All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
187 chapters
Chapter 21
I didn't know the point of time when I fell asleep but I was soon awoken by someone. My eyes opened to see Paulina tugging at me. I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I said, "Sorry I slept off. Hope you weren't bored?" "There's no problem," Paulina was smiling. "I was watching TV so I was too occupied to be bored." "That's what you'd say," I smiled. "I know you were bored." "I was not!" she protested by waving her hands. "Believe me I wasn't bored at all!" "Whatever," I said as I stood up and stretched my body. I let out a long yawn, my eyes drooping slightly. "You seem very stressed out lately," Paulina said. She was a good observer and could even notice the slig
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Chapter 22
The next day was Friday and I had classes that day. So I needed to go to school to cover up for everything that had been missed during the time I acquired the system. During that time I've been performing one task and mission to another. It had become a herculean routine and going to school would help reduce it (that's if the system doesn't find a way of screwing me up). Paulina was still sleeping when I got up to take my bath and dress up. I went to the kitchen to get some food for her and when I came back she was already awake. "Good morning," she greeted me brightly as she rubbed her eyes slowly. Her expression was duller than usual but I felt it was because of her drowsiness after waking up. "Morning, Paulina," I said. "How did you sleep last night?" 
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Chapter 23
I then checked the time. It was 7'Oclock. I still had to get myself a new phone since my old one got destroyed after the system left it. Why did I always keep on forgetting important things?! "It seems you're headed somewhere," she said after sizing me up. "You are dressed very nearly." "Yeah," I said. "I wanna go to school to catch up on things that have been missed." "Oh," Paulina revealed a sad expression. "So I will be left alone in this big mansion?" "I would have taken you but your condition is still poor," I said. "You have to stay at home and recover. I don't want your condition to worsen." "Yeah," she replied. "Or you want to buy time to go back to
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Chapter 24: Surprise
As I drove the car to school everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to gawk at it, suspending what they had been doing. I could all see shock written in their eyes as they wondered who owned such an expensive car. The glasses were tinted so they couldn't see me clearly and I was happy about it. I wanted to make them spend time guessing my identity. I could hear murmurings which soon erupted into a loud discussion as the students pointed at my car, chatting away. I recognized several faces among them, for example Diego who was bullying a young kid who had just arrived in the school—a fresher—and he was merciless. At that moment he turned his head to look at my very expensive Mercedes something something. Even I had forgotten the exact name of the model. I happily did a drift and stepped on the brake, causing the tyres
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Chapter 25: Live streaming
"Since you don't know anything about me don't try boasting around me," I finally said and walked into my car, driving away from them. I knew that sooner or later they were going to retaliate but I didn't care about anything like that.[MISSION: DO ONE HUNDRED PUSHUPS IN PUBLIC][REWARD: SAMSUNG GALAXY S24 PLUS][PUNISHMENT: FORFEIT YOUR CAR IMMEDIATELY]Seeing this mission made me smile after reading the reward on the notification screen. But after seeing the punishment I couldn't help but have goosebumps all over my body. How the hell would I forfeit a car right in the eyes of everyone? Then I looked at the mission description and frowned. Doing one hundred push-ups in public? Seriously, system?[DURATION: ONE HOUR][TIME STARTS NOW]When it came to giving out missions the Enigmatic System couldn't be negotiated with. It was very stiff and wouldn't listen to any terms from you. I think it was following a rule which didn't allow it to bypass it.Slowly I came out of the car under the g
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Chapter 26: Campaign
Lessons that day were kind of boring. I didn't know if it was because I've found a way to get money without having to engage in any white collar job or Paulina's absence but I suddenly developed a distaste for formal education. I mean, let's be practical. Who would be serious in his education when he could receive millions of dollars for taking tasks or missions? That person would have to be a die-hard fan of formal education to do that.During lunchtime I walked confidently to the cafeteria to get my food. Everyone couldn't help but turn to stare at me as I passed by them. I no longer cared about what they said or how they looked at me. I was now the big boss of the school and it was high time everyone started seeing that. I even developed this smug expression to make me look cooler and aloof.Dominic and Sophia, with the others who had joined him to bully me, were already seated having their lunch. When they saw me enter the cafeteria their expressions turned very sour. Definitely Do
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Chapter 27: Costly bet
As I smiled widely I folded my hands to my chest and stood casually as if I didn't care about anything in the world except myself. I even folded the sleeves of my chest and combed through my hair with my fingers as I stared at Dominic who was fuming greatly. After minutes of suppressing his anger he couldn't bear it anymore and walked towards me. "Just who do you think you are?" he asked me in anger. "Just because you've acquired wealth doesn't mean you can talk to me anyhow! You're still way beneath me in terms of influence!" "Yes!" his bully friends and henchmen all echoed as they rammed their fists into their palms. I could only smile casually as I bent to take my glass of orange juice which was standing on the table before sipping it slowly. Then I said, "I'll reply in r
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Chapter 28: First Real Fear
One merit point huh? I asked myself as I looked at the faces of all the students around. Their eyes were all filled with admiration as they stared at me. I could tell they were beginning to accept me as the overall student in the school. That meant that if i lose this arm wrestling I would receive a demerit point. When that happened everything I walked for would go down the drain. That was what I didn't want to happen. "System, can I use my skills?" I asked silently. I knew there was no way I was beating Carlos in terms of strength without relying on my player skills. If I didn't use my skills I was going to lose this arm wrestling. [RUSH ABSORPTION AND HEALING ARE CURRENTLY LOCKED TILL END OF THE ARM WRESTLING] Damn...I couldn't help but cuss inwardly as I resisted the urge
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Chapter 29: Winning Against the Odds
 I could even see Dominic sneer at me after I sat down. I bet he was glad he would see me lose this time. He knew that once I lost I would also lose face even though I don't comply with the terms. It was even better for him than complying because I'd live with shame for eternity. "Carlos, you need to win this loser once and for all," Dominic said to Carlos and patted his back. "I'll make sure he loses so badly, Boss," Carlos was beaming. I've never seen him so happy before in entire life. I guess getting rid of a pest like me was a one-time relief. He placed his left elbow on the table and extended his hand to me with outstretched fingers, a crooked smile on his finger. I actually forgot to mention one thing about Carlos. Most people use their right hands while
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Chapter 30: Loved by Everyone
 I couldn't believe that I'd actually beat Carlos in an arm wrestling match. It was still like a dream to me and it took me some time to recover. I didn't know who was more shocked about the outcome, me or Carlos. But that didn't matter anymore. What mattered was I'd won the arm wrestling and now I've gotten a merit point from the Enigmatic System. He was so happy about it and even smiled more widely, flashing my set of white teeth. "D*mn...He actually won against Carlos at the last moment!" "And we all thought he would lose!" "He was clearly struggling at first! He was clearly losing!" "How did he win all of a sudden?!" "Jason is truly terrify
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