All Chapters of The Maimic Drillionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 chapters
Chapter 21
“Hi,” said Brian to their laborer, the very one that resembled Ciara. She was plucking some tomatoes and filling into a couple of baskets which were collected by other laborers and assembled into the van. She applied the most of her time and care in plucking the tomatoes because grandma had made them sign to a warning of short payment for any one that destroyed farm produce, and with three kids to cater for short payment wasn’t part of the hustle. It wasn’t that she feigned a deaf ear to Brian but for the attention the job needed and thought of her sick baby needing all the money for hospital bills. Brian had to sound his greeting louder before she was startled and dragged a smile. Brian smiled back and joined her to pluck.“Oh no, no,” she protested, holding onto his arm and staring around for grandma. “She’s gonna surcharge me for any tomato that spoils.”Brian scowled at her, processing her speech and arguing within himself if actually grandma could give out such order.“Your hustl
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Chapter 22
Grandma leered at Brian who was having his backpack across his shoulders. She knew he wasn’t happy; the hostile looks on his face spelt it. Earlier she had pacified him by leading him to the garage to make a choice of car, which henceforth would be his car. He had seen a Chevrolet and Oliver and Ciara struck in his head, afterwards he had uncovered a certain car which was Ford. Grandma gave him the keys and he found his way to school.Starting school was his rebirth. He was going to plan his future in Miami- even if it wasn’t in Miami, somewhere else far from home; far from spite and accusation. Running away wasn’t his trick of avoiding Ciara, it was his fate. They were never meant for each other and if really they were it was short lived. He perceived Ciara would be spiting him on the streets, school and wherever his name was mentioned. The neighborhood was gullible and they would believe her hook line and sinker. It would be impossible for anyone to be loyal to him as the pioneer o
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Chapter 23
Brian was restless until he put a call to his mother to know what the problem was and it was about the stolen wrist watch and missing tape. He perceived Ciara was behind it; since she believed he raped her and to think of the police demanding for the impossible was mind blowing- inviting him over for questioning. There was no stopping him about his decisions to stay back in Miami not even the police would make him compromise. Things had taken a down turn- when he surfed his Instagram to see Ciara had displayed to the whole world his picture with the caption; Behold A Rapist And A Thief. When he dialed her line it wasn’t through also that of Oliver. He screen shot and felt like wailing but fought it back when grandma walked in.“You don’t stay idle in my house boy, get up and do something,” commanded grandma who was shocked at the sight of Brian keeping still and staring at her. She dropped the basket of wheat on the shelf and toddled to his side. “You don’t looking happy. You look lik
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Chapter 24
When grandma picked up the phone it was the voice of a police wanting to speak with Brian. She handed the phone over to Brian and it was about him returning to California for mandatory questioning. He was going to return upon grandma’s advice and nothing short of that. Hurriedly he put himself in order for his trip back home. He wanted to take Mr. Biscuit along but on the contrary he didn’t want grandma to be alone while he was away.It was later that day that it dawned on him to inform Ciara about his trip to California for police interrogation, also to show off his new pet, Mr. Biscuit. He called on Mr. Biscuit and they dashed out to Ciara’s flat, which was not too far from the apple orchard. When they sprinted to her apartment, she was nowhere to be found, neither she nor her man. Brian peeped into her apartment yet saw no sign of life in there. He resolved to return home when Mr. Biscuit squealed and Brian caught hold of Mr. Biscuit jumping around at the apple orchard. When he a
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Chapter 25
Their eyes locked at once as their faces pulled like magnets and paused at lips-shot. They swallowed hard and exchanged their impatient warmth breath. A hush of tranquility hung over them as he dared to push his lips to hers and she did same. Like tiger descending on a prey, he attacked her moistened lips and bit out kisses so recklessly delivered that she had no option than to let go of her entire pounds on his body. Like a miracle, his hands located her fragile waist, ran down her thighs and found her netted lingerie. He squeezed her soft buttocks as dough in the hands of a baker and the force of a fruit extractor, spanking her buttocks’ cheeks and separating them each time with his fore fingers, hunting for her vulva and clitoris. Clinch! They found her clitoris. He rubbed on the nut and she yelled a moan. He lifted her, kissing her bust, and walking her to the slaughter bed. She shut her eyes yet she saw herself climbing steps of cloud. His thick lips pitched on her ni
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Chapter 26
Ever since grandma gifted Brian the pet, Mr. Biscuit they had been no day they didn’t train at basketball court. As Brian busied himself with other kids at the court Mr. Biscuit sat at its spot and learnt some of the basketball tricks from top-notch players. Really it had learnt how to punch ball into the rim, using its forehead. Once Brian had thrown the ball at Mr. Biscuit and it thumped up with its head and dunged the ball into the rim- and it had missed the rim only but a few times. Days past, Mr. Biscuit had been the center of attraction; as it entertained onlookers and amassed gifts from loyalists.“I once had a smart dog as this,” said a sonorous cute voice that sounded like two waterfalls splashing on a rock. She was in her late twenties, average height with narrow hips and annoying bust that pressed on her blouse for escape, and dark short hair over dashing, please-kiss-me face. Brian had been noticing her for some days when he came around and she was fond of getting along
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Chapter 27
Brian had his face down in his palms when the police and Mr. Biscuit came. The police searched around for the hoodlums before Brian told them they had escaped through the tunnel. They were also told that the hoodlums made away with his cash – Brian not aware his neighborhood identity card was also stolen. The police sympathized with him and promise to run to his aid whenever he was in anguish. They advised Brian against keeping gangsters because of gross gun violence that was the order of the day.When they left the scene Brian ran to his inner mirror and beheld his swollen cheek and black eyes he got from his oppressors. Mr. Biscuit, who had been panting at the back seat, inched to the front seat and started licking Brian’s disfigured face and black eyes. Fear walked through his face as he realized some minutes ago he had his back against the wall.“You saved my life, Mister,” groaned Brian, stroking its fluffy body, “You were unnerved that I was going to die right. Mr. Biscuit f
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Chapter 28
Brian turned up for the skating session with Meyer, his new friend. Meyer dragged a monstrous face at Brian when she saw his disfigured face. Brian had already been haunted by thought of dealing with Meyer being gloomy in their training session if she should set her eyes on him - and so it did. She was all over Brian, trying to scavenge from him the cause of his swollen horrid face. By some means he was going to give her a reply and he had been contemplating whether or not to tell her the truth. Why would he trust a girl he just met for few nights a go- why would he take her seriously – it was too early to cut the flowers, to fall for her, and keeping to himself would do the magic. She lied to her about his face and narrated the golf story to her also. All along she had placed her hands on Brian’s shoulders and inspected his face with her fingers - and that was when Brian noticed her rose perfume, and soft palms. He kept calm and remained trapped as she nursed his face. Brian’s th
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Chapter 29
Oliver stood across the lake on the lookout as the search party scavenged thoroughly. They were sweating profusely already because the search had lasted for over an hour now and there was nothing to show for it. Oliver needed the tape which Mrs. Fanny discarded into the lake. Somewhat he had decided to get hold of the tape and sell it to some Mexican who traded on nude tapes - he heard the Mexican paid whooping sum of money for nude tapes and he was not going to be left out in this one. He encouraged the search party to search diligently because he was sure the tape was discarded into the lake. Some weeks ago, one of the boys in the search party suggested their effort would be futile since the lake was flowing and there was likelihood of being flushed away. Another suggested it could be stuck to a rock, another protested it could be buried into the bed of the lake and there was no access to that valley, considering the risk of doing so. The end of their unsuccessful search drew
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Chapter 30
“You know we should not be doing this at school,” said Ciara, still struggling with her panting from the quickie , and playing with the hem of her dress as she winked at Oliver lustfully, before throwing her gaze through the windscreen to observe students dispersing home.“I know it is because of the smash- and-grab thieves that invaded your house.” She shook her head in concurrence, “Yes. My home is in shambles right now. Dad wants to upturn hell for these months of losses.” Her eyes became watery at once as tears weighed on it. “Who is after my family? What could be our sin? As tap-drop, came her tears.“Oh sweet cheese!” exclaimed Oliver. Why the tears?” Oliver took her in his arms, pecked her forehead and nursed her, “Crying for your enemies is not a sure way to win, trust me. Your family did nothing. Every cloud has a silver lining. Everything is going to be fine. I breathe street and my nose is down for your family. As soon as I sniff these enemies, I promise to take them dow
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