All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
199 chapters
Chapter Sixty-one
These days, the clouds greyed on burial days. It was a weather change even the broadcasters couldn't predict. Rumors had it that the government was secretly seeding the clouds.But seemingly nobody ever noticed on time. Somehow, some way, it remained a rumour because they kept the people distracted.Unlike Dougle’s, the burial proceedings of Daphne Starling were short and rounded up. The priest didn't say the usual long speech, the sermon they often gave about the deceased. He skipped the longer prayers too, only offering or rather saying the shorter ones that entailed the response of the audience.Her father hadn't invited a lot of people either. Very few relatives were there and of course - though still few - some of the shareholders from Voxx. Alistair couldn't attend as a result of an urgent meeting he had with one of our partners but he most definitely had sent a large bouquet of flowers in honor and his condolence message. But perhaps there was no time for that too as it didn't
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Chapter Sixty-two
“Hey”“So stalking is a thing now ?”, Fiona said, folding her hands.“I came to give my condolences. I'm so sorry”“Yeah”, Fiona said, a dull, unfazed expression on her face.“How are you?”“Why do you care, Mark? I thought you didn't care anymore”“You had an accident Fi, the least…”“And you picked me up? You took me to the hospital, you stayed. You calmed me in my anxiety and my panic moments and yet you still chose to end us? I don't understand”, Fiona said, her voice beginning to break.“Why are you punishing me for something that I didn't even know about?”“You didn't know about? Fiona, you lied about what your father thought about me, about us?”“And what would you have had me do?! Huh? What could you have possibly had me do? Tell you to your face that my belittling father doesn't think you worthy enough to be family? How, Mark?”Tears ran down her cheek, her gasps, the rate of the pattern of it increasing.“I just couldn't”, she said, even her breaths breathing.“And I'm sorry
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Chapter Sixty-three
The Dala Alvon hall was by far one of the most magnificent and most beautiful halls in the city and of course the top ten in the world.Why wouldn't it be? His father had built it in honor of the man he held up so much respect.“A real mentor”, he'd often say. And to think that he and Dala Alvon had been childhood friend was crazy. Crazier than the thought of being US president.And then, it had been his father. His father had always had a thing for architecture even when he'd studied Megatronics And Global Technology. Perhaps that was where his own passion had stemmed from. Only looking at their Voxx Headquarters, one could already tell that only the architects couldn't have inculcated such an idea plan. Of course they'd brought it to life but the details and specificity of every corner, every edge, every plot and every block, could have only been prescribed from his fathers wildest of imaginations.Alistair smiled, happy and sad memories reeling in his mind in considerable slow mo.
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Chapter Sixty-four
“To the stage and with a rising ovation, let us invite the acting chairman of the board who will call on the members of the board in our amidst”Alistair was asked to take a stand on a slight raised platform on the podium. He took on it, standing in front of everyone. The pulpit stand was closed up into the podium so the stage could be clear for all to see. Nathan, his automatic right hand man, stood a little afar off to his right as the inauguration process began.The chairman, the lady director of Voxx Works, came up to the podium. A pulpit stand, positioned at the extreme right, was provided for her. She adjusted the mic attached to it and cleared her throat before speaking into it.“Good day, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to stand before such highly selected dignitaries which have arrived from all over to grace this ground-breaking event. I'll prefer to stand on all existing acknowledged protocols so we can get on to inaugurating this deserving young man”Ther
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Chapter Sixty-five
Elara tried her best to hide from Ethan, though they weren't on good terms, she still loved him and wouldn't want him to see her here when he wasn't the one who invited her here. She found a seat at the back and she sat down, the only reason why she was doing this wasn't because of her parents.She was doing this because of what she would get if Alistair finally decided to take her back as his wife. She was going to enjoy the benefits of being the wife of the president of Voxx's Group. This means she's going to have the opportunity to shop more and live a luxurious life while maintaining her relationship with Ethan in secret.She wasn't going to treat him like she treated him a few months back, things were different now. Alistair had new people in his life, unlike before when it was just her parents and her, she was drawn back to reality as they clapped their hands.Mr. Starling mounted the stage, he exhaled as he looked towards the guests seated, who had their gaze fixed on him. "Bef
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Chapter Sixty-six
Kate and Gerald both sat in the living room gazing at the TV, "Life can be so cruel and funny at times, who would have known that the table would turn swiftly against us?You know all this looks like a dream, it never for once occurred to me that Alistair's life would change not just in one day, but in just a few hours. If we knew we would have treated him differently," Gerald said massaging his jaw."Yeah, but how were we supposed to know something like this would have happened, just like you said life can be so funny. What's done is done, the best we can do is to find a way to elevate up from looming bankruptcy and poverty," Kate replied, gazing at him.She stood up from her couch and moved to that of her husband, "Honey, you know we don't have time anymore, the more you delay in getting our shares of the company, I am sure you know the outcome."Mr. Wilde shrugged as he got up from his chair, "Do this, do that, do this, do that, that's what you keep on saying. Won't you do somethin
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Chapter Sixty-seven
Nathan shook his head in disagreement, "I don't think you should do so, after the horrible things they did to you, no don't do it."Layla shrugged, shaking her head, "Come on Nathan, yeah we are all aware of what he did to Alistair, but we still can't deny he played a great role, by taking him in when no one decided to accommodate him.Yes, they acted unjustly towards him, because they thought he was useless. I know they are opportunists, but we can't allow what they did to him to stop us from showing them what it means to be good."Nathan shook his head, he almost mentioned the word babe, but he kept shut, "We can't do that, besides a criminal like him, shouldn't be seen in a gathering like that. Don't you think it's going to send the wrong message to people out there?"Alistair stared at Nathan and Layla, they both had good points, but it was up to him to choose which of their decisions he would go with. He exhaled, "Guys, I have listened to what you guys have to say, but I think I
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Chapter Sixty-eight
Elara arrived home and walked out of the car angrily, she walked in and found her dad asleep on the couch. She stood and screamed, her father almost fell off the couch and her mother came rushing downstairs including other domestic staff."What's going on Elara, why are you screaming like a mad dog?" Her Mum asked, wearing an angry look.That got her angry, she walked towards her mum, staring deep into her eyes, "Wow, so I am shouting like a mad dog right? It's okay, it's okay."She took a few steps backward looking at both her mum and dad, "You both asked me to do something which I don't like, just to save you guy's ass from disgrace or bankruptcy. Yet you have the right to call me a mad dog right?It's fine, I have no issue with that, well Alistair asks that you both attend the inaugural dinner, which kicks off a few hours from now," she didn't wait for their reply before walking to her room.Mr. Wilde turned towards his wife, "Can you see what you did, just because you can't keep
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Chapter Sixty-nine
He drew closer towards his daughter, gazing directly into her eyes, "I need you to help the posterity of this family, that's all I want," he replied.Fiona still didn't understand, she looked back at her brother who was also gazing at her, "What do you mean by, you need me to help the posterity of this family?"He shrugged and buried his head, before raising his head, "Don't tell me you don't understand English language or did you lose your ability to comprehend things?"Fiona felt a bit angry, but she couldn't do anything, "Dad I understand the word, family and posterity, what I don't get is what you mean by protecting the posterity of the family. Correct me if I am wrong, but I will get married into a new family, and my brother will be the face of this family. If there's anyone who's to protect the posterity of this family, he's the one, not me."Mr. Starling shook his head, "You are right, but you are also wrong, even if you get married, that doesn't mean you are no longer a member
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Chapter Seventy
Nathan was still not happy about Alistair's decision to invite Wilde to his inaugural dinner party. He was seated in the living room in deep thought when Layla came out of the kitchen with Burundi.Burundi was the first to notice the look on his face, he used his arm to hit her softly, "He seems bothered, what do you think is probably eating him up?"Layla who had her gaze on her phone, raised her head and gazed at him, she was shocked to find him in such a mood. She remembered how cheerful he was when they came out of the car, did anything wrong happen or what?"Give me a few minutes, I am going to ask him about it," she whispered and walked towards him.Burundi nodded his head and walked to the dining where he sat down and turned towards the sitting room, gazing at them. She sat down beside him and he didn't move, which means he was lost in thought."What's going on?" She placed her hands on Nathan's shoulder and he jolted immediately, breathing hard, looking at her shocked. "Layla.
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