All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
159 chapters
Chapter 21
“Who or what in the world is the shadow? What player is that? And how strong can he be that would make him almost like a god? There has to be an explanation as to why he is so strong?” Wesley was restless, he learned that there was a being stronger and deadlier than the man he faced. It was only a matter of time till fate brought them together and it was not a fight he was ever going to be ready for. Lily was quiet, it was like she was scared to say anything but she looked at Wesley and saw the eagerness in his eyes. There was no telling how far Wesley would go to learn the truth but she knew that she needed to make sure that nothing was going to make him think otherwise. “You see, there was a time when there were no such things as gods but there were beings that had the powers equal to what you would call level 100. But the shadow was not one of those beings.” Wesley was a bit confused, he didn’t understand what she meant that shadow was not one of them. "It was strange but there
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Chapter 22
“So that was the great Tempest? There is nothing special about him, there is no way he would do anything to me.” The cloaked man was still standing there with his hoard of zombies, he had a smile. He was happy that he got to fight Wesley and it was not what he had expected, he thought that Tempest would have killed him. “And here I thought the warrior named Tempest would be much of a challenge for me and there is no way I would be able to defeat him. But there is no way that I expected him to be a weakling.” He was smiling at the thought of Wesley being that weak. “I see you are rather happy,” A voice said from behind the man, he stopped laughing and turned. It was like he was not expecting the voice, and he was not even sure he would be happy to see the person. “What in the world are you doing here? I wonder why you think it is nice to show up here like this, Jester.” The man turned to look at another man with a mask on. He had a strong physical appearance, his aura made the zom
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Chapter 23
“How on earth are there five of them and I was facing the weakest? That is something that should not be possible, this world should not be that vast.” Wesley looked at Beck, he was shocked to hear that there were more people like Mashle. Beck looked at him and he knew that Wesley would find it hard to believe, he too had found it hard to believe at first but there were more people in the world than anywhere he had seen. “You know that there is no way this would exist without a villain or god for them to fear. At first, I thought that there was nothing there that would even keep me from levelling up. That was when I bumped into Shadow's minions.” Beck was looking down, he didn't know how he was going to explain it all to Wesley and let him understand that the world they were in was something that they would have to make sure that they didn't die in. “You see Shadow is something that I don't want to meet now. He is somewhat a beast above all the levels I have seen and to reach Shad
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Chapter 24
Wesley had decided to follow Beck to make sure that he was going to get stronger. There was nothing that he would not give for the strength he would get. “You know shifting from the mission you have at hand would mean that you are trying to make sure you avoid the goddess’ message,” Lily spoke up looking at Wesley, she was trying to see what he would say when she told him those words. Wesley paused for a minute, he knew that there was no way he was going to get as strong as Beck if he was to limit himself like that and there was nothing there that would prepare him for another encounter with a stronger opponent. “You know, I would want to make sure that the next time someone like Mashle pops up I would be able to survive and make sure that nothing was going to make him try to kill me.” “But you can see his power is out of this world and you would have to train yourself and make sure that there is nothing that would stop you from reaching his level. And you also need to make sure th
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Chapter 25
“Alright then, we should be heading out. I don't need anything to slow us down or make us lose our path.” Beck smiled as he looked at Wesley, both of them were ready to go on the quest to get stronger and make sure that no one was going to stand in their way. “Tempest,” Lily called out, but she muttered it so it was impossible to hear her. Wesley and Beck looked at her, they saw that she was looking down. It was clear that she had something to say. “May I join you? I know you might not want me to but I will be of some help and I will make sure that there is no problem whatsoever. I just need to join you.” Lily was looking at the duo, they had a faint smile on their face showing that they were happy that she said what she wanted and not what was not on her mind. “You are always free to join us, you didn't need to ask you just needed to follow us and make sure that you keep up and that was all.” Wesley smiled, he was glad that it wasn't an attempt to stop him but she was only worri
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Chapter 26
Wesley and Lily were following Beck closely, he was surprised to learn that there were things in the world that he was not going to see if he had remained there. “Now to think I thought that I knew this world was small, I am shocked to see how big it is and how wrong I was.” Wesley looked around like a child, Beck was making sure that they would enter the land of Terrain. It was where Wesley would learned how to control his abilities and make sure that they didn't wear out on him. “You would be surprised that this world is bigger than you can imagine.” Lily was smiling, there was no telling what she meant by that. Wesley knew that it was not ideal for him not to train with Lily for a day or two but he knew that there was no need for him to even think of that since it was going to be with her. “Lily,” Wesley had remembered something that was bothering him, there was no telling what it would be if he was to think of it that way. “What is it?” Lily turned to him, she saw that there
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Chapter 27
The trio stood together with their backs as they waited for the man hiding to show himself. “I don't know what Jester is doing here but if he is here then know there is no way out for now.” Beck looked terrified, it was like he heard the voice of a ghost. Wesley saw the look on Beck's face, he knew that whoever hid in the trees had powers that would be known as a terror. “Why in the world are you scared? There is no way I would be able to stand against this one too?” Wesley looked at Beck, he was really scared. There was no way he would imagine a warrior like Beck to be scared. How could he face someone that even Beck, as strong as he is, was scared of? “Stand against me? You must be joking, you couldn't hold your own against Mashle and he is not stronger than me plus he was using restraints to fight you.” The voice was growing intense, Wesley didn't know what he was going to expect but he knew that if he was to make any mistake it would mean the end for him and it wouldn't be a
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Chapter 28
“What in the world are you saying? There is no way I will ever think of being in the middle of this world. I only want my revenge with Mashle and there is nothing else I need to make sure that I don't lose my way.” Wesley didn't want to hear anything that they had to say, he was sure that his path was the path he should have followed and there was no way he would take any other path. “Tempest, the sooner you understand that there is something about you that makes them want to kill you then you understand that there is no way you are going to be able to walk out of it alive.” Beck got up and began walking front, he didn't want to argue with Wesley and he knew that there was no way he would even let him win. Lily followed Beck, Wesley stood there and he knew that if he was to say anything else it would result in a fight that would last for the rest of the journey and he was not ready for any of that. “I better mind what I would say next rather than rant it all out and make him hate
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Chapter 29
Wesley took his stance and was ready for battle, nothing was going to stop him from finding out who it was that was following them. Wesely brought out the God Eye monocle, there was nothing that hid from him. “You know that I can feel your presence, there is nothing that you would do now that I will not see your movement.”Beck and Lily were still a bit shocked to see Wesley acting like that, but they knew that there was no way he would make things up and take his fighting stance if there was nothing there. “He had to be seeing something, I know what it is like for him to sense something.”Lily told Beck, he drew his sword knowing that no player could match his level currently. He was going to make sure that no one would pop up. “Let’s hope that he is not joking, I don’t want to make any slip-ups.”Wesley looked around there was nothing in front of him but he could feel their presence, “You know, you are still at a low level and there is no telling when you last trained yourself tempe
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Chapter 30
“Now you die!” The creature charged at Wesley at top speed, he looked at it and he knew that there was nothing about to make him dodge the attack. He was going to do something about it and it would be the end of it all, he took out his sword and waited for the creature to be close to him before he was going to release his attack.When the creature got to his front he jumped over it, he landed a blow on the creature’s back. “Take that!” Wesley was happy that he had managed to hit it but he knew that it was far from over, he had to prepare for the next attack and make sure that he didn’t know what he was going to encounter but he knew that he had managed to hit the creature and it meant that he was going to be able to stand his ground for a while.“You are something else, aren’t you? Don’t worry we will put your strength to the test and make sure that you don’t move after I am done with you. There is no way you will be able to walk after I am done roughing you up.”The creature lunged a
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