Chapter Forty-three

Mark could see the Capuedo boys.

He could see Wilde leaving for the bathroom angrily.

But where the hell was Charlie?

“Charlie”, Wilde called out as he shut the bathroom back door.

“Gerald. I'm surprised you're here”

Wilde smirked. “Didn’t think I'll show face after the scandal did you?”

“I presumed you'd be occupied.”

“With what?”

“For one, perhaps sealing your tracks more properly. One leads to all leads Wilde. And you know we won't let that happen”

“Your ego never really dims, does it? Your fatal belief in your failed securities”

“What do you want Wilde?”

“But that's by the way. Something more important is before us. Back room please”

Wilde led the way to the backroom of the Castles building and Charlie hesitated before he followed.

“Any update yet?”

“None, only I'm trying to find Charlie and I'm not seeing him yet”

“Where’s Wilde? Took a bathroom break since. He's been there for a while now. He's been doing that often since the start of the party”

“Any reason why?”

“Nothing suspic
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