All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
199 chapters
Chapter One hundred-sixty one
Oliver, who has not been diligent with his job in sourcing weekly reports from the different heads of departments, felt uncomfortable. At the same time, he knew he couldn't mess up.Maybe, just maybe Mr. Alistair was looking for a way to kick hike out of the organization. Just like they did to Mr. Wilde in a different way. Besides his father was seated beside him, he wouldn't want to embarrass his father.Reasons because his father has always told him to take his job seriously. Since there's every tendency that he might end up as the president of the company one day. Oliver cleared his throat and spoke up as if he had been diligent in his line of duty. "I want to start by apologizing for not acting professionally. You know a lot of activities sprung up in the past weeks.I am not in any way using this activity as an excuse for not meeting up with my work. No, that's not it. Let's put that aside, and attend to the question you asked."He paused, and took in a deep breath, "Dear Presid
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Chapter One hundred-sixty two
They both shook hands, their lips curved with a smile. Mr. Charlie was more than impressed with his son. Within he felt his son was ready to replace Mr. Alistair, all that's needed is for their plans to go through."That will be all for today Mr. Oliver," Mr. Alistair turned towards Mr. Charlie, "I am dead sure you are proud of your son right?"Mr. Charlie nodded his head, he couldn't hide his excitement. "Yeah, I am. It shows he's gradually growing from a boy to a man.""Exactly, that was the same thought I had within. Well, I am glad this meeting took place, if there's nothing else, I am afraid this meeting has come to an end," Mr. Alistair replied as he got on his feet."This meeting has not come to an end, president. I would like to discuss something very important with you if you don't mind?" He asked.Mr. Alistair was taken aback by that. Oliver wants to discuss something important with him, in the presence of his Dad. What could the discussion be about, and what's the motive be
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Chapter One hundred-sixty three
Tricia sat in the living room with a lot of thoughts going through her head. Looking at her you could tell she was disturbed.Burundi who was at home with her, and a few domestic staff, saw the look on her face. At first, he overlooked it and went on with his business.A few minutes later, he returned and still saw her in that same mood. It troubled him in a way, and he thought about asking her about it. He knows they aren't close, though they are the only ones who end up being at home.They don't have a smooth sailing-relationship with each other. Burundi didn't like her because of the way she treated her daughter, Layla. But he just couldn't turn a blind eye to what was going on.Even if he wanted to do so, his conscience wouldn't allow him to do such a thing. They are being housed, and fed by their boss. If anything wrong later happens, there's every tendency for him to be held accountable one way or the other.Why? That's because he found her looking worried on a certain hot after
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Chapter One hundred-sixty four
Mr. Alistair took in a deep breath before he gave them a reply, "The conclusion I have come to concerning this is that you both give me more time to think about this."Mr. Oliver and his father felt disappointed at his reply. They expected him to say yes after everything they had said. But life doesn't work like that, right? At times you don't always get the needed result, and it just happened.Mr. Oliver exhaled, "Thank you so much, President Alistair. How long is it going to take you to think about this?"Mr. Oliver raised his head, "I don't know, but let's say this night.""Tonight? That's okay, it's fine, what do you think Dad?" Oliver tilted his head towards his father. "It's okay with me, tomorrow is not far. We will be back for the answer President Alistair."Mr. Alistair nodded his head, as he stood up on his feet, "Yeah, you both can come back tomorrow for your answers. Besides, one more time I need to commend you for the good work you did."Mr. Oliver nodded his head, he was
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Chapter One hundred-sixty five
Nathan, and Layla both gazed at themselves before they replied, "We are in.""It's not like we have a choice right?" Nathan asked as he sat up."Great, since you both are in, well let's get our brains to work. I know Layla has said certain things concerning this. But there was something they both said that made me think about this," Mr. Alistair muttered."What's that?" They both replied with a questioning look on their face."His track records," Mr. Alistair replied."What do you mean by his track records? Track records on what exactly?" Nathan asked."While he was in his position, he did so well, and our company experienced great growth not only in the market but in the global market," Mr. Alistair replied."Come on, don't you think that's bait?" Layla asked."Yeah, I know his position is still vacant. We urgently need someone to fill up that position, but come to think of it, without him have we not been doing well lately?" Layla asked."Yes we are, but it's different from when we
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Chapter One hundred-sixty six
"Yeah, you both heard me correctly, nightfall. You guys don't have to be in a hurry, the last time I checked it wasn't afternoon yet. We are still in the morning.But I am going to ask you guys if you have been able to come up with an idea before we head back home. If you haven't, I am afraid we won't be having dinner tonight, until we come up with a solution.""What? Come on Alison, you really want to deny us dinner just because of a criminal?" Nathan blurted, feeling unhappy."Yeah, because of a criminal," Alistair replied with gritted teeth."I don't get why you are in such a hurry to come up with a solution. Don't tell me you are still into Elara?" Layla asked as she walked towards Mr. Alistair."I don't think I owe you an answer. We aren't talking about if I am into her or not. The bone of contention here is that you guys think, and then come up with a plan, that's all," he murmured as he walked to his seat.Nathan and Layla looked at themselves, "Aw, he's still in love with her.
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Chapter One hundred-sixty seven
Fiona couldn't stop smiling throughout in the office. Her mind was filled with Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark."Ethan walked into her office with his hands in his pocket. She noticed he was looking moody. Ethan walked towards her table and sat down not saying a word, which was strange."What's going on, what's with that look on your face?" She asked as he sat up, and leaned closer."I am not happy," he replied."Of course, you are not. I can tell from the look on your face," she replied."I think I am losing her slowly," he replied with his gaze on the floor."What do you mean by that? Wait a minute, who are you losing first of all, and to whom are you losing her to?"He raised his head, gazing deep into Fiona's eyes, "I am losing her to the man Dad wants you to get married to. I am losing Elara.""Wow, this is interesting. But wait a minute, what makes you think you are going to lose her? I mean, you said she wasn't in love with him yesterday at the meeting.You also said they were divorced,
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Chapter One hundred-sixty eight
(Six hours later)Ethan paced to and fro in his room thinking about what to do. Suddenly he became afraid of Mr. Alistair, he just didn't trust him anymore, and neither did he trust Elara.He's aware she's still in love with him, yet he thinks it won't be wrong before they get together. He knew things didn't work out with them as couples. But now the case was different, Mr. Alistair was now in a different position and lifestyle.He also has the power to restore the family to the glory they have lost through the crime of her father. He feels that alone is much of the reason why they are going to get back together.Yeah, it's a good thing for her, and her family.But considering their relationship, it's not. He knows if Mr. Alistair becomes successful in taking her, he's going to be ruined. Yet he feels that pushing his sister towards Mr. Alistair will be helpful to him.On the other hand, it's not going to go well for his sister. She's not in love with Alistair, but with Mark. He doesn
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Chapter One hundred-sixty nine
Mark couldn't concentrate on the work his boss gave him to handle. His mind was heavy on Fiona. He was staring at her number, all he needed was to unblock her.Yet, he was finding it hard to unblock her. He knew her so well that she would have tried calling his line. He kept the laptop and stood up as he walked towards the pool.He stood at the pool and stared at the pool for a few seconds before walking back to where he was seated. He picked up his laptop and decided to head to his bedroom.He walked in from the kitchen backdoor, he was about to climb the stairs when he heard the sound of the bell. Mark paused, he wasn't expecting anyone, he just couldn't tell who would be at his house by such a time.The sound came again, and he walked away from the stairs and dropped his laptop on the dining table. He walked out of his apartment and headed straight to the gate.He opened the gate, and was shocked at who he was seeing, "Fiona," he muttered."Mark," she replied as tears rolled down h
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Chapter One hundred- Seventy
Oliver was shocked, he stared blankly at Ethan not saying a word, with his mouth wide open. "Come on, what's with that look? Isn't that how we have been raised? We take people away who are acting as stumbling blocks right?"Oliver nodded his head, "But Oliver is one of us, he's my cousin."Ethan laughed, "Your cousin, come on man, what are you even saying? He's your cousin but he just showed up and took everything your father had worked for. Make that make sense to me."Oliver kept quiet with his head bowed. He raised his head, and signaled to the waiter, "Please help me with bottled water."The waitress nodded her head and went ahead to fix his order. He was still baffled by what Ethan just said. Killing Alistair, that's something that's hard to do. He couldn't even phantom how Ethan got the guts.Ethan said still and watched how he battled with what he said. He wanted to laugh, but at the same time, he knew this was a delicate matter. Mocking him won't make any sense."What's your t
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