All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
159 chapters
Chapter 122
"Finally! This whole narration thingy comes to an end!" Wesley exclaimed. As he went on ranting, a voice towered. Guard's Scimitar(uncommon talking sword) Physical damage: 30 Attack speed: 3,000 Dexterity +100 Durability: 50/50 Red Scale (rare material) Scale Armor Recipe (Blacksmith recipe) Forge uncommon medium armor Material: 1 Scale, 2 Iron ore, 1 Steel ore "Tempest. Your scimitar is not as strong, though still strong." A voice echoed from all around him. "Is there anything I need to do? Like, to help him regain his strength?" "The only thing you need to do is keep going. Unfortunately your sword can't be repleted. It'll continue to drain out till it's completely depleted. When it's fully depleted, it'll disappear." "Disappear? Just like that? What if I'm at war with it in that moment?" "I was even just about to stay, have a back up plan at all times, he might fade out in a moment unaware to you." "Isn't that a flop on the side of the game coordinators?" "Flop? Th
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Chapter 123
He said, looking from father to mother, who looked away suddenly, “It's fine; I understand that you both were playing, but please, I would love for you to keep it straight!” This made it quite interesting as they made their way out of the house; school wasn't far away from home, and one could say they decided to take a walk. Walking down the pouch, their minds drifted into a lot of this that could be detrimental to their mental health and stability. Making reference to what his friend revealed to him, he asked, “Do you mind?" His friend looked his way and said, “Do I mind what?” “Do you mind telling someone else apart from me about you being able to see fairies?” “Are you joking right now?” He asked his friend, stopping in his tracks as his friend folded his arms against his chest. “I am not joking, Wesley; it's a cool thing. I am just curious as to what you are afraid of, if it is the people or if what you are saying is true.” His friend needed more clarification and proo
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Chapter 124
CHAPTER 123The suburban house which he grew up in and left many years ago was still the same, all quiet and asleep. It was a small two-storied house with ivy climbing up the red bricks and a yard in which his mother was very keen with. Suddenly, Wesley paused in the concrete steps of the front porch, shivering with a pleasure that had been wakened by the homelike but no longer home-like smell. It was a hearth where innocence, joy and memories of his childhood where wrapped in togetherness. At some point, however, it seemed so unfamiliar, as if the whole episode was something he had left behind and which he was now opening again. His mother, Eleanor, who was waiting at the door with relief and happiness in her face embraced him. Her silver hair which was formerly chestnut in color gracefully adorned her head. Despite all that was going on in the women’s tender face there was still something warm and familiar in her look and in those large tired eyes that remembered Wesley. “Oh We
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Chapter 125
“Lyra,” Wesley started, there was curiosity and impatience in his tone, “why am I the chosen one? What has the world done to me? Why has it granted me such an opportunity?” Lyra looked at the boy with a look of perfect serenity on her face. She moved herself gently just by his side, her wings shimmering with a ethereal kind of glow. “That, Wesley, is a perfectly good question.” "It is imperative to know the reason behind selection in order to know your purpose in this place. ” The confusion in Wesley’s eyes searched for an answer in hers. “I mean, there has to be thousands of people out there, perhaps millions, who are affected by this thing you just told me about, Lyra, so why me? What do they have that I don’t?” I fell silent after this, wondering why indeed out of all the people in the world Lyra had found me. “The decision is not random in any way.” A sense of satisfaction graced the lips of Lyra as she continued “Every being part of this realm is predestined depending on certa
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Chapter 126
He turned back to look at who was calling him, only to see that it was his friend who had disappeared into thin air. “Liam, what are you doing here?“Liam was so ashamed of himself; the thought of going to see Wesley had crossed his mind millions of times, but he couldn't bring himself to come speak with his friend, but today he chose to muster the courage to come to look for his friend. “I'm so sorry about what happened the other day at school; I never meant for this to happen. Please forgive me!”“You want me to forgive you for leaving me there all by myself, and you've been here for how many days?”“I'm so sorry, I couldn't bring myself to come to see you; I felt guilty and bad about what my sister had caused; what I only did was confine in her; please find it in your heart to accept my mistakes; it will never happen again; well, that's only if you decide to accept me back!” “Do I have an archive? I have known you for years now. Why will I not live with you when you are this si
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Chapter 127
Then one of the warriors in a kind of growling voice, said. $It is in ancient territory, you have interfered, and that means you have to pay the price". Wesley’s heart pounded. The feeling of the corresponding component of the danger was felt, and he involuntarily took a protective position. ”I can’t remember what I did but I didn’t mean any harm I just have to get back home.” The warriors appeared not to have much care for bargaining. He stood up with his swords in his hand and looked determined. Before Wesley knew it, they attacked him quickly and since he had no other way, he fought back. Wesley tried to fight back and the sound of metal hitting metal accompanied his movements –or was it adrenaline? It was the fight that never stopped. Wesley fought back – the warriors’ swings were met with a powerful swing of his sword and agile movements. The battle continued and the people soon realized that there is no stopping for both sides. The warriors were well-disciplined
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Chapter 128
He logged back into the game and began to play."Throw me into the river!" Wesley instructed, shaking courageously. Strong was confused as to why he'll make such a request. "Throw me into the river!" He repeats, this time even more tenaciously. "Why should I throw you into the river?" "Don't ask any stupid questions! Just do what I say!" Strong throws Wesley into the vicious river. Serenaded by crocodiles and what not. Shaking with fear, she shuts her eyes fearing the worse. MISSION COMPLETED A notification pops up on the screen. "It was a test. It's called The Courage Test." Wesley explained. "Incredible!" Strong exclaimed. Just as they expressed their excitement it was cut short. Strong was grabbed by a lurking alligator- she'd placed her feet at the rims of the canoe. "Strong! Don't speak a word of fear!" Wesley exclaimed. "I-I-" "No I's! Just don't speak a word of fear! It's a test!" "As the crocodile swerved her from left to right, Wesley's words rang strong in her
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Chapter 129
He tried to push aside the growing sense of dread, reminding himself that he was here to learn and enjoy. As the group moved through the attic, Wesley noticed a peculiar old mirror covered with a draped cloth. He found himself drawn to it, unable to look away. The mirror seemed to reflect something other than the dusty; it seemed to whisper promises of a different world.With a deep breath, Wesley stepped away from the mirror, focussing on his surroundings and his friends. He joined in their conversations, participating in the exploration with renewed. The fear that had initially gripped him began to fade as he immersed himself in the day’s activities. As the excursion came to a close, Wesley felt a sense of relief and accomplishment. Wesley sat in his room with his back to the door, he was looking upwards to the ceiling of the room. Like it is clear enough, he had problems and the stillness of the house only exacerbated this; with every passing second the sound of the clock w
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Chapter 130
“Hey, check this out,” Liam said as he waved the book in front of him “This probably might have what we need,” Liam handed over the book to Wesley, who could only open it with lot of concern. Each of the pages was designed with numerous illustrations and writings dedicated to such topics as magic worlds, creatures and places. As he read through the book, he came across a passage that seemed particularly relevant. “In the hide of a typical reality lays a land of magic where there are glimpses of the other world; sometimes the barrier between the two is very faint and such are destined for a quest." Wesley's heart beat quickly as he read the passage to Liam out loud. “It tells you of how there is a thin lining between the two worlds or time-spaces and that when you are able to peep through then you are to travel.” Liam’s eyes widened. “That sounds like what happened to us. Maybe we are supposed to go to this other world. ” Wesley nodded, he should say yes and although the plan
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Chapter 131
Wesley sat in his room staying quiet and still like never before, the air filled with the burden of anxiety that was weighing him down. The one time neat and Cheerful room seemed desolate and damp now as he looked blankly at his broken time piece on the table. Beside him was his friend Liam who was looking at him with a teary eye as he uttered, “I swear I feel like this is my fault!!”. ” Liam said after turning away from his friend, although deep down he knew very well that it was the truth. “Please don’t say that! I agree that we were careless and it led to the watch getting damaged but I can’t help being sad, this watch was handed to me only 3-4 days ago!!” " It’s the worst; I know you feel so bad." It had been given to him by the fairy goddess and was supposed to bring magic and wonder and he had ruined it. The watch, which he once believed held enchantment for him was broken; the shiny face dull and cold as a corpse. His mind was filled with distress. The fairy godd
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