All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
199 chapters
Chapter One hundred-one
"Really? A huge lie at that? Come on, you are going to find happiness with him, he's a great guy. He's not a playboy, and I am dead sure he's definitely going to take good care of you, what else do you need?""What else do I need?" She asked, as she stood up, "Well I need a man, who's in love with me, one who cherishes me, one who understands me. I need a man who loves me for who I am, I need a man who I am going to get into a relationship with, not because my father pushed me into doing it.But because we both fell in love with each other, without any form of external influence, I am sure you understand what I mean right?"Mr. Starling exhaled, "Yeah I understand what you mean, you want what we call true love. Love without any form of infiltration right? Something supernatural from nature, great from the simplest of things, right?"Fiona nodded her head, "Exactly that's what I want, I don't want a love founded on the basis or foundation of families trying to stay relevant. I don't wa
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Chapter One hundred-two
Fiona sat down on her bed, thinking about what her dad said to her, he was right, but she was still finding it hard to accept the truth. Getting married to Alistair seems promising, but he wasn't the one her heart yearns for.It was Nathan her heart wanted, yeah just like her father said, there was no possibility that they might even do life together for long. Due to the nature of his job, he was tasked with protecting citizens, and also protecting himself.Unlike Alistair, who has people protecting him, at the same time, she couldn't deny how crazy life was. The person everyone thinks might end up living younger due to certain factors, might in a way die first.It's just life, and there's nothing that can be done about it, the best you can do is to play your part. She exhaled and got off the couch, and walked to the verandah, "Nathan, I know you can't hear me, but things are difficult for me to handle. I badly want to talk to you, but I don't get why you don't return my calls, or rep
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Chapter One hundred-three
Ethan sat back on his chair and dropped his phone on the table after speaking to his sister. He whirled around the chair for a few seconds, before he stood up. Ethan took a deep breath and was about walking away from his office when he got a Whatsapp message from Oliver.He quickly checked it, and his mood changed instantly, "I thought she said she doesn't have anything to do with him? What the heck did she do at his office?"He exited his Whatsapp, and went to his call log, and called her line. It rang for a few minutes before she answered, "My baby, good day," she said excitedly."Good afternoon my love, you didn't tell me you would be going to see Alistair," he muttered, and she became mute.He also kept quiet, waiting for her to answer, "I asked a question, Elara.""Yeah, yeah, I heard you, I heard what you said. It slipped my mind, no it didn't skip my mind to tell you. What I mean is that it just happened, and I had to show up at his office, that's it," she replied."Elara, real
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Chapter One hundred-four
(One hour later)Mr. Starling stepped out of his office, and his secretary rushed towards him, "Sir, I know you would want to rest badly, but..""But what? What is it Leslie?" He interrupted her."Mr. Charlie, and Mr. Wilde both called, they wanted to speak to you real bad," Leslie replied as they walked to his office."Did they tell you why they called?" He collected his tab from her as they walked into his office, she shook her head. "They refused to divulge any information to me. They were firm on speaking to you, and not me.""I see, that means it must be pressing issues right?" He asked, and they nodded. She nodded her head as she muttered "Yes.""It's alright, thank you so much Leslie, I will surely get back to them, you can leave now," he replied, and she bowed her head as she walked out of his office with a couple of files in her hands. Mr. Starling sat down on his chair, he took in a deep breath, and then exhaled.He folded his hands on his chest, dude tried wrapping his head
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Chapter One hundred-five
"Go on with your call, I don't even have an idea about what you are saying," Alistair walked towards him, and helped him pick up his phone. Alistair stretched the phone towards him, "Have it, it's yours."Mr. Charlie collected his phone from Alistair, Alistair waved at him, and he walked out of his office."I think we have a bigger problem," he muttered."Bigger problem? What do you mean by that?" Mr. Starling asked as he walked out of his office to Leslie's table. "I need a cup of coffee," he whispered to her, and returned to his office."Guess who just walked out of my office?" He asked, with beads of sweats on his forehead."I can't tell, your son?" He replied as she sat down on his chair."No, it's Alistair," he replied, and his jaw dropped."What? Didn't you lock your office? Hope he didn't hear our conversation?" He asked running his hands through his hair."That's what I can't tell, I only turned when I heard someone clear his or her throat. There he was staring right at my fac
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Chapter One hundred-six
"A no go area? Why do you think so?" Mr. Starling asked.He grumbled, "Why do I think so? Why are you acting as if you don't have an idea of what we did to him?""Please tell me, honestly I don't have an idea of what you did to him. Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't he the one who celebrated you and your family at the inaugural dinner?""Come off it, he was just trying to steal the spotlight," Mr. Wilde replied."What do you mean by he's trying to steal the spotlight? Dude has the spotlight, you don't steal what you have."Mr. Wilde moved to his verandah, "I know what I am saying. You won't understand the picture I am trying to paint. That young man played a trick on everyone last night."Mr. Starling paused, "What do you mean by he played tricks on us? You and I both know if you treated him badly, that was the best stage and time to expose you right?""Exactly, that's why I am saying he played a trick on us. You might not have an idea about what happened when he was living with us. B
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Chapter One hundred-seven
"You are right, I am her father, and also her husband. But they don't have pity when it comes to one who's a failure," he replied with regret.Mr. Starling shook his head when he heard his reply, instantly he knew he had to find a way to help his friend. "You know, even if I want to help you. I have to wait for a while.""Wait for a while, wait for how long?" He replied, sounding impatient."Calm down, I know you are fucking in need of my help. But we just can't approach this with light or free hands," he replied."I am not asking you to approach this matter with light or free hands no. But at the same time I need you to do something real quick," he replied."That's exactly what I am saying, if you want me to help you, you have to be patient. I must check out certain factors, I need to test the water.You know, I can't just put everything on the line because I wanted to help you. I need to study the reaction of the people, and also know how Alistair would react. You know, if things go
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Chapter One hundred-eight
(Thirty minutes ago)Mr. Alistair walked out of his office, and decided to check out Mr. Charlie, at his office. He walked towards his office, the heels of his shoes clicking the ground. His walking posture commands authority, and also attention.He walked towards Mr. Charlie's office, his hands deep into his pocket. His shades perfectly fit in his eyes. The security at Mr. Charlie's office helped Mr. Alistair with the door, and he walked past Shilla who was busy with her laptop.He paused, and took a few steps backwards to her cubicle, "Excuse me, is your boss on seat?"She stood up immediately and adjusted her brown suit. "Yes he is," she replied with her head bowed."Thank you," he replied, and walked into Mr. Charlie's office. He got in, and found him standing facing his window, he was on call. Alistair cleared his throat, and Mr. Charlie turned back, and his phone dropped with his mouth open.Mr. Alistair walked towards him, and picked up his phone. "Have it," he muttered, stretc
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Chapter One hundred-nine
"He's waiting for you, please you can all go in," Leslie replied, as she stepped aside and allowed them to walk into his office.She exhaled, and returned to her cubicle, "I don't think I can keep up with this job. It's draining me bit by bit."Mr. Starling stood up when he saw them walking towards his office. He picked up his laptop, and a file, and also headed towards his office. Alistair, Layla and Nathan were shocked when they saw him walking towards him with a laptop and a file in his hands."Mr. Starling, where to?" Alistair asked, looking confused."I am sorry I have a meeting a few minutes from now," he said and walked away from Alistair, but Nathan stood in his way."What the heck do you think you are doing? The president of Voxx's Group is here to see you, and you don't even want to hear him out. Even after making us wait outside for almost twenty minutes?""I am sorry, but I have a meeting I have to attend. It's important, and I can't miss it," he replied, gazing at Nathan.
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Chapter One hundred-ten
The elevator opened, and they all stepped out of the elevator. "It's painful that my stylist Burundi isn't here," Alistair replied as he walked to the table at the far left."Yeah it's painful. Maybe he has to start coming to the office with us. Instead of just sitting back at home. What do you think boss," Reagan asked as he trailed Alistair, and Nathan."What do I think?" He turned backwards to Reagan as she sat down. "I think instead of him sitting at home. Why don't I set him up?""Set him up?" They all echoed looking shocked. Alistair burst into laughter, "Come on guy, what were you people thinking I was talking about?" He asked."For goodness sake, you just mentioned setting him up. What do you think we were thinking of?" Layla, who had been quiet, spoke up, her gaze on the menu book."Fine, I understand what you guys are thinking. I should explain what I mean. When I said setting him up, I mean establishing him, you understand what I mean right?"They all nodded their heads, "N
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