All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
199 chapters
Chapter Forty-one
Alistair was late for the party.Not that he'd planned to be early.It just seemed like Starling was bent on making him come.Buru finished polishing his shoes. He knocked on his walk in wardrobe room door.“Come in”Buru did so, holding the pair with two of his fingers on his left hand.“Thank you sir”“Thank you for these nicely polished shoes”, Alistair responded with a smile. Alistair shifted back a little from the mirror and Buru got down on one knee and placed them in front of him.“Thank you Buru”Alistair placed his legs into the well polished maroon red shoes. They matched his Italian suit, a slightly lighter shade, which had two slightly lengthy ends instead of buttons. They'd been tied into a perfect bow and it gave the outfit a rather grand than child - like look.Looked like he'd found a new favourite pattern of suits.His breast pocket handkerchief had the same maroon red colour too. Alistair slipped down his hair, holding himself against the urge to take up the comb and
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Chapter Forty-two
“Any extra arms on them?”“Nah”Mark hadn't seen anything with the X-ray glasses, he'd put on when he entered the hall. The glasses were in his pocket now as he straightened his suit in front of the mirror.“Any other useful piece of information?”Mark prepared to open the door. He could hear the voices of impatient men outside.“Someone seems to be trailing Charlie. Someone that seems to be working with Capuedo's men as well”His boss rolled his eyes. “Give up this Charlie story Mark”“Apologies folks. Door got jammed”, he said as he opened the door. He let some of them come in, making his way out of there.“It's not a story if it's obvious. The men communicate with one another and one of them is obviously out of Charlie.”“Well, maybe Wilde's hired them”“Hired them?”“It could be. There is an unspoken animosity between the two men and it just happens that Wilde looses his shares at Voxx and Charlie seems a million bucks richer the next week. He'd need to bully Charlie into getting
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Chapter Forty-three
Mark could see the Capuedo boys.He could see Wilde leaving for the bathroom angrily.But where the hell was Charlie?“Charlie”, Wilde called out as he shut the bathroom back door.“Gerald. I'm surprised you're here”Wilde smirked. “Didn’t think I'll show face after the scandal did you?”“I presumed you'd be occupied.”“With what?”“For one, perhaps sealing your tracks more properly. One leads to all leads Wilde. And you know we won't let that happen”“Your ego never really dims, does it? Your fatal belief in your failed securities”“What do you want Wilde?”“But that's by the way. Something more important is before us. Back room please”Wilde led the way to the backroom of the Castles building and Charlie hesitated before he followed.“Any update yet?”“None, only I'm trying to find Charlie and I'm not seeing him yet”“Where’s Wilde? Took a bathroom break since. He's been there for a while now. He's been doing that often since the start of the party”“Any reason why?”“Nothing suspic
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Chapter Forty-four
“Mark? Mark couldn't be here”It had been the same guy she'd spotted from above, the same guy that had been so strikingly familiar.“It couldn't be”The lady she'd been conversing with, noticed how distracted she was.“Fiona?”“Yes ma'am, you were saying?”“As I was saying dear, the dojad eggs taste quite different from well, most I've tasted. A little tingy in taste…I presume it's not a basic recipe and it could a little bit of improv…”Whatever the woman was saying Fiona wasn't listening. What conversation could her father possibly be having with the young man? Her father wasn't the type to take too well with people, especially people of her generation. His oversight of them, a general stereotype he was almost bigoted about, was that they were mostly irresponsible with unproductive mindsets. A self obsessed personality, she found he hardly had friends, talk less of attempting to make new friends.“Argh! A roach!”Fiona's attention snapped away from them as the woman jumped in panic.
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Chapter Forty-Five
She placed her hands behind her, zipping the whole thing back up. She looked around, trying to find if she'll still see the mysterious guy she'd been following. She looked down at her knife. It was filled with a little blood. She stared at it as she walked, her legs constantly bending because of her broken heel. She grabbed the napkin from the closest table, destroying the cock pattern design it had been folded into as she cleaned the pocket knife she was holding. There was a welling of emotions in her and tears gathered in her eyes for reasons she could not exactly explain. She was getting a trigger of post-traumatic stress and Fiona did her best to breathe.In sight was the exit. She needed some air.Just as she was getting to the exit door, her father caught sight of her and called her.“Fiona”Fiona freezed. What the hell did he want?******** Her father, not being too far, walked up to her.“Fiona”, he called again.“Come, I wanted you to meet the newest president of the Voxx Gr
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Chapter Forty-six
“Like I was saying, there's an unspoken animosity between us.”Wilde turned yet again to Charlie. “I know you are the one who let all that information out. You’ve always wanted me out so bad, Charlie. You can't deny that. And immediately I had my shares withdrawn,..”Wilde snapped his fingers. “You went for it”Wilde paused to smile. “You've always been a greedy fool. That's why you couldn't even pay off your own debt”“That wasn't me.”“Then who was it Charlie?”, Wilde responded in question, his tone no longer chilly and calm.“You can't tell me you didn't buy those shares because how do you explain this?”, Wilde smashed the printed white sheet of paper on the table in front of Charlie. He bent over, the level of his face matching up to Charlie's.“Tell me Charlie. Even if we were to assume you didn't buy the shares and you have so much more money but you're indebted to Capuedo, how did you afford two hundred and fifty thousand hectares of land just a week after the scandal?”Charlie
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Chapter Forty-seven
Mark joined the FBI squad sent over to the Dougles as instructed by the government. Priscy, under the Secret Special Units watch- CIA's commands, tagged along too - just to see if she could pick up a few clues connected to his death.“Isn't weird?”, Mark asked as they stood at the door, watching family members stream in and out. Mrs. Dougles sat on the second longest couch in their large living room, a handkerchief in her hand, constantly being patted by a woman who Mark could guess was one of her relatives. Rosa Dougles,, being an only child, had no siblings.“What’s weird?”, Priscy asked back, stretching her head to see what was happening behind the door facing them.“This hand mark on the floor”Priscy looked down to see what it was.“That looks more like a fish”, Priscy said, then tilting her head. “Or a duck”Then she looked away. “That's unimportant. The only thing that should be weird right now is us missing that Dougles was the target all along”Mark placed his hands in his po
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Chapter Forty-eight
Tension and silence ruptured the living room. The guests had been completely taken aback by the situations and some of them wasted no time to whisper among themselves. What the @#&@ was wrong with her? Lana's eyes stared dead at Rosa who held her head in pain. She freed herself suddenly from those who held her, but moved back stealthily instead of charging forward.“You think I'm crazy Rosa? You haven't even seen the half of it”, Lana threatened, giving a little scoff. She continued.“I hope you see in my dreams Rosa. I hope I'm the reason you stay awake. Because there's no way you are having peace after what you've done. @#₦@@!”With these words, Lana walked out the door, yanking her car door with the same energy with which she'd banged it closed. She reversed roughly as well, the tortoise car zooming off at a speed that seemed too high for it's small space-occupying mass. Mark watched the car ride out roughly, repeating the car's plate number.“YOR2328”Priscy turned her direction
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Chapter Forty-nine
Mark watched it ring.The crane continued to pull.Mark still watched it ring.“Are you two quarreling?”, Priscy asked from behind suddenly. It startled him a bit and he's phone jumped out of his hand. Luckily, it didn't fall through the spaces in the bridge barrier.“Urghh .. Priscy… don't do that”, he said, picking up the phone that had fallen face flat on the ground. The screen had cracked at the edge and sent a seemingly straight but thin line across the phone screen. He looked at Priscy with an annoyed expression and she stared back at him, looking like she would burst at laughing.“Why don't you wanna answer your bae?”“What makes you think she's my bae?”, Mark asked defensively, his facial expression not exactly looking like he got the joke.“Because you saved her with ‘bae love' “, she said with an expression that shouted ‘obviously bruv’. She rolled her eyes, seeing he wasn't in the mood to talk.“Can’t even believe you're in a relationship and in this job”, Priscy said, scof
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Chapter Fifty
“Mark, are you even listening to anything I'm saying?”, Matthew asked, snapping Mark back into reality. He glanced from his agent to the screen of his phone which Mark quickly turned off.“Sir? Yes sir. I'm…”, Mark said, putting his phone screen in temporary blankness as he slid into his pocket.“Priscy…”, Mark said, then shaking his head to shake the thoughts of as that wasn't what he intended to say.“I'm sorry Boss”Matthew looked at his agent.“Is everything okay with you Mark? You've been acting pretty off lately since the operation”, Matthew asked, glancing at Mark for a second as he had to keep his eyes on the road. The police station was in sight but Matthew was going to deviate to ensure Dougle's body was delivered.Mark turned to Matthew, making Matthew glance again.“Oh my God.”“What?”“We forgot Priscy”The realization made the boss think again. “Are you sure?”“Woah!”Matthew swerved sharply, almost hitting the incoming car in the one lane route they were on. Matthew had
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