All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
159 chapters
Chapter 31
Wesley was looking at the druid in front of him, she was not like anything he had imagined them to be like and it was right there in front of him. “Woah, I don't even know what to say anymore. I never thought that beings like you would exist here. But why did you have to attack me like there was something wrong with you? You scared me and it was definitely not in a good way, I didn't know that Druids were a thing here.” The Druid smiled, it was a being of divine light and it made sense that she didn't want Wesley and his group even seeing who she was at the moment until she knew what their plans were and it was something that anyone in power would do to make sure that there was no way they would even let anyone enter Terrain like that. “You don't even know what I was prepared to do but then you took a stance to fight someone that would have killed you the moment you thought of fighting and this is no joke.” The Druid was looking at Lily and Beck, she smiled knowing that a fairy mea
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Chapter 32
FLASHBACK.Lessie looked at her younger brother, she couldn’t see the once-happy child that had a smile of hope and joy. It was replaced with a cloud of despair. “What do you mean by that? You don’t need to do more, you have done enough and they will all know that you have done enough for all of us. You don’t need to be the one that shows them what you can do.” Arion was not listening; he was determined to show everyone that he was as good as his sister. “You don’t know what it means to be behind someone’s shadow, I have done everything to make sure that I won't lose myself to it but you have never given me the chance to ever see anything else to do but work hard to make sure that you are the one that wants to prove yourself to everyone!” Arion was filled with rage; he was trying to make sure that she saw that he was not in a state to even listen to what she was saying and it was like there was nothing she was going to say to him that would even make him think of letting her get in
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Chapter 33
“What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that I was called to save this world?” Wesley was looking at Lessia, he was trying his best to keep his cool and not say anything that might seem a bit rude but he was confused as to why she would say that he was called to save their world. Lessia was looking at him with a smile, he knew that there was no way he would understand her. She was seeing something that would take him ages to see or even understand. “You were brought here to save us from Shadow, I know you might think that I am crazy and all but there is something you need to know. There is no way you would ever see it because, unlike the others you were given the all-seeing eye.” She looked at his hand, Wesley looked down to see the Monocle in his hands. He looked at her and knew that she was trying to tell him that he was someone important but nothing was showing what she was trying to say. “I thought everyone had this? Why are you looking at me like this is something spec
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Chapter 34
Wesley and Lily were confused when Beck said he was looking for hope, when he knew that there was no way they would know what it was that they were meant to do. “You need to know what your decision is from here on. I know you all are thinking of what you would do to make sure that Shadow doesn't have the upper hand but there is no telling if it will be something that you have to worry about.” Lessia was looking at the trio, there was no way they would be able to even think after all they had learnt that moment. Wesley didn't know what he would do to make sure that there was nothing that would even make it his problem but he knew that there was no telling what power he had. He wanted to make sure that he was not going to make a mistake, he was going to look for a way and see to it that he was going to stop Shadow. “You know, I came here as a normal player trying to test a game but if I had the idea that I would be facing someone that would mean the end of this world. So I don't kno
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Chapter 35
Jester headed back to Shadow’s lair, he had gotten the information he needed about Wesley. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the boy turned into an invincible warrior who would be able to do things that no other person could do.“I still have a hard time thinking about the fact that the boy I saw would be the reason why our rule will be challenged. He doesn’t look like anything that could threaten us but his power is still yet to grow and I don't know how far he will be willing to push his strength.”Jester wanted to know what he was going to be doing to make sure that he didn’t lose anything in the process of thinking of a way to defeat the threat that was going to be the end of them.He was not a fan of myths that would always end up coming through, he reached the lair and in his hands, he had what seemed to be an elixir. He was not just an errand boy but he was one of the most dangerous warriors Shadow had in his army. “You are back early,” A voice rang calmly from
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Chapter 36
Jester knew that there was nothing in the world that would make Shadow notice him. But all these years he tried to hide the fact that it was Krigg that had made him the feared being he was known as. Krigg was the one who found him and made sure that he took him in and moulded him into a warrior that could strike fear into the hearts of men. ‘All these years I kept running from the truth and there is no avoiding it now. He is the one that would always find a way for me to be better at what i am trying to do.’ Jester knew that even if he was to pull down the heavens for Shadow, he would never be more than a footnote. “So what do you suggest Lord Krigg? I don't know why he is a hard man to please.” Krigg was a silent being, he didn't even think of doing anything that would make him feel unsettled with anything he was doing. “Leave it to the powerhouses boy, Shadow is not someone you want to spend your whole life trying to impress. Besides Tempest is finally here after years of proph
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Chapter 37
Jester was never the type of person that would even think of talking to Shadow without bowing down. He was trying to make sure that he wouldn't lose his life, he knew that there was nothing that would even make the Lord of Darkness spare him. “Tell me Jester, why would you even think of coming up here to give me a fake report? You know that I can see your every move, you had Tempest in front of you and now you lost him.”“Tell me why you would think that it was something that was up to you to decide huh? You think because you have not lost a limb yet that you are something important? You are nothing but utter trash.” Shadow was the only being in the world that could call Jester trash like that and he wouldn't react. Jester even though was seen by the world as Shadows closest was only his foot soldier, a messenger and nothing more than that. “It will not happen again Lord Shadow, I will make sure that the next time I see him I will make sure that he suffers before I bring him to you
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Chapter 38
Wesley was surprised to see that the druids were waiting for them, it was like they had been waiting for him to show up. “Lessia, why are all these druids looking at me like there is something else they are looking for?” Lessia smiled when she heard Wesley’s words, “You see there is a chance that they see you as a symbol of hope; Someone sent to make sure that we don't get hurt, it is not only that you are quite the attraction.” Wesley was confused when Lessia called him an attraction, it was like he had gotten a purpose in the world where he was scared to walk when he first arrived. ‘This is odd for me, I know there is a chance that I have no way of knowing it, but I need to know what it feels like, I am now a different person here. Back in our world, I would be seen as the loser who needs to be thrown out of the planet, here I am a hero.’ Wesley was smiling as he followed Lessia closely, he was not even going to let anything make him think twice before helping them.“I know that
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Chapter 39
Wesley knew that there was no way Beck would feel like he was worth something unless someone told him that he was one of the best things that had happened to them. “You are honestly one of the best things that have happened to me. I didn't know if I was going to survive fighting Mashle but you came out of nowhere saving me from that demon and for that I am grateful.” Wesley smiled while he was trying to comfort Beck trying to make sure that nothing was going to make him feel unwanted again. Beck looked at Wesley knowing that he would not have gotten or asked for a better friend, it was like nothing was going to hold them down if they stuck together. “I will do my best to make sure that nothing makes me feel like I am not worth it anymore. Thank you, Tempest.”“Hey, call me Wes, you're practically the only real person I know.” Wesley smiled when he noticed that there was no sign of Beck thinking that he was worthless again. While Wesley and Beck were talking about the problems they
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Chapter 40
After getting his new buff, Wesley received a secret quest alongside a few other players with the option to teleport to the location using the teleportcrystal even though he hasn't registered the area. He found himself in a desert-like area. 'All of them are around level 180-210' He whispered to himself as he checked their stats. He recognized some of them as famous rankers. "How long until she arrives?" asked a tall man with long black hair, dressed in leather armor and wielding a rugged double-headed warhammer. "Can’t you be patient? You're paying for the services of the highest-level player in the area," retorted a mage known as 'Blast Burn,' her glare intense.Both men locked eyes, the tension thickening the air. Sensing the hostility, a voluptuous black-haired priestess intervened, her voice soothing but firm."Stop it. We didn’t gather here to fight each other. Joe, stop provoking them," she admonished. Both parties were in the same clan alliance, and a fight would be disast
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