All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
199 chapters
Chapter Thirty-one
“Daddy just got me a new car!!”, Fiona screamed from the car.Just then, Ethan came out, his hands in his pocket and potentially sleepy eyes that didn't seem too delighted to be awake. He ruffled his hair, a thing he did often and found excessively attractive for himself. A thing that his sister, Fiona, had often told him was not.“Fiona's back?”, He said in a slurry, slightly surprised or should it be said, slightly irritated voice.He watched the Lamborghini rev around their spacious compound and back. Fiona was excited as ever, something that didn't exactly rub off well on Ethan. When Fiona finally came down from the car, she rushed up the stairs feeling as light and as happy as a child with a lollipop.She stopped when she saw her brother, who unfortunately was in the process of ruffling his unwet hair.“Ruffle boy, didn't know you were home”“Neither did I. So Daddy's little entitled princess finally decided to come back home”“I’ve already graduated. You don't expect me to stay
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Chapter Thirty-two
“Mr President”The beautifully decorated hall seemed to throw Buru off balance the more he looked at it. He looked around, his mind wondering at how the most high profiled wore the simplest clothes, even to a formal event. Some of the ministers he recognized from the news on the television were there too and Buru for a second, felt greatly unworthy.“They are just people.. the difference between you and them is a system and some fairly undue advantages”That was what his master had told him before they'd left. Buru looked over to where Alistair was standing, ready to meet the president.“Mr. President”, Alistair greeted as the minister introduced him, stepping forward to take the president's outstretched hand in a handshake. They took a moment to pause for paparazzi..“It's an honour to meet you sir”“The pleasure is mine, young man. Alistair, isn't it?”“Yes sir”“I've heard so much about your projects all around the country. It's V - Innovations, you call it?”“Yes … Voxx Innovation
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Chapter Thirty-three
Oliver Bane looked round, his eyes scanning the environment through his thick glasses as he took the tulip glass up to his lips. With an uninterested and particularly angered mood, his eyes searched for the reason why his father had yet again threatened his inheritance.Alistair Bane.Not a day went by without his father comparing him to the bastard of a boy. It had been worse this morning. His father had barged into his room and disgraced him and the girl he'd brought home the previous night. With his inheritance and wealth at stake, he had dressed up in half an hour for this pointless event. All because Alistair was President of Voxx and not him. An ambition that he never wanted from day one.“Can't even find the bastard”, he said under his voice, taking another scan off his environment. Just then, Kathy's eyes locked with his and for a moment, he was absolutely at sea at why she was there. She blinked away from his gaze almost immediately and then his eyes realize the whole crew -
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Chapter Thirty-four
“Hey”The wooden steps made creaking sounds as the tall, handsome, broad - shouldered Mark Lorry stepped on them, his aesthetically decorated porch filled with exotic flowers giving him an all dreamy ambience. Fiona leaned against the black Sivan she'd took, her anger meeting way slowly as she watched him come to her. He smiled broadly, happier than a child.“Hey You”, she said, pushing herself off the car. She was engulfed into his big, wide arms, a warmth she'd sorely missed at school.“My newest graduate!”, Mark said, taking her by her waist and spinning her. She giggled at the suddenness and excitedness of it all, squealing as she was used to.“Oh my God, Mark”, she said, amidst the funny sounding giggles that escaped her mouth and soon turned into full outright laughter.“Stop, stop. Put me down!”He spun her around one more time before setting her down, engaging her lips in a short but savoury kiss. “Savoury” as Fiona often described it in her thoughts.“It was like marshmallows
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Chapter Thirty-five
Charlie's eyes widened.Even he hadn't expected the Minister's statement to take him aback that badly..The Minister got up from his seat“Charlie, we are men of power”Walking round the desk to where Charlie sat.“But men of power …”He paused, pressing against the desk as he seemingly balanced himself.“Have a price”Some relief came upon Charlie as a smile stroke across the edges of his lips.“Of course, of course. Name your price Mr. Minister, anything”“Anything?”, The Minister asked, a smirk across his lips and one eyebrow raised. He started to walk back to his desk.“I’ve always admired the strength of Voxx. You possess quite a lot. How about half the company, Charlie - shares, assets, everything?”“I don't own half the company, Mr. Minister”“Oh.. how disappointing though. Half of what you own then and I'll convince the president that the deal is as bad as you say”Charlie took a moment, wondering if she could hear from over the tiny earphones he was wearing. But only then did
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Chapter Thirty-six
Fiona looked at the silky black dress she'd chosen for her date. It stopped at half her knee, a slightly body hug dress, just enough to put her endowments in proper proportions. She stared long at her reflection in the mirror, looking at herself in too many angles than normal. Indecisive. It was something she'd never really gotten over. She looked over at the dresser table where her diamond studs lay.. or sat. Whatever.When she'd finally made up her mind and changed into the short strapless gown with a gathered black flair, a soft knock landed on her door.“Come in”The door handle turned and her father pushed the door open.“I have the invitations ready dear. Everything is set and per…”He stopped talking, noticing she was dressed.“Hey Dad”“Going somewhere Fiona?”“Yeeeesssss. I … ““You?”“I have a date”“A business date?”“Urr no. You were saying something about the invitations”“It’s the investigator boy, isn't it?”Fiona sighed. “Dad…”“Fiona,what you are doing is time wastin
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Chapter Thirty-seven
Her weak legs seemed too feeble for his thrust. She was exhausted. God! Ethan was a monster.He rolled over, his breathing raspy and in quick, successive patterns. He came out of bed and Elara watched his nakedness leave her, her body both excited and exhausted at the same time. Damn! How could her body feel sore and yet feel so ecstatic at the same time. It was as what it often was with him and after him. She'd never been with another person like Ethan and she knew she wasn't just his lover - she slowly falling for himShe curled up in the bed, wrapping herself in the thick blanket, her mind in an ecstasy as she filled her nostrils with the scent of his string musk. Ethan soon walked out of the bathroom, his short white towel around his neck.“Where are you off to this early?”, she asked, noticing he was picking up another of his towels, only bigger.“Work”, he said, in a cool, unexcited, bland tone. “And you should too”“I don't have work today. I thought Fridays were your off days”
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Chapter Thirty-eight
Her hands hesitated but she knew she would pick the call eventually.“Hey babe”“Hey love. What's going on? How are you feeling.”“Nothing much. I'm okay, I guess. I'm just … about a few things”“About a few things like what?”“Just small errands that my dad wants me to run for him”“Oh.”He paused.“But have you had any rest? Are you better now?”“Rest?”, She asked, only quickly remembering that she'd called in sick the previous day. More like lied. But if missing out on your date because of your over-ruling, self-centered father couldn’t make her sick, then she didn't know what could possibly.“Oh yeah. Yeah.. I'm better now”, she said quickly.“Fiona, you shouldn't be stressing yourself. If you are not fine, take some time to rest. Right now, I know you haven't still gone to the pharmacy to get some medics or even the hospital.“I was just feeling a little dizzy, Mark. It was nothing really serious”“And now?”“I'm fine. I'm okay..”, she said, hating herself once again for complete
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Chapter Thirty-nine
6.15 a.m, The Castles, Evening PartyMark picked the invitation card from the table.“The Starlings”“You familiar with them?”, His boss asked, twirling on his executive chair towards him.Mark took a while to reply. Fiona hadn't told him about the evening party.“Nah”“You sure?”,His boss stood up from his seat,a slim file in his hand.“Here's their bio data anyway”He dropped the file in front of Mark.“I could have gotten this yesterday you know”“Yeah … but you are the favorite agent”“And the best too”, the lady in black across the room said, turning slightly to them. Priscy. She was the CIA's best computer programmer and of course hacker.And she wore her badge proudly.Mark smiled at her statement, taking the bio data file over to her. His free hand slipped the invitation card into his back pocket.“Come on, Priscy. How about you soft copy this for me?”“Hmm… I take transfers Mark”Mark let out a groggy laughter. He shook her shoulders from behind playfully.“Priscy!!”“You kno
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Chapter Forty
7.00 p.m, Evening Party , The CastlesGuests trooped into the hall, the organizers and their workers going out as they did. The wows never stopped. The guests were totally taken aback by the absolute magnificence of the hall,a true representation of what luxury and royalty could offer. Crystals, almost uncountable, hung down from the top of the building, the ceiling covered in glitter and minute crystals. Some parts of the ceiling shimmered with gold and the mood setting lights did justice to that. Curtains draped down throughout the walls, the room got just enough lighting from its decorative features. A section of the hall was left for - what was suspected to be - ball dancing.Heck. It was “a Lord and Lady” themed party.The hall looked even more colourful from the gallery where Fiona stood. She watched them from above - the hall was rainbowed with beautiful evening gowns of so many colours in so many different shades. Some were more extravagant and others kept it a simple, straigh
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