listen Robert, what's happening with the company isn't a joke. Am hearing whispers from the others. They're planning on selling their shares." Daniel Robert's friend said. "So now they want to leave just like that?" Robert asked. "Can you blame them? This is serious my dear friend. The stocks show no hope of getting back to where it was and it keeps decreasing day and night. At this rate we would even go bankrupt. And our debts wouldn't be payable." Daniel said pouring out his
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Charles was surprised to see Dalia, they were both so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't know when Robert left."Well let's hear what she has to say." Charles said staring intently towards where Dalia was. Deep down he felt like killing her and burying her beside Kendra's fake grave. "Well hello Kendra, I know you love roses these for you." She said placing a bouquet of flowers beside Kendra's grave. "Am guessing that's mockery right?" Kendra asked. "Oh look at you Kendra, someone so beautiful so pretty rotting away. What? Are you going to say you're in heaven and you're watching down? Well if you are... I hate you." Dalia said. "I hate you so much. Even in your death your ghost still haunts me." Dalia said angrily. "Well let's see how you hate seeing me in front of you." Kendra said about to open the door. "Kendra what are you doing?" Charles asked stopping her."Showing myself." Kendra replied. "Are you mad? Kendra listen you can't just show up in front of the
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Charles didn't want to lie to Theodore anymore. "There's someone I want you to meet." Charles said. "Who? The girl I wanted to ask questions?" Theodore asked. "No, not her. This is someone else. Get changed we're leaving right now." Charles said."But...""You wanted to know don't you? Well if you're curious come with me." Charles said and Theodore followed him. The duo arrived at the manor and Theodore looked around. "Where are we?" Theodore asked. "This is one of my private properties. Come on in." Charles said walking on ahead of Theodore and he followed him. Theodore saw a woman with her back to them and wondered who the secret woman Charles was having an affair with was. The woman turned slowly to face them and Theodore couldn't believe his eyes. "Mom." He called out softly surprised with mixed emotions. He stood rooted to a spot like he was in some dream. "Hello Theodore." Kendra smiled. Theodore rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. He didn't care if it was a d
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"Come on don't be, I got a lot of money. So let's order." Derrick said taking his seat. "Sure." Karina replied going through the menu. "You look stunning." Derrick said and Karina chuckled."Thank you, but I must give the credit to Mary and Chloe they forced me into dressing up and I believe it's a bit too much." Karina said. "No, you... You look perfect." Derrick said."Thank you." Karina replied with a bright smile. "You're welcome." Derrick smiled. The duo began eating their dinner. "Wow everything tastes..." Karina said taking another bite without finishing her words."I know right? Oh if there's anything you don't like you can always send it back.""Are you kidding? Everything tastes so good. If I were a foodie I probably won't go home until I've tried everything in the menu." Karina said and Derrick laughed."Let's order desert and let's talk about those designs of yours." Derrick reminded. "Right." Karina nodded. She sat beside him and he began showing him her designs.
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Harry sighed when he saw tears streaming down Albert's eyes. "But isn't that what you always wanted? For both your parents to be legally married?" Harry asked."I regret that wish okay. And I hate the fact that it even came to pass." Albert added wiping his tears. "That bastard, he is still cheating on my mom." Albert said coldly."I know it's bad, what your dad's doing but...""Don't even try to justify his actions. You know what? Am going home." Albert said getting up. "You're in no condition to drive and you didn't even come with a guard or driver." Harry said. "I can manage." Albert replied."And what kind of friend would I be if I let you go to your death. If you want a place to sleep. I'll ask the manager to give you a key. You can rest there." Harry said. "No, I want to go home." Albert insisted. "You're drunk.""Am not drunk am fine." Albert said."Yeah right. Security." Harry called out. "Sir, is something wrong?""No, just take him to a room upstairs." Harry instructe
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