All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
199 chapters
Chapter One hundred-fifty one
Ethan's gaze moved to his table, "I guess I have to start going. I have a lot of work to do.""Go ahead," Ethan replied, as he walked to his table. He got hold of his phone, it was Elara calling. His lips curved into a smile when her name popped up.Immediately he answered, "Good afternoon my baby.""Good afternoon my love," she replied, smiling in her room."How are you, and how's your day going?" Elara asked."My day is going great. What about you, how are you doing, and how's your day going?" He asked as he sat down."Yeah, I am having a good day. I was missing you, and I decided to hear your voice," she replied blushing."Awwwwn, that's lovely. How about we head out to one of the expensive restaurants tonight for dinner?" He asked, whirling around his chair.She delayed before answering, "To be sincere with you, I don't think if that will be possible Ethan. My parents are complaining about me not eating dinner with them. You know my parents right?"Ethan huffed, "Yeah I understand
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Chapter One hundred-fifty two
(The Next Day)Elara woke up very early, she decided to act on the advice of Oliver. After thinking over it for some time, weighing the pros, and the cons. She found out it would be better if she spoke to her ex-husband herself.Besides she has nothing to lose, all she has to do is beg for his forgiveness. Beg on behalf of her parents, and look for a way to get into his head. Maybe seduce him, or do something to make him happy.At that point, she brings up the idea of her father getting his job back. Hopefully, in that state of his, there's every tendency he's going to answer her request without even thinking. This was Elara's plan.She got away from her bed and dashed straight towards her bathroom. She did her morning routine, starting with mouthwash wash, and skin care, before finally having her bath. When she was done bathing, Elara stepped out of her bathroom with a towel tied around her chest, which didn't extend to her knee. She walked towards her wardrobe with an ugly, and sat
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Chapter One hundred- fifty three
After a few minutes of waiting, her eyes became heavy, so she decided to sleep for a while. She felt if Mr. Alistair showed up, there was no way she wouldn't know.Elara adjusted her chair backward and slept off with her windows clocked.*****Mr. Alistair, was outside waiting for Layla, and Nathan to step out. He still didn't understand why they were inside. They were done with their breakfast before he started eating. Which means they should be the ones waiting for him, not the other way around.He glanced at his wristwatch, time was ticking. He had something important to do at work today. He has refused to share this with Nathan, and Layla, it's an action he wants to carry out on his own.He looked at Reagan who had his gaze on him. "Can you please check up on them? Time is ticking, and before you know it we are already late.""Give me a few minutes boss," he replied as he walked towards the door. He was about to open it when they both stepped out, with their arms interlocked. Reaga
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Chapter One hundred-fifty four
Mr. Alistair kept mute for a few minutes before he spoke up. "Fine, let's discuss it in my car," he replied and took her hands as he led her to his car.Elara locked her car by pressing the button on her key as she walked to his car. Immediately Reagan saw them coming, and without being told, he came out of the car. "Thank you," Mr. Alistair said to him, before getting into the car.Reagan walked over to the security office instead of just loitering around. Elara sat down in the car staring at him. He was also staring at her. "You said you have something to tell me, I am listening."She nodded her head and gulped hard before speaking. Mr. Alistair had a preconceived thought of Elara wanting to talk about their marriage. He remembered his plan to have her on his side, maybe this might be an opportunity.Elara on the other hand was thinking about the perfect way to start and ended up convincing him to get her Dad back to the computer. "Alistair, it's funny how the tablet turns quickly.
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Chapter One hundred-fifty five
"Come to think of it, we all have secrets. Don't you?" He asked as he took her hands."Yes I do," she nodded her head."Do you know what will happen if those secrets of yours get into the public?"She kept mute for a few seconds before she spoke up. "Don't worry about the outcome of it. What are you saying concerning my Dad?"He withdrew his hands from hers, "I am sure I don't have water in my mouth. There's absolutely nothing I can do about it."She shook her head, "Do you know what? I am going to give you time to think about this. I will be back for a reply. I know this is too much for you to process.Take your time to think about it. I believe you are going to find a way to get my Dad back to his job. I trust you Alistair, besides I also want to propose something to you.""Do you want to propose marriage to me?" He asked, and they both chuckled."Come on, you know I can't do that," she replied. "Well, I want to ask you out for dinner.""On a dinner date? Won't your boyfriend be mad
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Chapter One hundred-fifty six
"That girl must be high on something. Despite knowing the gravity of her father's crime, she still wants him to get reinstated. That's unbelievable," Nathan muttered as he walked to the fridge to get bottled water."Yeah, that's unbelievable. You know I feel this is a kind of trap. Yeah I know I might be wrong, yet I don't think I am wrong. But if I am to analyze this, I will say they want you to reinstate him, and then use it against you," Layla muttered as she sat down."What do you mean by that, can you please explain in detail" Mr. Alistair asked as she sat down."Sure I can, remember I said I might be wrong. But we can't just turn a blind eye to everything we need to take a look at things critically. If you do, bring back her father to this company.It's going to make others think you are in support of what you did. Or you both are partners, that's the reason you brought him back so he won't expose you.Or better still, it's going to give a bad image or interpretation of you to t
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Chapter One hundred-fifty seven
Mark strolled into his office looking sober, "What's going on, are you well?" His female colleague asked immediately after she saw the look on his face.Mark ignored her and walked to his cubicle. She stood up, and walked to his cubicle, "Talk to me Mark what's going on? I have never seen you in this mood, did something bad happen?"Mark kept mute with his head bowed. She sat down staring at him with different thoughts running through her mind. "Mark talk to me, what's going on?""Can you just let me be? Can't you see I am not ready to talk? You said it, you haven't seen me in a mood like this. Aren't you supposed to know that something is wrong?You asked me a question, and I didn't reply. Aren't you supposed to know that I don't want to talk about it for now?""I am sorry, I just thought...""You just thought what? Please let me be, just let me be. I want to be left alone, this is more reason I would have loved to stay at home. But I can't stay at home because of work.Please do me
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Chapter One hundred-fifty eight
When he was done having his bath, he stepped out of his bathroom and proceeded to put on his clothes.(A few minutes later)He drove straight to Voxx's Technologies office without informing her. The bouquet of flowers and chocolate was in the back seat. His plan was to surprise her and make her smile.He wasn't necessary after rekindling the old flames between them. Without a doubt, he is aware of the fact that they are both madly, and deeply in love with each other.He drove to the parking lot and parked his car. He felt a strong urge to call her and inform her he was around instead of just waiting till she closed from work.He knew Fiona, she didn't love many eyes on her. If he was to go into the building with the flower bouquet and chocolate. Anxiety would kick in, that's what he wanted to prevent.At the same time, he also has to be at the office. Mark thought about what to do for a few minutes before he came up with an idea. He got down from his car and walked towards the securit
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Chapter One hundred-fifty nine
Mr. Wilde woke up breathing heavily from a bad dream. Immediately he reached for his phone and dialed Mr. Charlie's line.It rang for a few minutes before he answered, "Good morning Charlie, we need to meet.""We need to meet? Why?" He asked, sounding shocked as he sipped from his coffee."When I get there I will explain everything to you. But for now, we need to meet. I will send you the location, and the time," Mr. Wilde hung up.Mr. Charlie was confused, he had never seen him act in such a way since how the past two or three decades they had come to know each other. He shoved it aside and dropped his cup of coffee as he went through the internet surfing for news.Just then, a Whatsapp message from Mr. Wilde popped in. The content of the message contained where they would meet, and the time of the meeting.He shook his head and dialed his line. Mr. Wilde quickly answered, "What's going on, talk to me.""What's going on? We will talk about that when we see," he hung up. Mr. Charlie w
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Chapter One hundred-sixty
Oliver paused, as he exhaled. "What do I mean right?Here's what I mean father. Yester Elara reached out to me, and asked that I speak to Alistair.""Speak to Alistair? About what?" His father asked as he stayed put in the car."She asked that I speak to him about bringing her father back to the company," he replied."What? Does she have an idea about what she's saying? I mean, we all know what her dad did right?" He asked, sounding confused."Yes, Dad. But let's look at how this is going to be of benefit to us. If we can convince him to bring back Mr. Wilde. We can then pass a vote of no confidence just because he took that action."Mr. Charlie kept quiet, as he thought about what his son was saying. "That's true, wow I am proud of you. But how come I didn't even think about this?""I don't know Dad. That doesn't matter right now. What matters right now is that you can be of help to me. You know I called to ask for your consent right? But instead of that, I want to ask that you accom
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