All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
187 chapters
Chapter 51: Giving A Call
"Stephen Wale?" I asked with a surprised expression. "Stephen Wale is your friend?" "Yeah," she replied. "We're best friends at that. Which is why he isn't taking it lightly after discovering that I was involved in an accident. He's bent on bringing justice for me." I clearly knew the Stephen Wale she was talking about. He was the young private detective I'd spoken to some time ago. He was the one who had told me that Dominic's father was backing the government. "Seeing how your expression is, I believe you've already met Stephen," Paulina continued. "Yes," I replied, remembering how he had interrogated me. "You really have an edgy person for your bestie." 
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Chapter 52: Sour Relationship
After taking the phone from Paulina I couldn't help but take a deep breath as I said with a stern expression, "Thank you." Paulina stared at me for some moments before asking, "Are we quarreling?" I thought she wouldn't ask since she was keeping a straight face. I immediately replied, "No." Well, the truth was, I wasn't quarreling with Paulina. I was just jealous that she had someone whom she was closer to than me. I'd thought she'd be closer to me since I'd done so much for her. I didn't mean to boast but that was the real truth. I'd done so much for her and yet she was closer to Stephen and saw him as her best friend. Paulina didn't say anything again and resigned herself. I guess we were both angry with each othe
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Chapter 53: Terrorists
I didn't immediately come out of the car and remained to see what would happen. My right hand had already moved from the steering wheel to touch the bulge underneath my shirt. I still remembered to carry the revolver I'd taken from one of the gunmen with me. The police had confiscated it but I'd gotten the Enigmatic System to get it back. It was during these few days that I knew that the Enigmatic System was more useful than it seemed. I could even use it to steal guns from the police headquarters and that was very sweet. The door of the van slid open and several masked men immediately came out of it. They were all armed to the teeth and pointed their AK-47s at me. One of them instantly moved towards me while holding his automatic rifle to his side. I can bet one hundred bucks he thought I posed no stress and was very much relaxed since the others were pointing their guns at me.Read more
Chapter 54: Getting Them On My Side
The other ten terrorists became alarmed as they all pointed their guns at me and continued firing. But to their dismay, none of the bullets touched me as I was advancing towards them casually. "There's one thing you don't know about me," I said as I clenched my fists. "You can't touch me at all!" I immediately picked my pace and ran towards them as I clenched my fists, "You can't touch me at all!" Pa! I struck someone's face and sent him crashing to the ground before proceeding to hit the others. "What kind of monster is he?!" one of them screamed as he staggered backward. "We need to escape!" The
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Chapter 55: Violence isn't the Answer
  The terrorists looked at each other after hearing me ask them to join me. With the way they narrowed their eyes, they were shocked that I'd actually asked them to join me. "Can I ask a question?" someone among the terrorists spoke. They were still kneeling down and I hadn't asked them to stand. "Sure," I replied casually as I looked at my phone and checked the time. Damn, I only had twenty hours left to complete the quest or it would be counted as a failure. "What's in for us if we join you?" the terrorist asked. "You know, we're not in for money or fame. We just want the stupid government out of the system!" I fell silent for some moments. Up till now, I hadn't known why people became cr
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Chapter 56: Meeting Up
   I was still driving when my phone rang. I checked the caller and saw Stephen's caller ID. He's finally decided to call, huh? I thought he wasn't going to call me. I picked the call and switched my car to auto driver while I sat back and relaxed. People seeing me would think that I was doing a dangerous and crazy thing right now. They wouldn't know that my car was on auto drive. It was just so cool. "Hello," Stephen said from the other end. "You just picked up the call without saying anything? So disrespectful." "I know you're best friends with Paulina and you're just jealous she's living with me," I said. "And that's why you're talking to me like that." I heard Stephen scoff
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Chapter 57: Beginning of the Plan
  I soon got to the location which Stephen had sent to me. It was a five star restaurant which was named Paulina. I didn't mind the name because I'd seen several peculiar names before. I didn't think much about it and called him, telling him that I'd arrive at the location. The moment I drove my car to the restaurant everyone immediately turned to look at it. They were all filled with shock as they stared at my car which was like a firefly in the dark night. Well, I was used to this so I didn't mind. I got out of my car and walked into the restaurant on Stephen's directions. I immediately saw him seated at a particular spot which was hidden away. On a normal day, I wouldn't have been able to spot him if he hadn't sent me the location. Immediately I
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Chapter 58: Dangerous Duel
  Stephen gave me a cold gaze as he moved his right foot a bit. He then said, "I never knew so much craziness would be hidden within that calm face of yours. To think you'd dare attack me in public and disrupt the peace here amazes me." I stared back at Stephen before saying, "You made Paulina a promise to help me, and yet you decided to poison my coffee. Is that the help you promised? Or you're crazier than I am?" Stephen scoffed before saying, "Let's see about that." I scoffed as well before saying, "Don't blame me if I mistakenly kill you!" I immediately kicked my legs off the ground as I lunged towards Stephen, my arms outstretched away from me while my fists were clenched tightly. My e
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Chapter 59: Defeated
   Stephen wasn't even bothered about my crazy chuckling as he leaped towards me with his fists clenched. I saw his muscles bulge within his trenchcoat as if they would rip through it at any moment from now. Veins were now appearing on his face as he approached me. His eyes were now colder than before and carried some sort of murderous intent. If eyes could freeze and kill, I would have been frozen before being killed instantly. "I'm gonna so beat you!" I yelled as I gathered strength into my legs, causing the ground beneath me to have web-like cracks. I then jumped up into the air to meet Stephen who was approaching me. "You should have stayed down," Stephen said calmly as he threw a whip kick at me but I was now faster. I could see his kick and it was coming slowly towards me.&n
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Chapter 60: Making Up
  Ever since I received the Enigmatic System and became a player, I've been working towards becoming better than my current self. I'd always been alone before becoming a player. I'd been a target of bullying and was helpless in every aspect. I couldn't even stand up for myself and was left at the mercy of others. Throughout my life, I'd been treated this way and had become traumatized by the whole experience. It had been etched deep into my mind and I'd frown to fear my past. A scar was left in my mind and there was no getting rid of it until I really became powerful and achieved my goals. But now I'd been defeated before even achieving my dream. I'd thought that because I was a player no one would be able to defeat me. I'd thought that because I wielded skills I would remain untouched throughout my entire life. Who knew I'd be defeated by the one who I thought would
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