Chapter Forty-eight

Tension and silence ruptured the living room. The guests had been completely taken aback by the situations and some of them wasted no time to whisper among themselves. What the @#&@ was wrong with her?

Lana's eyes stared dead at Rosa who held her head in pain. She freed herself suddenly from those who held her, but moved back stealthily instead of charging forward.

“You think I'm crazy Rosa? You haven't even seen the half of it”, Lana threatened, giving a little scoff. She continued.

“I hope you see in my dreams Rosa. I hope I'm the reason you stay awake. Because there's no way you are having peace after what you've done. @#₦@@!”

With these words, Lana walked out the door, yanking her car door with the same energy with which she'd banged it closed. She reversed roughly as well, the tortoise car zooming off at a speed that seemed too high for it's small space-occupying mass. Mark watched the car ride out roughly, repeating the car's plate number.


Priscy turned her direction
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