Chapter Forty-four

“Mark? Mark couldn't be here”

It had been the same guy she'd spotted from above, the same guy that had been so strikingly familiar.

“It couldn't be”

The lady she'd been conversing with, noticed how distracted she was.


“Yes ma'am, you were saying?”

“As I was saying dear, the dojad eggs taste quite different from well, most I've tasted. A little tingy in taste…I presume it's not a basic recipe and it could a little bit of improv…”

Whatever the woman was saying Fiona wasn't listening. What conversation could her father possibly be having with the young man? Her father wasn't the type to take too well with people, especially people of her generation. His oversight of them, a general stereotype he was almost bigoted about, was that they were mostly irresponsible with unproductive mindsets. A self obsessed personality, she found he hardly had friends, talk less of attempting to make new friends.

“Argh! A roach!”

Fiona's attention snapped away from them as the woman jumped in panic.
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