Chapter Forty-Five

She placed her hands behind her, zipping the whole thing back up. She looked around, trying to find if she'll still see the mysterious guy she'd been following. She looked down at her knife. It was filled with a little blood. She stared at it as she walked, her legs constantly bending because of her broken heel. She grabbed the napkin from the closest table, destroying the cock pattern design it had been folded into as she cleaned the pocket knife she was holding. There was a welling of emotions in her and tears gathered in her eyes for reasons she could not exactly explain. She was getting a trigger of post-traumatic stress and Fiona did her best to breathe.

In sight was the exit. She needed some air.

Just as she was getting to the exit door, her father caught sight of her and called her.


Fiona freezed. What the hell did he want?


Her father, not being too far, walked up to her.

“Fiona”, he called again.

“Come, I wanted you to meet the newest president of the Voxx Gr
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