Chapter Forty-nine

Mark watched it ring.

The crane continued to pull.

Mark still watched it ring.

“Are you two quarreling?”, Priscy asked from behind suddenly. It startled him a bit and he's phone jumped out of his hand. Luckily, it didn't fall through the spaces in the bridge barrier.

“Urghh .. Priscy… don't do that”, he said, picking up the phone that had fallen face flat on the ground. The screen had cracked at the edge and sent a seemingly straight but thin line across the phone screen. He looked at Priscy with an annoyed expression and she stared back at him, looking like she would burst at laughing.

“Why don't you wanna answer your bae?”

“What makes you think she's my bae?”, Mark asked defensively, his facial expression not exactly looking like he got the joke.

“Because you saved her with ‘bae love' “, she said with an expression that shouted ‘obviously bruv’. She rolled her eyes, seeing he wasn't in the mood to talk.

“Can’t even believe you're in a relationship and in this job”, Priscy said, scof
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