All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
159 chapters
Chapter 132
To them, the watch now represented more than just the fairy goddess’s gift. It was a re-emphasis of the happiness and the miracles that can be spotted with our eyes wide open. Wesley gazed at his mother, and the eternal joy that he was feeling was noticeable from the light of satisfaction in his eyes. Not only did he know that the fairy goddess had returned the gift to him but also realized that through this process he came closer to the people he enjoyed so much. The night had provided them with a memory that they would treasure, a memory of a beautiful and enchanting world that exists even in the ordinary. Wesley was home with his friend Liam on a Saturday night. The sound of the refrigerator and the sound of the trees were quiet. Wesley and his friend Liam were in Wesley’s room eating snacks and reading comics lying on the floor laughing occasionally and making noise in the silent house. Mrs. Thompson, Wesley’s mom was also in the kitchen clearing the table. Thinking tha
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Chapter 133
Liam finally made it back home after the long day he had had, and he knew that things might get mixed up of things. He was looking into the empty space, thinking back to how they’ve all worked around and had done mischievous things together. He knew that this might not get quite exhausting, but he knew from the very first day he saw Wesley had school that he would be the best friend that he had always wished for and he had never regretted and would never regret. He thought back to the incident that happened back in school, he had told his sister that Wesley said he could see fairies. But she never believed him, then why on earth would she do that to his friend? To him, he felt that he had betrayed his friend, and it was something that always crossed his mind, and he knew that this wasn’t what he had bargained for. Liam was at his room browsing through his phone, when he heard his mother, Cynthia, calling him from the kitchen. ‘Liam, dinner is ready’please come downstairs.
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Chapter 134
The world of gaming was Wesley’s area of expertise. The first day he picked his console as a child, became the day he got hooked on gaming, for him it wasn’t just a hobby, it was his escape, his passion. He had fun in overcoming challenges in virtual games or in overcoming powerful and strong enemies or in solving complicated problems and story lines. These had always interested him. He thus had gained a lot of experience in the game, but this night was going to challenge all that he had learnt with regards to the gaming field. Wesley had advanced to a new rank, the game had been difficult from the beginning so more than anything wesley was ready for the worst. This level of the game was in a battle through impenetrable darkness with the overlord Nalakar under whose rule some players are turned into slaves after failing through his test. Wesley had logged back into Valhalla but this time, however, it was being very obvious that he was tense. If he were to fail, then the outcome
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Chapter 135
Wesley and Strong were in the same level again, and both of them found themselves in front of a campfire in the middle of the forest. Lily and Zily, their fairies are also with them. They once got separated from each other at some levels but now they have met again. They both sat in front of the fire while talking, and the firelight illuminated their faces with shadows. For weeks they have been playing the game trying their best to make their way out of it or finally win the game. "Well, have you ever thought whether we’ll actually win this game?" Wesley probes the fire with a long stick. “Of course we will. I’m not planning on staying in this virtual prison forever." Strong responded, crossed arms, and leaned on a tree. “Yeah, you’re always so sure of yourself. ” Wesley says, laughing weakly. Strong, now looking at Wesley with a wide smile on her face, “You have become so much stronger Wesley, you are casting spells and defeating enemies like a pro." “Oh, that’s only because
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Chapter 136
"And you are pushing Strong too hard! Not everyone needs to be thrown into the fire to grow." Lily said, furious as her wings shimmered. Wesley looks at Strong hoping for backup. Frustrated Wesley said, "Strong can you please talk to Zily? This is getting out of hand." "Trust me I've tried, Zily doesn't listen to me when she's in one of these moods," Strong sighed, rubbing her temples. "That's because you know I'm right, Strong. We didn't get this far by playing it safe." Zily added, glancing at Strong with a smirk. ‘Okay, okay, I understand both parties here but we are in this together, we have to fight this as teammates.’ Wesley said in frustration. “Right, that’s what I was thinking too We must find balance Zily, you have been more reckless with your strategy and Lily, I see you are overprotecting Wesley” Strong nodded. The two fairies gaze at their players, though they no longer glow, yet their faces are attentive. “Fine, I’ll try to not go overboard but only if Lily will
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Chapter 137
Wesley forged ahead of the weariness and trepidation that began to nestle into him. The forest boomed with a brilliant range of tricks, illusions of gigantic creatures, swirling fog that hid his way, and echoes of menacing laughter. Wesley tripped, but he centered his attention on the fixed, strong light Lily had pointed out for him.Using all his strength, Wesley moved through the jungle, directed by the slight, resilient light of the clearing. At last, he broke into the expansive space, gasping for air. Surrounded by a golden glow, the clearing showed off a great altar, glimmering with energies of divinity. Lily danced joyously around him, her magic gleaming like fireworks. "You did it, Wesley! You've completed the trial!"In the clearing, the goddess White emerged, her countenance being both serene and luminous. She looked at Wesley with a smile and her gaze was filled with encouragement. “You have proved your value and your bravery and doggedness have been clearly recognized.” "
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Chapter 138
There were people all along the roads, but something about them was different. They walked around almost aimlessly and as Wesley paid them more attention hebrealized they were not actually moving forward. They were moving backward. Surprised, Wesley turned his gaze downward toward his hands. His fingers twitched involuntarily qas if some prior gestures he had made had immediately replayed themselves. His heart raced as he tried to understand what was happening. “This couldn’t be right," he whispered. “I’ve fallen into another glitch.”As he walked forward, the world around him was moving in reverse. The marketplace was incredibly active, it seemed like someone had pressed rewind on a film reel. Merchants put the fruit back on the stalls, children picked up their coins that they threw on the ground, and birds flew backwards through the air.They spoke in reverse too, their words becoming an indistinct murmur that buzzed through the atmosphere around them. Wesley’s eyes widened and his
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Chapter 139
As Wesley proceeded into the next space, the air became thick and offensive. In front of him lay the Swamp of Death, an evil and eerie place, filled with crooked and twisted tree trunks, and stinking water that was very stagnant and bubbly. Thick, green fog rolled across the surface of the swamp, carrying a stench of decay so strong that Wesley nearly gagged. A disembodied voice, which was cold and mechanical echoed in his head, "Beware. The Swamp of Death. Few who enter never return. Choose your path wisely." Wesley stopped at the border of the swamp and looked for a cross means without any sign on the horizon. His foot descended into the green ooze and it seemed as though the earth wanted to pull him in further with each step he made. Despite lurking threats in the air, it was impossible to turn around and go home. The noise of splashing water beside him made him stop immediately. Out of the corner of his eye he caught some movement, a creature coiled and wriggling through the
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Chapter 140
"You... I remember you. The first time we crossed paths, I barely made it out alive." Wesley said. "Ah, yes. The trembling player who thought he could escape my grasp. How foolish." The zombie lord said. "I was weaker then, now I know this world better. I know you better."From the swamp of death, Wesley was lifted into another level. He had passed the trial needed to get to the next level, although he wasn't aware. Earlier in the game, Wesley had confronted some mini bosses, all fingers- associates to Shadow, the grandmaster of the dark world. He would now subsequently come face to face with those mini bosses one after the other. The first of them being the Zombie Lord, he was in charge of dispatching and commanding zombies to do the bidding of Shadow. He had his own mini kingdom however - moreso, an area he had jurisdiction over. "You've grown stronger, true. But strength alone would not save you here. You're still bound by the same rules, Wesley." The zombie lord explained.
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Chapter 141
Roaring in rage the health bar drops to 60. "You insolent little worm" the zombie lord said and a dark aura activated, causing the area a wide fear status. You cannot withstand the darkness of the cursed realms. Wesley under the effect of fear vision felt himself loosing. "What The...? my movement speed just dropped by 50% what's this?" "Your time is up! you will be another soul trapped here for eternity!" the zombie lord said, charging forward with his sword raised. "Not so fast! I've got one more trick up my sleeve!" Wesley said. Cleansing orb of purity inventory warning: one left. This better work... He uses the orb and boom, the buff removed! No more fear! Hissing in anger the zombie Lord said, "impossible! no one has ever survived my fear aura before!" "Guess I'm not no one," Wesley smirked. He dashed in, activating 'power strike combo'. "Time to bring that health bar down. Strike, strike, strike! Crut gut! Down to 35%! You're loosing this fight, and fast." Staggering,
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