Chapter Forty-seven

Mark joined the FBI squad sent over to the Dougles as instructed by the government. Priscy, under the Secret Special Units watch- CIA's commands, tagged along too - just to see if she could pick up a few clues connected to his death.

“Isn't weird?”, Mark asked as they stood at the door, watching family members stream in and out. Mrs. Dougles sat on the second longest couch in their large living room, a handkerchief in her hand, constantly being patted by a woman who Mark could guess was one of her relatives. Rosa Dougles,, being an only child, had no siblings.

“What’s weird?”, Priscy asked back, stretching her head to see what was happening behind the door facing them.

“This hand mark on the floor”

Priscy looked down to see what it was.

“That looks more like a fish”, Priscy said, then tilting her head. “Or a duck”

Then she looked away. “That's unimportant. The only thing that should be weird right now is us missing that Dougles was the target all along”

Mark placed his hands in his po
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