All Chapters of The Maimic Drillionaire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 chapters
Chapter 41
Brian had been staring at Ciara feed the baby with cereals and not breast milk, and he had come to realize her reason for denying the baby breast milk; some time earlier after the delivery of the baby Ciara had cried over her flabby breasts.She was dead scared of losing her firm breasts due to breast feeding. She had told Brian about her plan to regain the beauty of her breasts after her other children milked it to dryness.But Brian took all of that for lies; she was doing all of that for the man she was seeing- the man he saw pounding into her vagina in the horse pen on the night of grandma’s party. Upon seeing them that very night the urge of keeping the baby aside and engaging the man in a fist fight was not missing – but he had recalled his encounter with Brian over Ciara and also argued if actually he was in love with Ciara – yes. He had looked himself severally in the mirror and locked eyes with the image to confirm he was in love with Ciara. For nothing would inspire him to c
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Chapter 42
Ciara stayed up all night wondering about her affair with Oliver. She had mixed feelings about Oliver breaking her heart in the craziest of ways- one final break up that would spike her soul. The cute face of Brian struck in her head and she quickly reached for her phone, logged into her Facebook account and surfed through to Brian’s profile.“Hmmm,” she hummed as Brian’s smiling face came on her phone.Will he ever bury the hatchet and accept me back?Maybe I was too quick to judge this angel.She thought and sniffled as she saw more of his pictures. She got to a particular picture of Brian posing with pregnant Ciara at grandma’s farm and she raised a brow.Who is this girl? Is this his wife or baby mama?Is he married in Miami? Huge love hangs in their eyes. I need not be told they are in love.She argued within herself and lost her appetite for dinner- she glared at her dinner which was covered in a tray by the corner and she sighed, took it to the waste can and trashed it. At th
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Chapter 43
Meyer had been stocking on Brian; for the past few weeks, she had been following him and studying every of his moves, trying to seize the right opportunity to discuss with him. Aside the fact that she was in love with Brian and Brian rejecting her admiration, she would love to reveal one secret to Brian. “I have to tell him this secret. I can’t keep it anymore,” she had reaffirmed severally within herself.She knew the secret would shock Brian and possibly rattle his cage but she had to reveal it; she had seen that Brian was a nice fellow and not who they thought he was.---Brian was on a shopping spree with his dog, Mr. Biscuit when Meyer walked into the grocery store and stood on his way,“Hi,” she greeted and gave a warm look at him. She patted Mr. Biscuit on its fluffy hair.“I know you didn’t come for shopping,” replied Brian drifting to the aisle for dog food and picking four cans of dog protein for Mr. Biscuit.“You are more than shopping to me,” Meyer whispered, staring aro
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Chapter 44
Ken had been at the balcony smoking and feeding his eyes with the splendor of the night. Few minutes ago he was with Mrs. Fanny in the bedroom and about giving her a kiss an interrupting call came on her phone and it was Mr. Fanny calling from jail – quietly, Ken had excused her and appeared at the balcony. He had been thinking about his affair with Mrs. Fanny and he knew what they felt for each other was real. But to what end? There was always guilt that hung in his heart whenever Mr. Fanny was mentioned; and he confirmed within himself he was a betrayal and a cheat. But why must it be with Mrs. Fanny of all his female clients; he had thought. He had never felt a thing for his female clients, ones more dashing and richer than Mrs. Fanny. Sometimes he wished Mrs. Fanny was single, because he had gotten so much into her that they would be no end to his feelings; he was used to her personality, her bodily features and morality. And he looked forward to better things yielding from their
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Chapter 45
Brian was well seated in the sofa, calm, and collected within himself as he waited for Meyer to fetch him some hot coffee. He had wanted them to meet at a cafe but upon her request he had visited her home.She occupied a spacious two bedroom detached bungalow with double bath, a garden, and a mini pool at the back. The house was simply decorated with sizeable frames of family pictures scattered across the wall. In all of the frames Brian had identified Meyer; she still had her oval face with skinny figure. He perceived she still lived with her parents; although he had been curious to know if actually she owned the house.Brian stared at the clock on the wall and saw that the coffee she went to fetch had lingered , not until he heard a shrieking noise of oil over the fire and Meyer standing at the door putting on a sizeable apron that he knew she was preparing lunch.“I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I want you to have a taste of my food,” she obliged, smiling hugely.“But I cam
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Chapter 46
Grandma, Ciara and a few laborers were all tears when Brian drove into the compound and rushed into the ball room. He scarcely could ask anyone what the problem was because everyone was sober and all tears. He stood gaping, confused about his next line of action. Thought of Mr. Biscuit struck in his head and he made to its room, combing around for it.“Mr. Biscuit! Mr. Biscuit!” he chanted as he left its room to search in his room. The moment he opened the door, on the floor was a figure covered with a sheet. His hands convulsed massively as he squatted to unveil the figure. And when he did the lifeless body of Mr. Biscuit flashed before his eyes. The pet died the moment it stopped falling early hours in the morning. Brian stroked its fluffy hairs and felt how cold they were now. The smart dog had died with its pink tongue stuck out; it lay helplessly on the floor with all its limbs falling to the left side and a lump of blood had caked under its lower mandible. “No!!” Brian wailed
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Chapter 47
Brian gave Mr. Biscuit a befitting burial. Beside its grave he built a monument which he specially dedicated to Mr. Biscuit. Grandma didn’t honor the burial and he knew she wasn’t going to pay her last respect to a charismatic pet that served her more than most of her laborers- the wrath of losing Mr. Biscuit still hung in her heart, and Brian would have to earn grandma’s forgiveness before the center between them could hold.Other laborers who honored the last respect to Mr. Biscuit had dispersed to their duties, leaving only Ciara and Brian standing at the grave; which had; MR BISCUIT 2020-20222, eligibly written across the monument with titillating pictures of the pet and flowers littered all over.“We are going to miss it so much,” Ciara said mildly, standing beside Brain who was still all tears. She looked at his sober face and wondered if he was actually pained for the death of Mr. Biscuit or guilt of being responsible for the death; she had overheard grandma nagging at Brian
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Chapter 48
Ciara was well seated at the police station opposite detective Ben and an illuminating lantern shone across their faces as she was interrogated. She had been lying about the call she put to the police and she just had to keep lying otherwise Oliver would be implicated. Earlier she was highly infuriated to put an end to all about Oliver; she was hell-bent on snitching on Oliver with the police over his notorious cocaine peddling. Inwardly she had come to the end of the tunnel with Oliver and the best way she chose to do away with Oliver was snitching on him. She had picked up her phone, stared sternly at the 911 she just dialed, and when a voice picked it on the other end, she declined the call. She struggled within herself to keep her trembling hand to a firm hold. Her hand suddenly started shaking as one suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Her heart had increased its pressure and speed; it was not fear neither was it timidity; it was a greater force than obsession and posse
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Chapter 49
Brian was at the grave of Mr. Biscuit, staring at its picture recalling his experience with the genius pet and how much he was going to miss it; within himself he had decided not to have a pet any more Mr. Biscuit was the second and would be the last. He grinned painfully before he squatted to lay the flower at its grave. As he did and rose to his feet a slight pat from a female hand came on his shoulder.He flinched like a mouse from fire. “Oh God you startled me,” he said, rolling his eyes at Meyer. “How many times am I going to tell you to stop frequenting here? I don’t want to see you in my life neither does grandma. You embody loss and pain. Since I knew you it has been from one dilemma to the other. Your presence in my life has nurtured nothing but ruin and peril. I don’t want to hurt you. But if you force me, you will regret knowing Brian. Leave this moment,” he barked, pointing at the exit.Meyer’s eyes were welled up with tears instantly. “Why do you always make me feel lik
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Chapter 50
Oliver pulled over the scarcely lit tunnel and ear-splitting hooting of the horn came from his car, calling on the attention of the Mexican blonde standing by the corner; as soon as the blonde noticed him he started prancing to him and finally hopped into the car.Oliver greeted, “Hi what’s up.”The blonde shook his head, staring around the expensive interior of the car. “This is a new one. Congratulations, boy, your drugs and sex tape business is paying off.”“You can say that again, “Oliver beamed, “When folks like you keep patronizing me, the whole world will come bowing to me.”The blonde chuckled, dug his hand into his bag and pulled out two wads of dollars which he slapped into his palms.Oliver’s lips curved in smile. “Which of my products do you want?” he inquired.“Any sex tape?” the blonde demanded.“Yes I got a new one, well edited at the best studio in town,” he construed.“Heh, I need it unedited this time. The faces of both partners must be seen so as to attract huge vie
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