All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
199 chapters
Chapter Twenty-one
“Uhh…”.“hmm…”“Uhh..”The sounds were unmistakable.The maid's eyes widened, her expression clear from her covered mouth. Her cathoclism was most reverent to her at that point as she did the sign of the cross. Transfixed for a while, she didn't know if to knock on the door or turn around.If she took the latter option, she had no fantastic lie to tell Mr. Charlie. The more she stood there, the more irritated - Or say tempted, she was.A soft knock soon came on the door.Oliver's eyes widened in a alert.“Shit!”, Oliver exclaimed in fear, rolling over quickly.“Uhh”, the girl breathed in both relief and exhaustion.“What the *@#@ are you doing @#$#?! Hide quickly!”, He ordered in a sharp harsh tone. The girl struggled with the covers, trying to drag them away from the seemingly hard tucking. He struggled to buckle his belt as well as the knock persisted.“What the @#$@ are you still doing?!”“I’m going”, her light voice wailed, as she rolled in the cover, quickly stepping into his cup
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Chapter Twenty-two
“Two months?”“Yeah, it's… quite unbelievable”“I don't even know what half of the business is about. I still have a lot to learn”“We can negotiate for more time but… I doubt if we would get it. The system here doesn't really make decision making easy”Alistair, looked at the printed copy of the memo in his hand.Just then, one of Nathan's junior colleagues burst through the open door of Alistair's office. Saved by the desk from falling, he panted for a while, having had to take the stairs all the way up from his floor.“James, what's going on? Why'd you…”“Mr…Mr. Nath…”, he said, an exhausted, panting tone.“What the hell is going on?”“Mr. Alistair… Charlie's called for a board meeting”“Two months is just too much to wait!”, Charlie shouted, banging the table.“It's too little time in my opinion, Charlie. We agree the boy is completely a novice. But all things being fair, we have to agree that he'll need more time to learn before making any big moves. Two months is too little time
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Chapter Twenty-three
“I agree with Mr. Dougles”, the lady director of administration said.“I also agree”“It's fair”“I agree as well”“It's absolutely unnecessary!”, Charlie's voice rose above the others.“The election dates will be rescheduled, Mr. Charlie.”, Mr. Dougles stern voice said, looking Charlie in the eye.“And communicated to everyone”Charlie sucked in, anger burning through his veins like a lit gas pipe. He settled into his chair, a sly, irritating smile at the corners of his lips.“Congratulations Mr. Alistair. You have yourself three months so do well to make the most of it. Thank you partners, shareholder and directors for being here. This meeting is adjourned”, the chairman said with a note of finality, getting to his feet. The others stood up after him, leaving with their various personal assistants. Alistair had delayed Layla's resumption, feeling a little guilty that she'd been dragged into his new life of uncertain danger. Well, good thing he had Nathan.Charlie stood up to leave,
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Chapter Twenty-four
The Rolls Royce stopped at the bottom of the stairs.“Welcome sir”, Steve, one of the doormen greeted as he opened the door of the Rolls Royce. Alistair patted his back, giving him his watch and phone as they proceeded to go up the stairs. The door was swung open before he even got to the lady step and he entered, the doorman behind him.Layla was in the living room.“Hey”, she said, in a calm, soothing way, rising from the sofa.She walked over to where he was and they hugged.“How was work?”“It was great.”, He responded, looking around and wondering why there were boxes everywhere.Layla noticed his distracted expression. “Oh those came earlier today. They said they were from the old house”“Oh yeah. My parents’ things”, he said, remembering suddenly.“What exactly?”“Framed pictures, some of my father's old things I guess. Mostly pictures though”“Ohh …”“It was all moved to some warehouse actually after my parents died. I'm guessing courtesy of my Uncle Charlie”There was an awkw
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Chapter Twenty-five
“So what do you say, Alistair?”Alistair looked at Layla with eyes that he had admired right from childhood. He pulled her into an unexpected hug.“Woah”, she said laughing, patting his back the way she'd usually do.“It's okay big baby”“Thank you Layla. You and Nathan…”“Me and Nathan what?”“Have been there for me right from time”, Alistair said, but not with the expression he'd planned in his head.“Oh of course we will. We will always have your back, just as we promised when we were kids, remember?”“Yeah…”, Alistair responded. He looked at her funny.“Thank you. Thank you guys so much. ”“Awwn. It's so nice to see you be all cheesy”“Oh please.”, Alistair laughed. “ It's all part of the act”“Lies… lies… lies”He laughed lightly again.“What lies?”“You were being cheesy for about five minutes.”, She said, confronting him as she came right in front of him, stopping him from going down the stairs.“That couldn't have been an act”“I know”, he said, coming closer. She attempted to
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Chapter Twenty-six
Layla dressed up in the black body hug dress, checking herself out in the mirror as she stepped out from the adjoining closet room.Her first reaction was disgust.“Uhhh”“What do you think?”Alistair didn't hear. He was too engrossed in looking at how appealing she looked in the dress. He just knew it would fit.Her curves, her slender kegs, her arms, they just…“Earth to Alistair”, she said, snapping at him.“Sorry”, he said, shaking his head and shaking off his thoughts.“What do you think… I don't have time”“You look sple… uhh… you look good”“What were you going to say?”“Nothing”Layla narrowed her eyes at him in a playful way. “Okayy”She tapped her phone screen.“I'm running late”, she said, taking her purse from across where he stood.“Layla… are you sure you wanna do this?”“Yeah. I mean it's the only way we are gonna find answers”“It doesn't have to be, we could find other options. Maybe ask the police to look into it”Layla smiled, taking a step back. “You are worried”“
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Chapter Twenty-seven
“That was when I set to work. I gained access to his phone through his fingerprint and got access to the files for evidence. And a lot of contacts too. Well, if the police are willing to look into it.”“Wow”, Nathan said after much silence. “That's…”“I did a little police academia”“Well… uhh what now?”“Get this soft copy emailed to every shareholder on the group. The Wilde's have lost their shares as a result of this scandal and so there is an open space for proposals to be submitted if any one should show interest in their assets.”“Great. I'll get Janet to start working on it”, Layla responded, turning away as she headed for the door.“You should watch her Layla”“Noted”, she said, waiting for the doors to slide out. Alistair quickly pressed the remote. The doors slid open slowly and Layla walked out.“Regan”He nodded in the affirmative and walked out as well.“What's wrong?”“This is crazy”“I know. I always knew though I just…”“No. If this can be going on at Voxx, it certain
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Chapter Twenty-eight
“Voxx Technologies and Voxx Works. This makes up the group. Now this two major groups has a whole of departments of which have various departmental managers, directors and presidents. So far, Mr. Starling, what is the progress report as regards sales, people experience, clients and products?”Mr Starling, a bit caught off guard that he was asked, sat up immediately. “Uhh… I believe my secretary has such an information”, he said, looking at her for confirmation.“Yes of course sir.. I”“I had wanted to hear from Mr. Starling himself. You are the president of Voxx Technologies sir… aren't you?”“Of course”“So that makes you the most up to date person in this room concerning Voxx Technologies”“Well, I do not have such report on ground Mr. Alistair. Apologies”“It's alright. I already knew what I was looking for. For the past five years, the progress of Voxx Technologies took a slightly profitable turn. Note the word ‘’slightly”. This means there has been no progress as regards new inno
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Chapter Twenty-nine
The car pulled up in front of the staircases.“Hey”, Layla said, her head popping from behind the sofa. “You're back”She got up from the sofa, walking up to where he stood to give him a hug. He held her longer than usual and damn her to not notice.“How was work?”, She asked when they finally disentangled.“It was great”“You pitched it?”“Yeah… and they were really happy with the idea”“Oh my God! Voxx Innovations is officially launched!”, She squealed, jumping on him in excitement. He caught her too, flowing delightfully with the moment.“You did it”“I did but not without your support though”They stared at each other for a moment.“Uhh…”“Oh.. sorry”, he said, putting her down gently.“Thanks”Burundi walked up to him to take his jacket and work tab from him. “Welcome sir”“Thank you Buru”“I have good news too you know”“What's going on?”“Come on”She half dragged him up stairs, shutting the door sharply as soon as they were both in.“There's so much to what we found out from W
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Chapter Thirty
Wilde's coughing persisted, the whole room echoing the rough, coarse sound. The Cartel Lord continued to smoke regardless, worsening the situation of things. When he finally stopped, tapping the burnt part on the ash tray held for him, Wilde's whole face was sore and his chest tired of coughing.“Wilde, Wilde…Wilde”, the Cartel Lord started, his thick rough voice echoing in the tense and silently cold room. “You really did run wild, didn't you?”“I wasn't running away. I would…”Coarse coughing interluded his words. The Cartel Lord shifted his chair closer.“I wasn't trying to run away”“Then what were you doing, up on the high road? Didn't quite look like it to me”“I wasn't trying to run away.”, Wilde said, coughing some more.“So what was it ? Tell me, Wilde”He signaled to two of his boys.“I …”Some more coughing. The boys re-positioned Wilde back up, hitting his back against the metal chair again.“You know Wilde, I always thought you had that integrity, you know. Trust. But you
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