Chapter Fifty

“Mark, are you even listening to anything I'm saying?”, Matthew asked, snapping Mark back into reality. He glanced from his agent to the screen of his phone which Mark quickly turned off.

“Sir? Yes sir. I'm…”, Mark said, putting his phone screen in temporary blankness as he slid into his pocket.

“Priscy…”, Mark said, then shaking his head to shake the thoughts of as that wasn't what he intended to say.

“I'm sorry Boss”

Matthew looked at his agent.

“Is everything okay with you Mark? You've been acting pretty off lately since the operation”, Matthew asked, glancing at Mark for a second as he had to keep his eyes on the road. The police station was in sight but Matthew was going to deviate to ensure Dougle's body was delivered.

Mark turned to Matthew, making Matthew glance again.

“Oh my God.”


“We forgot Priscy”

The realization made the boss think again. “Are you sure?”


Matthew swerved sharply, almost hitting the incoming car in the one lane route they were on. Matthew had
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