All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
187 chapters
Chapter 31: You Can't Handle Losing
"You're such a scum!" "You only know how to lie against others and defame them!" "Jason is right! You're nothing but someone who depends on his father's wealth!" "Yeah, without his father he would have been nothing by now!" "I can't believe he decided to say something as despicable as this against Jason! He's such a scum!" All the students suddenly turned against him at the last moment, shocking him and his henchmen. Just earlier everyone had been saying things against me and now they had turned over to my side after just a few words. It was too shocking and unbelievable! It even shocked them more than the event of defeating Carlos in an arm wrestling!Read more
Chapter 32: Shopping
After the whole nerve breaking fiasco I left the cafeteria amidst the sympathetic gestures of the students. They all promised to upload the live streaming to all the social media accounts in their phones. I was very much elated after hearing that from them. When I left I didn't come across Dominic again and felt that he had already left the school for good. Lunch period was already over and classes commenced. As usual, I found classes very boring and couldn't concentrate in class. I was thinking about Paulina and her condition. Was there anyway I could restore her to how she was before? "System, can I use Healing to restore Paulina back to how she was before?" I asked the Enigmatic System. "Is it possible?" [YOUR LEVEL IS TOO LOW ENOUGH TO DO THAT. ABILITIES LIKE RUSH ABSORP
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Chapter 33: Making Paulina Happy
 When I drove into the mansion I had a warm smile as I imagined Paulina becoming happy. I came down from my car with the bags containing the wears as I walked towards the house. I saw Paulina moving her wheelchair out of the house. That meant she had been waiting for me for so long in the living room and immediately rushed out when she heard the sound of my car. I smiled at her as I apologized, "I apologize for keeping you very lonely." A small smile formed at the corners of Paulina's mouth as she said, "It was nothing actually. I got to move around the mansion." "Really?" I didn't immediately talk about what I had bought and allowed her to take over the conversation. That was what a real gentleman would do. Read more
Chapter 34: Another Assassination Attempt
That night as I made it to get her dinner Paulina suddenly asked, "Why is there so much food in the refrigerators and microwaves?" "Uh..." I scratched my head. "Well, I cooked those delicacies just for you. Didn't I promise you delicacies yesterday?" Paulina sized me up before saying, "I can believe you're a good chef. But cooking something as wide as these delicacies needs more than being good." "You don't believe me?" I asked her, my facial muscles twitching. "I can do it again if you want." "No, no," Paulina smiled. "Just get us dinner to eat." I smiled back at her before going to the microwaves to get the foods which were there. As I was going I even he
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Chapter 35: Display of Power
I saw the gunmen tremble as they all retreated backwards after seeing me evade all the bullets fired by me for a strange reason. I was just moving straight but none of the bullets were even touching me! "Damn!" "Why didn't you tell us that you're dealing with a demon?!" "He's too terrifying!" "We'll definitely lose our lives if we continue with this." Carlos was the only one in the group who didn't hurriedly retreat and shouted, "We need to take him down immediately! Only by doing so are we going to be rewarded by Dominic!" The gunmen, attracted by the mention of reward, immediately stopped running
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Chapter 36: Keeping Things Under Wraps
"I never knew things would end up this way," I said to myself as I looked down, clenching my fists. I couldn't help but wonder if what they said were actually true. Was I really a monster like they had said? Was I really a demon? All around me were corpses which had died with so much fear. I didn't know why but anywhere I went was filled with so much deaths. Either I was killing people or people were getting killed because of me. "I'm really a demon," I said to myself as I unclenched my fists. "I've caused so much deaths." I remained standing there for some minutes silently. The police would soon come and I needed to stay at the crime scene so that I'd be able to explain everything to them. If I left I'd immediately become a suspect and the cops would be on my way tail.Read more
Chapter 37: Merit Points Are Deadly
As I was driving to school I was fuming as I thought about how Dominic had tried to kill me several times. If it were not for the law and the status of his father I would have killed him a long time ago. He had caused so much trouble for me and I wasn't going to forgive him for what he had done. The scar was still there and it wasn't going to wash away till he was dead and buried. I couldn't let someone as dangerous as Dominic roam about. No, I couldn't do so. With time I'm going to initiate my plan and force him to his downfall. But for now, I had to bid my time wisely. Rushing into things would definitely jeopardize my plans and cause me instant failure. As I drove to the school I got many stares like the first time I had come with my new expensive car to school. But I could see that their eyes were filled with deep admiration for me. It seemed that something about me was drawing them closer to me. Several of them even took the initiative to approach
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Chapter 38: First Quest
Seeing that had quelled the conflict between the students I secretly heaved a sigh of relief myself. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't succeeded in calming them down."So what are you doing about Dominic's issue?" someone asked after some minutes. "I mean, we can't let a criminal like him roam free.""Exactly," another person chimed in. "He's too dangerous for him to run free. We need to get him behind bars as quickly as possible."I smiled confidently before saying, "Well, I have that in mind. But I still don't have any evidence against him.""Can't you like get him to confess with his own mouth and then do an audio recording?" someone asked. "I believe with your oratory skills it wouldn't be hard for you to drive him insane with words and get him into saying something really stupid."I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows. So these guys have begun adding my oratory skills to the book. Well, I was glad abou
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Chapter 39: Nuisance
I was still standing beside my car, thinking about the mission when I spotted a Rolls Royce drive into the school. I immediately knew who the owner of the car was and clenched my fists angrily. Even those who were new to this school knew that this car belonged to Dominic.It seemed he didn't see me because he drove some meters close to my car and stopped. After some minutes I saw him alight from the Rolls Royce. I had expected Sophia to be there as well but she was nowhere to be found around Dominic. I couldn't help wave her from my mind as I waited for Dominic to walk away from the car. He wasn't with his henchmen as well and was all alone.At that time Dominic saw my car and revealed a shocked expression. He was even more shocked when he saw me standing beside my car, whole and hearty. I didn't know what he was thinking in that mind of his but I knew that he was definitely wondering how I was still alive despite him clearly sending people to assassinate me. His mouth was agape and h
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Chapter 40: Deleting the Evidence
After seeing that Dominic had lost all form of resistance I immediately went straight to the point, "Why did you send men to assassinate me again?"After hearing this question I saw Dominic's face contort in more shock as he stared at me as if I was a demon. He didn't say anything and just stared at me for several seconds without saying a single word."Do you think you were going to succeed this time by sending them to ambush me on the highway?" I asked Dominic again.The bully opened his mouth to say something but no word came out. It seemed as if he had suddenly forgotten how to speak. Well, I understood the situation perfectly. I had been there more than once and was now a pro in situations just like this."Aren't you gonna talk again?" I asked. "Or are you afraid because you don't have your boys around with you? No one will be there to point a gun at me if I speak too much?"Finally, Dominic spoke, "How did you survive again? They sent me the news that they had shot your car and c
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