All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
199 chapters
Chapter Ninety-one
"That's weird right?" Layla asked, looking at Nathan, and Alistair.Nathan nodded his head, "Yeah, that's strange coming from Mr. Charlie."Alistair had his hands on his waist, he was also shocked at what just happened, "Did he just shake my hands, and asked me how I slept? Or was I daydreaming?"Layla stepped forward, and pinched him on his neck, "Oouch," he screamed, and turned towards her, "What was that for?""You wanted to know if you are daydreaming right? I just decided to help you with that," she muttered, smiling."Can we please go into your office, I am tired of standing outside," Nathan muttered."Ohhh, forgive me about that," he said and stepped forward, as she placed his hands on the door scanner. Ding ding, the sound came, and the door of his office opened, and they all stepped in.Alistair walked to his chair, while Layla and Nathan sat down at the seat at the other side of his table. "Tell us Alistair, have you made up your mind?"Alistar exhaled, gazing at the chandel
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Chapter Ninety-two
Layla dropped the call and walked back to join them on the couch, "Alistair, do you have any idea why she's here?""Do I have any idea? No, I don't, I haven't spoken to her since last night in the hall, I don't understand why she's here," he answered."I am also shocked, but maybe she's here to beg on behalf of her father, you know I am not sure they have much left to survive on. They need help, maybe that's why she's here," Nathan chipped in."True, that's what I wanted to say, but she might have other motives, do you want us to be around when she's here, or do you want us to leave the two of you alone?" Layla asked.Alistair bowed his head, "I don't have any idea guys, what do you think I should do?""I would suggest that we allow them to be, there's no need to be here, she might not freely express herself, that's what I think we should do, if you ask me," Nathan replied."I am not in support of that, what if she's here to harm him, you know that girl can be crazy, and she might be
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Chapter Ninety-three
"You know what, when it gets to the time to see him, all you have to do is to exit my office, move to the top floor. You would see his office when you come out of the elevator.It isn't my intention to leave you alone, but I have an important meeting to attend, please excuse me, and have a great day," he said as he picked up a file and an iPad before walking out of his office."Thank you," Elara muttered as she fell backwards to the chair she was seated on. She wouldn't be going through this stress if her father's sins never got exposed. She wouldn't even have to see Alistair in the first place, but because she was her parents daughter, she has no other choice than to go through this shit.She closed her eyes, and tried to take a nap, hoping she wakes up when she needs to wake up, and doesn't sleep more than she needs to.(Forty minutes later)She woke up yawning, immediately she reached for her phone, it was one hour on the dot. She quickly stood up, and walked to the door of his off
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Chapter Ninety-four
"Talk to me, you don't have to beat around the bush, why are you here?" Alistair asked with his hands on his shoulder."I need you to do something about my father, I am not asking you to restore him to his office. But if there's a way of helping him out, maybe with his shares or something, please do it for us," she replied.Alistair laughed, "Was this the reason why you came here?"She nodded her head staring at him blankly, "Just that?"She nodded her head, "Just that.""You mean to tell me you drove all the way down here, spent one hour of your time waiting, just to ask this from me?"She nodded her head, void of what he was about to say, or why he was asking such a question. Alistair got up, "Go home, I will think about this, when I have made a decision about this, I will let you know."Elara nodded her head, as she got up from also, she reached for her bag, and brought out her phone from her bag, "Thank you so much Alistair, I would be waiting for your reply. Please can I get your
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Chapter Ninety-five
"Imagine if that boy who's being bullied is being asked to give a speech in class. Every single time he has a chance to speak, he makes sure he always speaks about these friends of his.He doesn't speak of what they do to him, instead he praises them for being a good friend, and a great friend. What do you think will happen to those guys in the long run?""They are going to get tired of bullying him, and it's also going to draw attention from other course mates, and the lecturers," Nathan replied."Which would automatically make them stop bullying him, because eyes would definitely be on them. Other kids would want to know what's special about them, and it would in a way, decrease the bully or either stop it," Layla replied.Alistair, who was seated in their midst, clapped his hands, "I have great friends, and they are also intelligent. Now think about this when it comes to The Wilde's family, don't include Mr. Charlie.What do you think is going to happen to them, when I continually
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Chapter Ninety-six
Oliver walked into his office feeling tired, and famished, he had a long and stressful day. He sat down and the door of his office was opened. He smiled when he saw her walk into his office, "Kathy.""My love, my god you look so tired, and stressed out, what's going on?" She asked as she moved towards his table, and she sat down on his table. "Cathy, come on, how many times do I have to tell you not to sit down on my table. The best place to sit down is on my lap."She chuckled, "I am aware of that, but at the same time, I didn't lock the door. You and I both know, this relationship of ours is a joke. If I have to sit on your lap, then the door has to be locked.""Come on what are you saying, even if someone sees us together, the best they can do is to talk, nothing else," he replied as he got up on his feet.She rolled her eyes, "That's because of the position of your father, you know if we are seen together. I will lose my job, but you are still going to be employed right?"This mad
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Chapter Ninety-seven
Elara was shocked, "One condition? What condition is that?""You won't misplace it, that's the condition, I am not trying to say you are careless, that's not what I am trying to say. But it's just a call for you to be serious about it, that's it," Oliver replied.Elara nodded her head, with a beautiful smile on her face, "Don't worry, I am not going to misplace it. I know you have up to three to five black cards.""What?" Cathy muttered shocked, loud enough for Elara to say, "You didn't do that right?" Elara asked, looking around."No I didn't, I also heard that, it looks like there's a ghost here listening to our discussion," Oliver replied looking around. Cathy held her mouth, trying to stop her laughter from coming out loud."A ghost? You mean you have a ghost in your office?" Elara asked, getting shocked.He nodded his head, "You know I have been thinking about changing this office, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. That's many reasons w
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Chapter Ninety-eight
Mark decided to go over to the bar to spend some time alone, he just wanted to be alone, far from anyone who knows him. He strolled into the bar, and walked to the far side of the bar.He sat down, nodding his head to the beat of the music that was being played, the bar was bubbling, men and women with different partners. Others came alone or had a drink, some were working in the bar, with their laptop's on the table, and an earpiece connected to their ears.He sat down waiting for one of the waiters to walk towards him, instead of moving to the bartender table to grab a drink. He sat down and exhaled, jamming to the music.He waved to some guys who lived in the same Estate he lived in, even when he tries to get away from everyone, he still finds himself among people he knows. He raised his hands signaling a waiter that wasn't far from him, she nodded her head and walked towards him."Good evening sir, hope you are having a great time, please what would you like to have as you spend
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Chapter Ninety-nine
Fiona was seated in her room, trying to meditate, this was one of her daily practices every afternoon. It helps her calm down, and it makes her day less strenuous.According to her, it's definitely one of the ways she develops strength for the activities that come with the afternoon, and night. Mr. Starling opened the door of her room without knocking, and he sat down on the couch.He didn't say a word to her, he didn't want to be the reason why she's not being able to get what she wants to get through meditation. Mr. Starling gaze traveled around her room, as he took inventory of everything, and he left the same way he came, quietly.When he stepped out of her room, he sent a message to one of his boys, I think it's time I get something new for my daughter's room. Here's a list of the things you have to get, and I want them delivered as soon as possible.He sent the list, and returned his phone to his pocket. He looked at her, and was about to walk away when he heard her soft feminin
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Chapter One-hundred
Mr. Sterling laughed, "I see, you already know a lot about me, well it's fine, it's great that I have a daughter who's not oblivious of who I am, and what I do. That in a way is going to help me a lot in dealing with certain things in the future.You know there are certain people who have no idea about what their parents engage in, and it keeps them away from the realities of life. But I am not here to talk about that, I have more pressing issues than that," he paused looking at Fiona."Come on daughter, what's with that look, you don't have to give me that mean look, you could have just spoken up to say you are damn tired of my rants," he replied as he sat up, and straightened his sleeves."You know I can't do that right? It's not how you trained me, have you forgotten how you trained my brother and I? You trained us like African kids who don't have the right to speak when their parents are speaking.We can only speak when it's our time to do so, and you know what I mean by that righ
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