All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
159 chapters
Chapter 112
"I can't die now!" Wesley whispers as he alone, takes up thousands of werewolves. He fought till he wasn't strong enough to anymore. As he fought he wondered why he suddenly found himself in a world of werewolves. He begins to hear an audible voice telling a vicious story: AUDIBLE VOICE: The pack of vicious wolves however unrelentingly chase tenaciously after me. I run till I can't anymore. Diving into the silver river, I swim fiercely fast, hoping help would embrace me by chance. This is when I jerk back to consciousness, realizing it was just a nightmare, a terrible one at that. I heave a sigh of relief, optimistic about the day, like a wave of the hand, I quickly forget the bad dream. The sun's rays pierce through the window, making me wince. I groan, rolling away from the light, but it was too late—I am already awake. With a deep sigh, I sit up, stretching and rubbing my eyes. The curtains are open, even though I clearly remember closing them last night. An uneasy frown creeps
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Chapter 113
ANOTHER BEGINS ALMOST IMMEDIATELY: A gentle grin creeps into my face as I see Raza approaching, I quickly turn away to hide my excitement as I don't want to come off as easy-to-get. I calmly continue with the books I'm arranging, pretending I didn't even see him coming. "Nacia, Hi. "he says fidgetingly. It is so obvious that he is nervous, could he be having feelings for me? "Oh! Hello! Raza" I reply with so much boldness and composure. I can see he is astonished at how comported I am. He is used to the opposite which he got from every other she wolf and human too. Funnily I and Raza slowly begin to bond so well. I never imagined I'll ever get to the point where I'll be this deep in love, yes! Things move that fast. "Would you spare some minutes of your time Nacia, there's something I need to speak to you about." "Sure" I reply calmly We continue to talk, on and on we go, like two lost friends who just found each other. We amazingly have a lot in common, and what we didn't hav
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Chapter 114
AUDIBLE VOICE CONTINUES. After the doctor's pressure they had to alot me some rest time. I had now rested very well and was ready to at least do more chores; since that was the only use I was to them. We were now getting ready for Anna's welcome party. All hands had to be on deck and everything had to be as perfect as possible. "I hope he's on his way already?" "Definitely he should. Please tell the ladies to hurry up with the cooking, he might be here any moment from now" Thanks to my excellent hearing I was able to hear this and more hidden conversations that I needed to hear. I had to put myself in order or I was in hot soup if they found out I still had my excellent hearing. It was finally time for the party to begin. It was indeed a beautiful one. We sat at the table for the exquisite dinner. An outrageously handsome man walked in through the beautiful gliding doors and made his way to sit by my side, when he was gestured to sit by Anna instead. As the dinner went o
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Chapter 115
And I just said I'm listening! You should understand what that means! Shouldn't you?" "Well, you are just psycho for nothing! I'll go on anyways!" "You're the psycho one but I'm listening anyways!" "Funny you! So here goes..." It seemed like time was held on pause for the following seconds. "What's a werewolf?" "What the-! You don't know what a werewolf is?!" Wesley exclaimed, with his eyes and mouth ajar. "I'm a freaking new born scimitar! What am I supposed to know?!" "A new born talking scimitar! Nice one! "Yeah, we scimitars are born at age thirty, so we're new born, yet not so new born. It's just that we don't know what other thirty-year-olds might know." "This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard today!" "Yeah, I know, so just know you'll have a lot of teaching to do!" "Oh I see, that been said, what are your special abilities?" "What is it meant by 'special abilities'? The scimitar asked, wearing a goofy facial expression. "Oh boy!" Wesley gasps, placing his ha
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Chapter 116
"Explain what?" White retorted. "I just wanted to make a new friend huh? Whity whity darling?" Dalzo sniggered. "Take him away! If you'll love to be a male slot then don't drag the goddess of the palace of light into it!" White answered. "And you Nita, thank you for speaking up!" "It's my pleasure your majesty!" She wrote, as she was unable to construct fluent sentences -she was an acute stammerer. "To you Nita, what would you wish that I do for you as a reward for your prestigious actions." The goddess asked. "I'll love to fix my speech." "Awesome! I'd thought you'll mention money!" The goddess laughed. "No your majesty, there are certainly things money cannot buy, and this is one of them." "And what about your friend!?" Turning to her friend, Nita whispers. "O-v-er t-to you!" "Oh your highness I would that you grant my friend's wish, that would gladden us both. I do not have any further requests your highness." "Alright! You may now leave the court, my aids would reac
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Chapter 117
"Take a deep breath. Let it out and speak on the exhale." Nita had begun speech lessons in the courtroom. The goddess had kept to her promise to get her a professional speech coach to help her work on her speech. "I just did. I-it feels very relieving!" She exclaimed. "Indeed it is! Make sure to repeat, repetition smears it in the more." Nita continued practicing over time. She overcame her speech battles and now becomes the goddess's spokesperson. Now she's more admired and respected -sometimes more than the goddess is. The goddess however never took offence to that. Things however seem twisted when there's a weird comeback from Dalzo. "Hellooo! Anyone home?" "Dalzo! What are you doing here?" "Coming to take my lady! Not you though! You already know who! Bring her to me!" "I think you're going nuts! You have no lady here. Get going or the guards would help you." "Nita! Let's go!" "You're crazy!" "That's right! Crazy in love with you!" With those words he released great, hu
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Chapter 118
"A long way?!" "You heard that right!" "I think I have a message." "A message? From who?" "The message seems to be coming from the palace of light." "Is the message from the goddess?" "Doesn't seem so. It reads, 'head back to the palace now!' I know the goddess would never ask us to head back to the palace except for safety reasons knowing how far we are from the palace." "Do you really think so? You don't think atimes sje could make an exception?" "Not for now!" A NOTIFICATION POPPED ON SCREEN. "Player Tempest, brace yourself for your next story test." "Story test? Like the werewolf episode?" Without even giving him a reply, the narration began. I shoved myself out of the busy mist of the bubbling market, I really needed to make it to the training as early as possible. It was already past 4 and the meeting started at 5. Up I rushed through the hallway with the baggage of the groceries I stopped by at the market to get. Going home and coming back to the venue of the sem
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Chapter 119
CHAPTER 117 "How the heck does this game expect me to remember every detail!" Wesley gasped. Again without a second the game continues. NARRATION CONTINUES I hit the bed exhausted- emotionally, mentally and physically. My meeting with Dila went on sweetly till I placed the order, could it have been that she didn’t like the order I placed? This was very unclear and hard to understand. My phone buzzed relentlessly, I ignored it twice feeling the caller would get tired, I was wrong. I had to get up and see who it was that was basically trying to blow up my phone. “Hi Handsome, it’s been awhile. I’ve not heard your sexy voice in a long time. What have you been up to? Do you mind I come over?” She just went on and on without even letting me answer the questions she already asked. Hala was my ex, Lebanese and outrageously gorgeous but too loose and arrogant. We ended things months before I met Dila. She was one of the few ladies I had dated in the past that I really loved,
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Chapter 120
NARRATION CONTINUES I signaled gently with my hands and a desperately innocent look on my face. “I’ll love to know who the man is. I saw you with him in the picture on your phone's wallpaper” “That’s my father. Do you know him? Is that the problem?” At this point I couldn’t help but hold her arms softly. As I held her, I watched her countenance to know if I should go ahead or stop. She seemed to like the warm touches my strong hands had to offer-that was a sign to go ahead. “Should I go on with telling you this story or should I just hold it all in” at this point she was so tearful, the tears had welled up and now flowing down her beautiful face. “Oh my goodness! What does the picture on my wallpaper have to do with the fact that you are crying? You are tearing me apart with every tear you are shedding now!” I held her close to my chest. I didn’t know when I planted a deep kiss on her forehead. “I was only 16. My family worked as cleaning staff at the Roth’s mansion. Mr. Davi
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Chapter 121
I slightly shove her aside as I made my way out of the office to give them privacy. They continued talking. I knew something was off about this lady but I just couldn’t place my hands on what just yet. “Why is your staff upset with me” I heard her say as she feigned a distorted baby face as I moved out of the room. Her statement was generously ignored by Mr. Jackson as he couldn’t notice any signs of anger in my behavior. Although I was irritated at Hala, saying I was upset was obvious exaggeration. “Miss Hala, I think you would like this app description- this fits perfectly into what we’re expecting for the real estate sale.” Mr. Jackson asked acting oblivious to her first statement. They continued while I stood outside the office. At a point they were now taking too long in there. I didn’t want to draw any conclusions so I just went to make sure myself. I knocked on the door, they had long overstayed for two people of the opposite sex. There was a suspicious delay before they ope
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