All Chapters of The Maimic Drillionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 chapters
Chapter 81
When they got outside the joint, they were puzzled and brought to a standstill when they saw a police officer resting on the trunk of their Audi. Just by the corner was a police car with a glowing siren light that spun across the atmosphere.“What is happening?” asked Ciara, feeling the sweat that built on her palm which was locked into Brian’s hand. She barely could swallow hard, “Are they after us? Have they found the corpse?” she asked, gazing upon Brian’s face.Brian didn’t want to ignore her but for the dramatic scene that was happening around his car. His eyes darted inquisitively as he watched the police officer stare at his car suspiciously. He noticed a party of police men was at the other casino building, gathered around a man who was explaining something to them, while this s lone police man rested on his car, exactly on the trunk where they hid the corpse.“I just wonder why he chose to rest on our car of all the cars parked out there.” Brian murmured, still staring at the
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Chapter 82
Brian had his face to the wall and his back to the door that led to the bathroom. Immediately they entered the hotel room, he hastened into the bathroom and had a warm mild bath and after which he went into the Jacuzzi and suffused his body in a cold water, with a cup of orange juice in hand, when he came out of the Jacuzzi, sipping his orange juice he met Ciara still standing at the window through which she fed her eyes with the ocean view. He knew she was pondering over the past events and he expected the days ahead to be dramatic for them.He snorted behind her hair and she turned swiftly and caught sight of his bright alluring face which shone in the glory of the night. “You need to stop thinking, run your bath and then have some rest, we have had a stressful day,” he spoke in mumble, still drying his hair with a part of the towel while the other part covered his laps and penis.She swirled around and could perceive much of the fragrance soap he bathed with, and her eyes were u
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Chapter 83
The blow Eva gave Oliver on the head some months ago had healed and left on him a maddening scar that ran across the lower side of the rear skull. Every day when he saw the twilight at dawn, his mind would shift to the scar and he would appear before the mirror to stroke and behold the lasting scar a girl.A total stranger inflicted on him just because he was trying to discipline his girlfriend, Ciara. Prior to the healing of the scar, he had two thick bandages round his head, which restricted him most of the time from his normal drug pushing on the street and personal activities around the country. Upon sight, with the bandage round his head, he easily court the attention of friends and sympathizers whom he usually told a lie whenever they threw him questions about the bandage round his head. In no distance time the news making the round was that Oliver narrowly survived an auto-crash.Only Eva and Ciara knew the actual accident that happened to Oliver and most of the time on the str
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Chapter 84
“I can’t recall the last time I had dinner with a woman,” said Oliver, sipping his flute of wine and anxiety curled up his lips as he stared into her face happily.“Most of the dinner I had only succeeded in making me regrets having them,” Eva’s mother replied, stretched her hand to a pack of cigar which Oliver had included as part of their recipe.“Do you smoke?” he asked, shooting his curious needy eyes at her.“I am an occasional smoker,” she replied, taking off the cigar from her lips so as to speak freely and confidently, “Also after good, satisfactory fuck I smoke so you see I am an occasional smoker.” Finally she took the cigar into her tiny pink, kiss-it lips and caught it in the blue flame of the butane lighter.Oliver wanted to know of her age, but he would never forget the embarrassing experience in the past, when he asked some random girls on the street about their age; and how they cursed and nagged at him.He had only come to realize that only a few women were comfortabl
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Chapter 85
Once Brian looked through the window and saw grandma hasting her walk and shuffling her feet as one carrying a heavy load, he slumped into the bed and feigned a deep sleep. He perceived she had seen the blood in the trunk of the car and was coming to query him.It is the blood of a chicken Ciara bought! No!It is the blood of a mouse I killed earlier in the day!No! It is the blood of an auto-crash victim I helped!Eh, no, no!It is the blood!He hissed and kept wondering at what answer to give to her the moment she walked through that day. Or should I open up about the murder. Damn no! How would I even think of such idea? How would grandma see me? She would definitely give up on my sorry ass. And worst of it, she would label me a ninny ass that killed a cousin, a bloodline because of a woman, another man’s wife. I would be despised for life.“Hmmm!” he hummed, opened his eyes to face the reality. And then said in his head, “How am I going to deal with this murder? H
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Chapter 86
Once Ken alighted from his car, he had a flower in his hand which he hid at the back, not wanting his mistress Jacy or his son Blueeyes to see it.The bell went and Jacy paused to perceive if it was coming from their door. And when it sounded again, she had no option than to command Blueeyes to go upstairs but Blueeyes was heady.“Come on darling go upstairs. I think we have a visitor,” she pled, stroking his dark soft curly hair to make him do her bidding.“I don’t think it is a visitor,” Blueeyes said calmly. Without anything much to say again he curled back in the sofa and continued playing with his dolls.The door bell called on again and Jacy made to the door giving up on convincing her son. Soon she was staring at the smiling face of Ken, and his kiss-it lips that etched backward to reveal his nice neatly arranged dentition.“How are you, baby?” he asked as he saw his son, hasting behind her.“I am fine,” she answered, thinking he was referring to her not knowing he was referrin
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Chapter 87
When he appeared at her door, the enthusiasm to open the door died within him and he remained paused at the door, peeping through it to behold she was naked and not yet asleep; her pale thick buttocks shot into his eyes. She had her back to him, as she looked in the mirror, rubbing some moisturizing cream across her body, taking her time to stroke her long curly hair with her cream and sprays. She swirled around in the mirror, beholding her naked figure eight body, which glittered in the incandescent light that shone in the room. When she turned to fetch herself a hot cup of coffee, the last straw of drink before bed time, Ken saw that her vagina wasn’t well shaven but attractive to earn his tongue into.She had poured herself a little of the coffee in the glass cup and sat on the bed to sip. She suddenly stood and relocated to the sofa by the corner; it was as though she wasn’t comfortable going to bed at the time because she had glanced at the clock on the wall, before parting t
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Chapter 88
The last time she saw such men was in Rio Hondo, during her last vacation with her stepfather. The man standing before her, with muscular, bogus palms stretched to her didn’t look different from the heavily tatted gold-blonde hair, thick green-eyes, and brawny men of Hondo whose bodies verged into defined, well built curves often visible through clothing. She could never deny that she had wet vagina months on end thinking about such men after her vacation.How could she still be standing with such man now, under same roof; some things are not supposed to happen. She was either in for the better or for the worse.“You don’t need to know me,” she replied her intruder. “By the way how dare you barge in on me?” her voice was high even more than her temper and she was just about to transfer her aggression on this fCiara.“Easy, easy,” the cutie obliged, gesturing his hands at her. “It is my pleasure to meet you.” His hand was still stretched, “I am Rodriguez.” The smile on his face wasn’
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Chapter 89
“I am sorry if I offended your audacity,”Oh what a world! Rodriguez had never apologized to anybody, not even the whores that yearned for a one night stand with him. He was so arrogant and proud that he told the whores that approached him, “Pussy can’t pull me.” He had never approached any woman to be wooed. With gorgeous smiles, he watched the pretty Spanish women that doubled as his clients and associates slip away even when they made passes at him. In his CV was that he had never seen the thighs of any woman, except for a few occasions where he was drugged by determined whores and pounded in a session of orgy.“I am sorry dear,” he apologized yet again, feeing like withdrawing his questions and playing a clean slate.“That doesn’t answer my questions…what is your name again?” she asked, shutting her eyes to recall until he mentioned it…“Rodriguez,” he mentioned, slowing down his speed, to give inert ears to what she had to say.“Yes Rodriguez. Where are we headed? You see those
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Chapter 90
“Welcome to Adam and Eve,” the brawny security told Jacy once she cat-walked into the front balcony that led to the galleria. She was ready to explore the night whichever ways and thought of Ken’s trouble was going to make her day horrible; she only apologized to her son Bluueyes who could be having the worst of dinner tonight; as much as she knew Ken couldn’t cook, let alone be a horrible cook. The last time she ate his food, she could remember fixing her anus next to the toilet for almost all day.She ignored their warm handshake, not forgetting to give them the cold shoulders, as they ushered her in. The babble of people and loud, uproarious music welcomed her, as she glared around before she started making into the crowed of dancers and drinkers.It had been like ages since she visited; since Ken started keeping his distance and making her fall short of love. Ken had really stolen the better parts of her, since he disappeared to California. And to an extent she had nagged at mothe
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