All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
199 chapters
Chapter Eleven
Alistair woke up rather too suddenly, his seemingly pleasant yet nightmare of a dream stirring his consciousness. For a moment, he was bewildered, stirring at the suite he was in, confused. The chandelier lights, though dimmed, seemed to bright for his eyes. He squinted, his realization first of his non-aching body.Moving around, his soon found the bathroom and washed his face. Then realization dawned him. The events of last night.Anyone who'd known him and witnessed the previous night could have given him an award for composure. Apparent composure though. No one knew or rather, he should say no one knew yet the things he already had set in motion in his imagination.But his sudden wealth had shook him. Even Nathan knew that at some point, he'd drop the nonchalant, indifferent attitude he was wearing. He was beyond awed. And the irony of events as well? Hadn't it been few moments away from his utter embarrassment and divorcement? A smug smile appeared on his face as he wondered the
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Chapter Twelve
“Good morning, Mr. Nathan”, his secretary greeted as he passed by her office.“Morning Kathy”She got up quickly, gathering her files as she attempted to catch up to him.“Sir…the…”, she stopped a little to adjust the files in her hand.“All our shareholders and partners, are they seated?”“Yes sir but …”“The directors of the Voxx groups?”“Ye..yes”, she said, distracted by the task of keeping the tipsy files in place.“But sir…”“And the Heads of departments?”“Yes sir. They are…”“Great”, Nathan said, as he took a turn to the left. He was about push the conference room door open when Kathy finally caught up to him to stop him“But sir…”, she said in a rather exhausted tone. A file slipped off the pile on her hand.“Yes Kathy?”“Mr. Charlie…”“What about him?”“He's arrived.”“Is he in?”“Yes”“Perfect”Kathy handed her boss his work phone.“Escort him to the conference room. Meeting starts in fifteen minutes”“Yes Boss”, Regan's deep-voiced reply came through the speaker. The call t
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Chapter Thirteen
Alistair walked over to the large window in his office, watching the reflection of those behind instead of the breath taking view of the city below. The lower office staff were arranging the office, a silent yet stuffing activity for him. He wanted them to distract his thoughts, but they pretended not to notice him, a character they played out too well and so unknowingly, it seemed so normal.Back to the thoughts. He looked down, finally acknowledging the beautiful view of the city from his window. A speed boat breezed through and it seemed funny to Alistair how the big companies always had their headquarters situated on the island part of the city. Alistair blinked, and suddenly he could see the younger version of himself in the reflections instead of the cleaners. He could see himself walking, the awkward and unusual memories he had of his first day at his father's office.“Alistair”Till that day, he wondered if he was actually meant to have been there. His mother never took him any
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Chapter Fourteen
“He's here sir”“You ******* dumbass, what do you mean he's here?”“De Capuedo”Charlie groaned inwardly. How the **** did the idiot get through security. And what the *** is he doing here?!“No, no, no. The ****!”The door swung open suddenly and all the guards were alert, gun raised up and bullet bulked, with their fingers to the trigger. For a moment there was suspense and Capuedo's men gave way for him to emerge.“Signore Charlie … He he he…”, Capuedo's croaky, Italian coated words waved through the tense room, his usual intimidating, Italian laughter following. Laughter that was never intended to induce happiness.“Now, this isn't so much of a warm welcome, is it? Ei? Come on now. Sorely, you can do better than this, Charlie”He moved to the couch at the center of the room, taking his seat as he occupied almost half of the curved sofa.Charlie snapped his fingers as a signal to his men to put their guns down as Capuedo simultaneously did the same with a wave of his own hand.“Wha
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Chapter Fifteen
“Woah..”The slippery trunk handle slithered through her hand, hitting the ground rather gently than harshly. But not gentle enough for Mrs. Moore. As usual.“Layla!”“Oh .. sorry Mum”, Layla apologized rather too hastily, a distracted apology as her eyes seemed glued to the magnificent building in front of her. She could see the inside already through the glass or rather she could see through the glass that framed half of the building, living room upward.“Get the other things from the car, Layla”, her mother's strict tone lashed at her, snapping her mind out of captivation. Layla's small, quick feet went down the stairs.“Welcome Madam”, the doorman greeted Tricia as she stepped in.“Thank you.”He offered to take her bag from her but she declined.“Oh dear, that wouldn't be necessary”, she said, smiling kindly at him.“Thank you”“Yes ma'am”. He nodded in approval and dashed outside to help Layla.Just then, Alistair came out of his room, headed for the stairs. When Tricia saw him
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Chapter Sixteen
That was her mother's way of telling her to leave. The seemingly hingeless door closed behind her as she walked out, questioning herself for the hundred and first time why her mother sometimes treated her like a piece of rag. Euphoric really to think that the old woman had started to change back when they'd moved to the countryside.But no. Her mother was just as was worse as before. The energy had returned the day they'd received Alistair's information. The same day she'd dared to ask her mother about her father.Her father. Well, that was another topic on it's own. Tragic that Layla didn't even know a thing about him, talk less of knowing what he even looked like. Her mother had utterly refused her of knowing anything about him and would shut her up every time she attempted to ask. And the day she'd seen those pictures, with the cut out parts and burn patches, she just knew her curiosity wouldn't let her. They were pictures of the younger version of her mother, pictures of her mothe
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Chapter Seventeen
“Misterr Charlie”“Oh great. You're here too”, Charlie said, sarcastically excited. “Urghhh”“How have you been?”“What does it look like to you?”“I just saw Capuedo on his way out. Looks like your debt's been extended”“Oh please. Your subtle insults are the last thing I need right now”, he said, yet again struggling with the lighter in his hands.“You are right. You need way more than that if you want to fix this silly negligent mistake of yours”“*@&# you. This is both our mess”“Right. Because as president of the Voxx Group, I should be keeping watch on snitches. I was the one who should have done a better job. I was the one who should have cleaned up blood traces and picked up the goddamn gun instead of being a bloody coward”“Well maybe you should have. You should have taken the bloody gun, because neither Nathan nor Alistair are supposed to be alive right now!”“Oh shut the @#&@ up Charlie. If you weren't such a freaking coward, they'll all be dead by now!”Arghh!”, He growled
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Chapter Eighteen
“Sure. Tell her I'll be down in the next… five minutes”, Alistair said, checking his watch to make sure he was time accurate.“No need”, Layla said from behind Regan. Regan stepped aside so she could come in.“I'm here already. Or am I not allowed to see my God brother”With Alistair's signal, Regan nodded and left the room.“Why not?”“Well there's sure a lot of protocol here”“Good morning Layla”“You look nice”“I know right”, Alistair said, taking a step back.“Oh please. Save it”They both laughed. A happy, hearty kind of laughter.“You look really nice too, Layla”“As always”, she said, giving a half twirl.“And this hairdo is my new favourite. God! He does wonders”“Who? The hairstylist?”“Hell, yeah”, Layla said as she moved towards his master bed.“So why did you insist I accompany you today?”, She asked, flunking herself on the bed.“Cause I need your help”“My help?”“Yeah. Your help. I'll tell you more about it at the office”“Okay …”Alistair went over the large mirror to
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Chapter Nineteen
“Woohoo! Yeah!”The champagne popped open, foam flowing freely from the mouth. Layla laughed freely, pouring into the tall tulip glasses for each of them. She downed one glass in excitement and their reactions only made her burst in her unladylike laughter, at least so her mother had often described.Well to her it was. But to Alistair, it was probably the sweetest sound he'd heard…“To Layla”, Nathan's deeply sensuating voice pierced through the silence. Layla poured herself another glass and clicked her glass with Nathan's.“To mee”, she said giddily but this time sipping out of the glass.“And to Alistair”, she said, turning to him.“For getting his father's company back, for being ever so loving to Mum and I and for this beautiful job offer. Thank you so much Alistair”“It's nothing”, he said, taking up his glass as he smiled, a bit taken back that she'd known it was him. Not for long though. He could already guess from Nathan's awkward behavior of avoiding contact as soon as she
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Chapter Twenty
The men came to the door. One looked down, looking to see the shadows of their feet against the light. With a nod to the other, he opened the door.The door squeaked slowly, givings space for the men to enter. One adjusted his suit, straightening it at the end as their eyes scavenged the tool room.The leader of the two did a hand signal towards the cupboard at the interior while he proceeded to search the adjoining room. Nathan held his breath, gripping harder the crow bar in his hand.He watched the footsteps as they walked closer, stealthily, closer…Layla adjusted the strap of her Zara heel - it's constant loosening had been a plus one headache of the night. But when she looked up, she didn't see the boys.“What the … where the hell did they disappear ?”, She asked herself, observing with her eyes, the rest of the restaurant. They were nowhere to be found.“I should call Alistair. I'm too exhausted for these games”, she said, taking her phone as she slowly walked away from the tab
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