Chapter Fifty-one

She held her hand in a halt sign at him, like a warning to him not to interrupt, her wicked eyes resting on her daughter as she waved a finger.

“Don’t you dare… don't you ever interrupt me when I'm talking or raise your voice at me ever again.”, her mother warned, her voice a whiskery and dangerous tone.

“I didn't raise a disrespectful child”, she said in an even lower tone. She came closer to Layla.

“And I will not hesitate to trim her wings”

She paused to back away just a little.

“Don’t play me with child. I don't think you know your mother.”

She never missed the smile at the end. The smile that Layla often likened to joker's as a child. A character that had given both day and night mares. The simile that no longer seemed childish. Her mother threatened her.

“You would want to change that shirt, darling”, she said, walking away from Layla. She took the turn to the kitchen, a decision she made just for past time.

To them.

So they assumed.

Alistair stared at Layla, not knowing if to r
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