All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
159 chapters
Chapter 41
"Tsk," Clara clicked her tongue in disappointment.In front of her stretched a long, dark, and gloomy passageway. The only light came from the glowing moss along the sides, resembling tiny street lamps that provided just enough illumination to navigate.They advanced slowly, the light growing brighter as they moved deeper. Soon, they reached a fork in the road: one path veered left, the other right."Hamster Head, scout ahead," Creselia instructed their Assassin, gesturing towards the left path. They already knew the correct route from their previous failed dungeon runs."Leave it to me," Hamster Head replied, striding into the left path and vanishing as he activated his "Stealth.""I thought you guys would already know what to expect inside," Clara remarked, puzzled by the need to scout when they'd been here before and even reached the dungeon boss."The map and traps don't change, but the number of monsters does. If we’re not careful, we could get into serious trouble or even suffer
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Chapter 42
"This is the closest any player or group has gotten to Shadow," Creselia remarked. Clara was working on her arrows. She would dip the tips inside a purplish liquid. "What are you doing?" Creselia asked"Putting poison on them. This will make my attacks to deal more damage and inflict a poison status." "It’s good for killing a fleeing prey." She smiled. A moment later, the group traveled all the way to the end of the passage. "Tank, get to the front!" Creselia ordered. Joe leapt forward carrying his warhammer ready. "You got it!" Clara readied her bow and arrows while Sentry created a spell circle around herself and chanted as her staff glowed. Hamster Head slipped into the shadows, moving silently."Stay close, we don’t know what’s waiting for us in here."The group trekked further into the cavern. Finally, they reached a large, open area within the cavern. The walls in the new area they reached had ancient carvings and symbols. What awaited them was a giant door. "This must
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Chapter 43
"Careful! That’s its 'Howl of the Chieftain'! Reinforcements are coming! Brace yourselves!" Creselia warned, her voice cutting through the noise of the battle.As she spoke, a magic circle materialized behind the Hobgoblin Chieftain. Six Hobgoblin Raiders emerged from it, immediately charging towards Hamster Head and Joe."Good! There are only six this time!" Sentry shouted with relief. In their previous dungeon run, the boss had summoned ten minions, including three Mages and seven Raiders, which had overwhelmed them completely, leading to a swift defeat."Tempest, I—" Creselia began, turning to Clara to instruct her on handling the minions. However, before she could finish, an arrow zipped past her and struck a Hobgoblin about to ambush Joe."You guys take care of its minions! I’ll crowd control the boss!" Clara commanded, sprinting forward while maintaining her barrage of arrows on the Chieftain. Joe planted his feet firmly, raising his warhammer to meet the oncoming Raiders. His
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Chapter 44
Meanwhile, in the vicinity of Haverah City.A lone player is currently engaged in a tough battle with a huge green skinned monster, who’s armed with a coarse shield buckler and a bronze saber."Dylan Calling..."While Wesley is fighting, a sudden interruption suddenly appeared from the corner of his eye, and it almost caused him to get struck by the "Shield Bash" of the boss in front of him."Damn...why is this dude calling me now of all times!?" Wesley cursed, as he immediately rolled to the side as he dodged a downward slash from the monster he’s battling with, and the attack struck the ground where he was standing at earlier."Accept!" Wesley yelled as he circled around and jumped at the back of the monster and stabbed the side of its neck.Gahh!The green skinned monster roared angrily, as it let go of its shield, and slapped towards Wesley who is hanging on its back, using its left hand.But the monster only struck nothing but air, because Wesley had already jumped away from its
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Chapter 45
This event marked the first legend of the player called, Tempest, as every player, from ordinary players to the elites paid attention and made sure to engraved the player called Tempest in their minds!After all, soloing a Field Boss is a huge feat, and the thought that he used a bug on the game didn’t even surfaced in their minds, as there was an announcement about the game company before that they had made sure to fix all of the loopholes inside the game with the help of its powerful Artificial intelligence that oversee the entire game world like its own goddess or god!Wesley was suddenly surprised as the system announced it without his permission."The heck I wanted to keep a low profile" Wesley smiled bitterly."Good thing, this place is in the deepest part of the forest or else there would be a horde of players heading towards here.""Oh my goodness! Was that you!?" Dylan’s voice suddenly boomed from the side.’Right, there’s still this guy’ Wesley thought as he rolled his eyes,
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Chapter 46
"Now then," Wesley mumbled as he opened the "Server Auction." He saw rows upon rows of items, with new ones added every ten seconds. "They're mostly just common grade items. Some people are even shameless enough to sell items that anyone could buy from NPCs," Wesley muttered, noticing the varied items from different cities, towns, and villages.He continued browsing, but nothing caught his eye. Switching to another tab, he listed his "Chimera Crossbow " with a starting bid of 15,00000 Gold Gold and a buyout price of 50,00000 Gold Gold. He dared to set such a high price because he hadn't seen any rare items on the "Server Auction" earlier."Okay...done," Wesley said. But just as he was about to press the "Sell" button, his hand paused mid-air."Damn...I forgot I could actually sell it to someone," Wesley said, canceling the listing and opening his friend list. He clicked on Wild Thunder’s name, remembering his promise to offer valuable items to him first. He sent the information about
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Chapter 47
Everyone present had their jaws dropped. "How did he vanish like that? Did he use 'Stealth' and slip away?""You can’t use skills inside the city, idiot!"Wesley took advantage of the distraction caused by Crescent Star and the others to quietly leave unnoticed."Hey! How did you escape that crowd? Never mind that—why did you leave? Aren’t you interested in joining one of the powerful Clans?" Wild Thunder called out."Not right now. Maybe later," Wesley replied, declining further calls."What an annoyance," Crescent moon sighed.The Solemn Takers' representative scoffed coldly and departed with his team. Scale God also left, relieved that Wesley showed no interest in joining any Clan.The other players went their separate ways. "Joining a Clan has its perks, but I won’t take orders from someone less skilled and weaker than me." He chose a quieter path to avoid drawing attention until he could find a way to conceal his identity."My time is running short... I need to move quickly,"
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Chapter 48
Meredian wasn’t just an ordinary servant of the Dawnstar Family; he had been the right-hand man of the previous head of the family. "Alright then, I’ll see what this young man’s purpose is for coming here and disturbing my leisure time," Gease stated he stood up.Wesley spotted Meredian exiting the gates and hurried towards him. "Come, the Viscount has agreed to see you." He noticed the object Wesley carried but didn’t ask about it.Wesley followed Meredian. "I just hope this is enough for me to gain access to their treasury again and retrieve that item." They soon arrived at the main hall of the mansion. Wesley saw the viscount and his daughter."I heard you have something my daughter would be interested in?" Gease’s voice echoed through the hall. "Yes," Wesley smiled. He opened the cage to reveal an azure-colored bird with a pinkish neck. It was so small it could fit on the palm of an adult. "It’s... it’s a Storm Wyvern! Oh my gosh!" Terra exclaimed with excitement. "A
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Chapter 49
Once every few months, players were granted a brief respite from the game. "Logout!" Wesley shouted, and in an instant, the screen flashed and darkness enveloped him. Gradually, light seeped back into his vision. "Ahh, I’m starving," he muttered, removing his helmet and placing it on a nearby desk. After a quick shower, Wesley changed into a black and red tracksuit, laced up his shoes, and retrieved a key from his desk drawer before leaving his apartment.Descending the stairs, Wesley checked his watch; it was still over an hour until six in the evening. He jogged to a nearby children’s park adorned with various heights of monkey bars, from the shortest just a meter off the ground to taller ones progressively higher.Arriving at the now-empty park, Wesley stretched and jumped a few times. "Let’s see if my body can keep up," he muttered, fists poised like a boxer beneath his nose.Launching forward, Wesley arched under the first monkey bar, then the second, the third, and... misjudged
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Chapter 50
Wesley and Shaw were nearing Shaw's village. As they approached, Wesley saw the village was encircled by a wooden wall made from logs with sharpened tips. Two guards holding spears stood at the gate, and the sound of metal clashing grew louder as they got closer."We’re here!" Shaw announced as they approached the gate. The gate opened, and Shaw greeted the guards as they passed.Inside, Wesley saw rows of small houses and shops, the tallest being only two floors, all made from logs like cabins. NPCs bustled around the village, greeting Shaw and curiously sizing up Wesley. These NPCs ranged in level from 190 to 220. He also noticed players running around, some solo, others in teams of two or three, engaged in various quests."This is the mining village of Scone," Shaw began, "We are all believers of God Ignealer, the lord of flames. Our village houses most of the craftsmen and blacksmiths in the kingdom."Before long, they parted ways. Wesley learned that the Redevir Kingdom, though s
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