All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
199 chapters
Chapter Seventy-one
Ethan walked to his room and called Elara, her phone was ringing, but she wasn't picking up. He dialed her line again, but she still wasn't picking up, he got pissed off and tossed his phone to the bed.He fell to the bed and was about to close his eyes, to catch a little nap, when the door of his room was opened. "Who the fuck are you, that you dare to come into my room without knocking," he said with his eyes closed."I am the one who bought the house, the man who got married to your mother," Mr. Starling replied coldly, with his hands at his back, as he stood at the door. Ethan quickly sat up gazing at his father, "Dad, I didn't know it was you, I thought you were in your room resting?"Mr. Starling smiled and walked towards the bed where he was seated, "Can I sit down?""Sure Dad, you can," Ethan said hastily, as he moved closer to the edge of his bed. Mr. Starling kept mute looking around Ethan's room, "I must say, the maids are doing a great job.""What do you mean by that?" Eth
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Chapter Seventy-two
Mr. Charlie Bane stormed out of the car angrily, he had never experienced such disgrace in his life. He was still in shock, he had everything planned, not until Nathan and the lawyer showed up, and soiled what he had been working on for almost two to three decades."Welcome boss," his cleaner greeted him, he halted and turned immediately towards her looking angry, poor woman, she would be the one he was going to pour all his wrath on, "Why are you greeting me, do I pay you to greet me or clean the house?""I am sorry sir," she said, bowing her head."You are sorry, wait a minute, who told you to speak when I am not done speaking? I see, you have grown so many wings that you now talk back to me, even without me asking."The cleaner didn't even know if she was to speak or not, "You know what? Just get the fuck out of my sight, get the fuck out of my sight right now, before I do something we might all live to regret."Without wasting time, she quickly hurried away, he exhaled gazing arou
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Chapter Seventy-three
(Three hours later)Mr and Mrs. Wilde both walked out of their room dressed elegantly, Mr. Wilde was dressed in a black tuxedo three-piece suit and black trousers, and designer's shoes. Mrs. Wilde went all in, everything from the crown of her hair to the sole of her foot, were products of channels.Elara also stepped out of her room, dressed exactly in the same outfit her mum wore, the only difference was the earrings and other jewelry on their body. "Did you guys plan this?" Mr. Wilde asked, as his gaze moved from his wife to his daughter, and his daughter to his wife."Mum, why did you decide to wear this, out of all days?" Elara asked, getting pissed."Same question on my mind, why did you decide to wear the same outfit as me? Elara why?" She raised her voice at her daughter."Ladies, I think you guys need to calm the fuck down, it's just clothes, or is there something I don't know about the dress. From the way you both are sounding, it looks like there's something I am not aware o
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Chapter Seventy-four
Alistair, Nathan, Layla, and Burundi all got into the car, Reagan was seated at the front, "Should I go or is there anyone we are waiting for?" Reagan asked with a cold voice."You can go, Reagan, Layla's mother doesn't plan on attending which is sad, but you are free to leave," Nathan, who was seated in the front seat, beside Reagan replied."Yeah, let's go," Alistair replied and Reagan drove off, "Don't you guys think, not having any security personnel in this car is something we should be worried about?" Layla muttered, breaking the silence."There's no need, we have escorts right in front of us and also behind us, you don't have to be scared. Anyone who plans on hurting us or causing problems would first have to go through the security personnel," Nathan replied."I see, well that's nice," she turned towards Alistair, "That reminds me, do you have your speech ready, or are you going to speak from your head?"Alistair coincidentally had the same thought on his mind, he swiped his h
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Chapter Seventy-five
The lady led them to a new table and they all sat down, "Why do they have to be this disorganized?" Reagan asked."Chill guys, maybe there was a mix up somewhere, and they didn't detect it quick enough," Layla replied, as she reached for the bottled water to drink.Nathan looked over to Alistair who had been quiet, "You are not saying anything, what's going on?""What's going on? Nothing is going on, I am fine, I am just a bit nervous," Alistair replied as he took a deep breath."Are you sure?" Layla asked as she held her hands, he looked over to her, with a smile on her face, "Trust me when I say, I am fine, I am doing great."She returned her gaze to Nathan, "He said he's fine."Reagan had his gaze traveling around the hall, he leaned forward towards Alistair, "Boss, you mean everyone here works for you?"Alistair leaned forward towards him, and replied with a low voice, "Yes they all work for me and no, they don't work for me."Reagan was shocked by the answer, "I don't understand
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Chapter Seventy-six
"Damn, she looks so pretty in that dress," Reagan muttered as the staff led them to a table designated specially for them. Mr. Starling's voice blasted out from the speakers, "Please let's welcome the Wilde, Mr and Mrs. Wild, with their daughter Elara."No one clapped, instead they all booed Wilde, they didn't care much about the boo's coming from the crowd. They were prepared, they knew it would happen, there's no way you fall from grace to grass in such a way that people won't want to make a joke out of you.Elara gaze moved around, looking for Ethan, but she didn't see him, she brought out her phone and sent a message to him on Whats App. He wasn't online, she had to wait for his reply, and that would only happen when he comes online.Mrs. Wilde touched her daughter Elara's hand, the boo's were still emanating from the crowd, "Don't you think you should join him on their table?"Elara was shocked, "Mum, join them?" She whispered with a low tone, Mrs. Wilde nodded her head, "Yeah, y
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Chapter Seventy-seven
He bowed his head and stood and walked away, everyone was blown away by his speech, it was great. Nobody in the hall was on their seat as he walked to his table to sit down, they were all on their feet clapping their hands.Mr. Charlie felt a bit happy, but he knew this was little compared to what he wanted. If it was the position of the president, his mind would definitely be blown away by now. But since he couldn't get what he desired, even with how much he tried to secure the position for himself and his son, all his attempts were futile.It still wasn't going to stop him from contributing to the good of the company, at the same time, it wasn't going to stop him from attacking Alistair. He was going to look for more means and medium to make sure that he brings him down.That position was his, he just can't hand it over to someone he knows he can give birth to, it'll definitely go down with a fight, that's certain. He got to his table and sat down, people were still clapping.Mr. Sta
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Chapter Seventy-eight
That was her only desire, and she was determined to make it happen no matter what it was going to cost. She was going to do everything, every damn thing to make sure they end up as an item.She doesn't see anything stopping her, so she was going to do all it takes, not really for the happiness for her daughter, but for social status and her financial life. Since her husband lost his job and he could no longer keep up with sponsoring the lifestyle she wanted.It dawned on her that she needs to make a smart move and do what's needed to save her head and that of her daughter. Mrs. Wilde was the woman who believes it's possible to go into a relationship with someone not loving them, but learning to grow together in love when they are in the relationship.That was how it happened to her, she grew to love her husband, despite what people said or spoke about her, which was weird and at times suicidal. But she knew what she wanted, she saw great potential in him.She decided to give him all
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Chapter Seventy-nine
"That's sad, I thought you decided to show up here by yourself, you know, your brother and you are the next big thing, soon your father would be stepping down from his position. Which means that you both have the right to be the ones to take over such a great company.I believe the reason he's doing this is because he wants you to get familiar with whatever is currently happening in the company. I am dead sure that before today runs out, I mean this dinner party. He would have introduced you to almost every one of his business partners or top shareholders.""I don't doubt that, but I ain't interested in that, that's not the reason why I went to school, but I understand what you mean. You know, you have to do a lot of things to please your parents, even if it means sacrificing your happiness, but that's bullshit right?"Alistair nodded his head, "Absolutely it is, at the same time, I don't think it's wise for one to sacrifice his or her own happiness for his or her parents. I mean your
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Chapter Eighty
Cathy, who was dancing with a man, switched partners and she found herself in the arms of Oliver, her lover. "What? You didn't tell me you were coming."She nodded her head, "You didn't also inform me that you were coming, I am shocked that you are here."Oliver nodded his head, as he tightened his grip on her waist, "I have missed you.""You missed me, and you didn't call or text me?" Cathy said, rolling her eyes."What's that supposed to mean?" He raised his voice a little and quickly kept shut, staring around to check if there was anyone that heard him speak, when he raised his voice.Cathy was also taken aback by his reply, "What do you mean by, what's that supposed to mean? Aren't you supposed to check up on me or call me, isn't that what guys in relationships do?" I asked."What do you mean by, isn't that what guys in relationships do? Is there a rule that I must be the one to call you or check up on you?" He asked with a smirk on his face.Cathy was taken aback by his reply, sh
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