All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
187 chapters
Chapter 41: All Against One
Dominic glared at me for some moments without wondering why I had suddenly gotten very bold. It seemed he was so bent on dealing with me that he forgot about logic. Well, I didn't blame him because he was naturally dumb. It's myself I blame because I had underestimated his dumbness."You're gonna pay for humiliating me all those days!" he yelled as he advanced towards me and threw his right punch at me angrily.I didn't bother to dodge as I stood still, watching his punch approach me. Just as his fist was almost near my face I reached out my left hand to grab it in place. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the shock on Dominic's face."B-but," he was now stuttering, "you were clearly weak moments before now!"My smile couldn't help but widen as I said, "I guess it's a secret."I then pulled him closer to me and at the same moment extended my right hand towards his chest, opening my palm. I controlled my strength to a very small degree so that I wouldn't break his bone in the process
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Chapter 42: Crippling Them
I saw Dominic stare at all of his father's lackeys for some time as if wondering why they weren't making a move. Then he shouted after losing his patience, "Just get him already!"One of the men immediately took the initiative to attack as he swung his axe at me, hoping to cleave me into halves with it. But I wouldn't let him do that, would I?I heard screams from the students as I turned immediately and grabbed his wrist before delivering a powerful punch to his face. His nose was broken and blood spurted out as he tumbled to the ground with a loud yell. I heard the students let out gasps but I was in no mood to reply."I said get him!" Dominic was now losing his mind. "Can't you see he's very dangerous?!"All the men immediately began attacking me with their weapons. I knew that I was in the public and I couldn't take on damage in order to activate Rush Absorption. They were all holding weapons and once everyone discovered that I actually healed from injuries, questions and suspicio
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Chapter 43: Really Weak
"System, activate Rush Absorption," I muttered to the Enigmatic System as I winced in pain. I was about to face the toughest person ever.[RUSH ABSORPTION ACTIVATED][NEW MISSION UPDATE][MISSION DESCRIPTION: DEFEAT DOMINIC'S BODYGUARD IN THIRTY MINUTES][MISSION REWARDS: GET TO USE THE ENIGMATIC SYSTEM AS BODYGUARD FOR ONCE][PUNISHMENT: LOSE ALL FORM OF PROTECTION FOR 24 HOURS]After seeing the mission description I couldn't help but think it was easy. The rewards also made me beam inwardly. But after seeing the punishment I couldn't help but narrow my eyes. I currently had a quest to investigate all of Dominic's files in the hospital. What if I failed this mission? Wouldn't it affect the other mission so badly that I was gonna fail?Pa!I heard a crisp sound and immediately moved sideways, reacting in time. Damn, the man was still very fast despite using Rush Absorption. He was still slightly faster than me and I believed other aspects of his physical condition would be higher as w
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Chapter 44: Shocking Everyone
As I screamed in pain the man bent down and grabbed my hair, pulling me by it off the ground, "Dominic has been complaining to me lately and I felt the need to come to school myself to see the wimp who had been disturbing my boss's son. And here you are being weaker than anyone I've ever faced."I'm weaker than anyone he has ever faced? I asked myself as I gritted in pain. So despite having the Enigmatic System, I was still the weakest opponent someone had ever faced.This filled me with so much helplessness and I began giving up hope. What was the essence of having the Enigmatic System when I could still be topped by others? Did that mean that no matter what I tried to do there was no way to be above others in all aspects?A powerful punch in my torso jolted me back to reality as I was sent crashing into my Mercedes Benz again. I coughed out mouthfuls of blood as I gnashed my teeth."Someone as weak as you are shouldn't bully the weak!" the man yelled as he punched me forcibly in the
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Chapter 45: Sending a Message
I ran towards him with my arms behind me before jumping high into the air to deliver several stomps at him as I approached. I thought the man wouldn't be able to take my hits this time but to my surprise, he blocked all of them and forced me to bounce backwards into the air. As I landed I couldn't help but wonder how much strength this man had to fight me who had my physical condition maximized by two hundred percent. It was baffling. "Impressive again, but I was holding back!" the man suddenly kicked off the ground with his right foot and lunged towards me with his arms extended. What kind of Kung Fu is this? I wondered as I threw a punch at his face, thinking he wouldn't be able to control his momentum now that he was lunging towards me. But to my greatest surprise, he tilted his head to the right at the last moment before giving m
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Chapter 46: Coming Home Early
I didn't know when I passed out in the car but when I woke up, I was already on my lawn. I didn't even remember how long I'd been unconscious. The injuries all of my body stung me like bees and I couldn't help but grit my teeth to keep the pain at bay. But it wasn't helping. "Activate Healing," I said as I inhaled deeply. I hadn't used this skill for two reasons. The first one was because the students had been there at the fighting scene. The second reason was because I wasn't killing my targets. I didn't want them to know about my secret and start spreading it. I always made my enemies take my secret to the grave. I got out of the car and looked at the time. It was 9:00 am. It was still morning and I was back in the house. I just began wondering how Paulina would react to me coming earlier than normal today. Would she be happy seein
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Chapter 47: Conversing
I was still drowning in my thoughts when Paulina's voice sounded, "So what happened at school? Sophia attacked you?" Huh? I didn't know how to respond and was baffled for a few moments. I then remembered something the Enigmatic System had said about her being jealous. I suddenly became enlightened at that very moment and managed a small smile. "Why are you smiling?" Paulina asked me. "Is my statement very funny?" "Nah," I waved my right hand. "What you asked for is very sweet. I mean, it's as sweet as you are." I could see her cheeks turn red as she blushed and smiled. I could see dimples appear deeply on both sides of her face and she looked very gorgeous. I couldn't help but wonder where she had been when I dated
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Chapter 48: News
Around 10:00 am I had a cold shower and changed my outfit. Now I was dressed in a black hoodie and black combat pants. When I got to the sitting room I saw Paulina already seated watching the News. "Jason!" she yelled. "Come and see what you've sparked!" I immediately went there and saw the same female newscaster talking on TV with the headline: Man sparks reaction as he defeats several armed men and cripples them. "Jason Lewis is a computer engineer in one of the most prestigious universities in this country," the female newscaster said. "Just recently he's been involved in arguments with Dominic and has been taunting him continuously..." Paulina glared at me after hearing that. I couldn't help but shrink back into
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Chapter 49: Promising
After watching the news I decided to tell Paulina about the mission the Enigmatic System had given me. But I decided to do so in a roundabout manner and not expose the existence of the Enigmatic System. I would say someone asked me to get Dominic's files from the police station in twenty four hours. And now it was less than twenty four hours and I'd not even done anything. "Paulina," I called her softly as I prepared myself to use the right word in order not to freak her out with what I was about to do. Paulina sized me up for some time before saying, "Let me guess. You're up to something dangerous again, right?" What?! I couldn't help but want to bury my face deep in the sofa. She already saw through me and knew I was ready to do something dangerous! Well, this was really v
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Chapter 50: Jealousy
After some moments I replied with seriousness in my voice, "I get. I'm going to come back in one piece no matter what. Not ready to lose any part of my body." Even though I do, the Enigmatic System is gonna heal me, I added inwardly and I could bet my lips were already curling upwards into a warm smile. [IT SEEMS THE PLAYER ISN'T RESPECTING HIMSELF RIGHT NOW] Mind your business! I yelled at the system inwardly. Don't keep poking your nose into my matters! "I trust you then," Paulina told me. "Since you've promised to come back in one piece, I'll trust you with this." "Thanks for giving me your trust," I said to her. "I won't disappoint you no matter what."<
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