Chapter Forty-six

“Like I was saying, there's an unspoken animosity between us.”

Wilde turned yet again to Charlie. “I know you are the one who let all that information out. You’ve always wanted me out so bad, Charlie. You can't deny that. And immediately I had my shares withdrawn,..”

Wilde snapped his fingers. “You went for it”

Wilde paused to smile. “You've always been a greedy fool. That's why you couldn't even pay off your own debt”

“That wasn't me.”

“Then who was it Charlie?”, Wilde responded in question, his tone no longer chilly and calm.

“You can't tell me you didn't buy those shares because how do you explain this?”, Wilde smashed the printed white sheet of paper on the table in front of Charlie. He bent over, the level of his face matching up to Charlie's.

“Tell me Charlie. Even if we were to assume you didn't buy the shares and you have so much more money but you're indebted to Capuedo, how did you afford two hundred and fifty thousand hectares of land just a week after the scandal?”

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